
..:::: Most "Funny" Screenshot Event ::::..

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-04-2013, 21:01:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Event name: Most Funny Screenshot Event

Descriere event: Acest event consta in postarea a unui "print screen" din ingame wow freakz server, facut de voi, care dupa parerea voastra v-a este foarte "funny" captand unele ipostaze jenante,epic failuri (pvp,pve,global chat etc) , sau momente in care nu v-ati putut abtine de la ras si a-ti fost insipirati sa dati print screen ingame.

1.Print screen-ul pe care il postati trebuie sa fie al vostru facut ingame.
2.Print screen-ul trebuie sa fie de pe freakz.
3.Alegerea print screen-ului castigator se face prin vot.

Data eventului: Incepand de astazi si pana prin 10-15.05.13


Locul 1: 50 dkp
Locul 2: Essence of Destruction
Locul 3: 1.000 gold

Event name: Most Funny Screenshot Event

Description: This event consists in the posting of a screenshot made ingame of wow freakz server , took by you , wich in you're opinion is very "funny" in capturing some embarassing stances , epic fails (pvp,pve,global chat etc) , or some moments where you couldnt stop laughing about something ingame and where inspired to print screen it.


1.The posted print screen most belong to you.
2.The posted print screen most be on freakz server.
3.The winner will be chosen bye vote.

Event date: Starting from today till 10-15.05.13


First Place: 50 dkp
Second Place: Essence of Destruction
Third Place: 1.000 gold

Posturi unite automat, 21-04-2013, 22:01:08

Am sa incep eu cu 3 exemple de poze funny:

1. Essence of destrucion pe DKP

2.La separeu cu Ady

3.Transmog la trinketa

Acestea sunt 3 exemple de funny screenshot.
Sugerez pentru upload si postarea pozelor.

Cu respect,

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-04-2013, 21:41:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Aceasta este contributia mea - numele guildei scris cu Broiled Dragonfeast:

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 30-12-2013 11:04)
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Post Posted: 22-04-2013, 08:44:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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