
[Warlock][PvE] Guardians Stats Scale & Snapshoot

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Post Posted: 22-05-2013, 21:14:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: Infernal/Doomguard
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Infernalul si Doomguard-ul ar trebui sa faca snapshoot la stats-urile warlockului cand este summonat. La noi se scaleaza dinamic cea ce este un mare dps loss.
Ei ar trebui sa se scaleze cu Mastery(cel de la Demo doar), Spellpower, Crit, Hit si Haste(doar cel din gear, nu din trink/bl sau alte efecte).
Dovada / Proof:

P.S. Postul nu are legatura cu formula de damage de la Doomguard's Doom Bolt sau Infernal's Immolation.
P.S.2 Partea cu Mastery scale este deja postata aici, acest bug fiind prezent la toti minioni warlockului.

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: Infernal/Doomguard
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Infernal and Doomguard should snapshot warlock stats when they are summoned. Here they scale dynamically which is a great dps loss.
They should scale with mastery (demo one), spellpower, crit, hit and haste (only that from gear, not from trinkets/bl or other effects)
Dovada / Proof:

P.S. The post is not related to the damage formula for Doomguard's Doom Bolt or Infernal's Immolation.
P.S.2 Mastery issue has already been posted aici, this bug showing up with all warlock minions.

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4.3.4 Demonology Warlock PvE Guide

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