
I have a lot of lags

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Author Message268
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(since 03-04-2013 14:07)
Joined: 31 Mar 2013
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Post Posted: 03-04-2013, 16:06:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

When I first joined Wow Freakz, I started in Genesis but I had like 5000ms sometimes 10,000... So I stopped playing there and moved to Exodus. It worked perfectly. One day I found out the Genesis works fine and I have no lags, so I played there for like 2 days straight and everything was fine. Until lags happened again... So I moved to Exodus and I have lags over there too. I can't play at all.

I tried redownloading.
I deleted Cache, WTF, Addons.
I checked on 2 other computer inside the house.
I checked my ping in other games, everything is fine and my internet is fine. my ms is constantly 20-30.

Other friends of mine from the same country are playing in Genesis and they have no lags at all. By no lags I mean we all play on like 100-200 ms and everything is perfect. But now my ms is 5000-10000!

What should I do?

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