
Application for Core Guild.

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 26-06-2014 06:04)
Joined: 29 May 2013
Posts: 11, Topics: 3
Location: United States

Reputation: 83.4
Votes: 3

Post Posted: 29-05-2013, 17:34:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

In-game name : Mayonnaise

Class, race : Human, Pve Frost Death Knight.

Why I want to join Core Guild : I heard that CORE guild is in top 5 pve guilds. As well as I give respect to both aspects of the game " Pve, PvP" Like raiding with cool people and communicate with other pve players.

Armory Link :

DPS link : If you can not see, you can zoom in top right corner on the picture itself.

About myself : I've been playing wow for quite a long time already, I am very experienced with every aspect"Pve & PvP" in the game. I was in Whoracle guild before; but since some people with high rank were acting like douches, so I decided to leave it. They were too unaspiring. Though they were pretty nice guild when it comes to running a guild raid. I was participating in guild runs. I live in the United States; 19 years old, Russian, time zone is -8. I am talkative person sometimes crack jokes but sometimes can be mean every person has it, so please accept me the way I am. Thank you.

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