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Ghidul comenzilor disponibile pentru Admini
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(since 15-05-2014 14:31)
Joined: 21 Dec 2012
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Posted: 10-06-2013, 17:50:21
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Comenzile care pot fi folosite de adminii Zeus.Freakz.Ro, in functie de gradul pe care il detin:
Adminii sunt obligati sa consulte cu atentie acest ghid, si sa foloseasca in mod corespunzator comenzile de mai jos.
1: amx_addadmin <playername|auth> <accessflags> [password] [authtype] - add specified player as an admin to users.ini
2: amx_addban <name> <authid or ip> <time in minutes> <reason>
3: amx_addban <"authid" or ip> <minutes> [reason]
4: amx_advertisebet - displays bet advertising to all players
5: amx_autoteambalance
6: amx_ban <nick, #userid, authid> <time in minutes> <reason>
7: amx_ban <name or #userid> <minutes> [reason]
8: amx_banip <nick, #userid, authid> <time in minutes> <reason>
9: amx_banip <name or #userid> <minutes> [reason]
10: amx_banlist [start] -- shows everyone who
11: amx_banmenu - displays ban menu
12: amx_banreason <reason>
13: amx_blind - >nume sau #userid< -
14: amx_cancelvote - cancels last vote
15: amx_cfg <filename>
16: amx_cfgmenu - displays configs menu
17: amx_chat <message> - sends message to admins
18: amx_clcmdmenu - displays client cmds menu
19: amx_cmdmenu - displays commands menu
20: amx_color <color>
21: amx_csay <color> <message> - sends center hud message to all players
22: amx_ct
23: amx_cvar <cvar> [value]
24: amx_cvarmenu - displays cvars menu
25: amx_destroy <nume> : Ii strica CS jucatorului + screenshot
26: amx_exterminate <player>
27: amx_gag
28: amx_gag - <nume> <minute> <motiv> - Ii inchide gura prafului care a injurat.
29: amx_help <page> [nr of cmds (only for server)] - displays this help
30: amx_hpk - configures high_ping_kicker
31: amx_ignoreimmunity
32: amx_kick <name or #userid> [reason]
33: amx_kickmenu - displays kick menu
34: amx_last - list the last few disconnected clients info
35: amx_leave <tag> [tag] [tag] [tag]
36: amx_listen <1 | 0>
37: amx_llama
38: amx_map <mapname>
39: amx_mapmenu - displays changelevel menu
40: amx_menu - displays menus available to client
41: amx_modules
42: amx_namecolor <color>
43: amx_nick <name or #userid> <new nick>
44: amx_pause - pause or unpause the game
45: amx_plugincmdmenu - displays the plugin command menu
46: amx_plugincvarmenu - displays the plugin cvar menu
47: amx_plugins
48: amx_psay <name or #userid> <message> - sends private message
49: amx_racheta <nick, #userid, authid or @team>
50: amx_rcon <command line>
51: amx_reloadadmins
52: amx_resetscore - reseteaza scorul tuturor
53: amx_restart
54: amx_restartround
55: amx_rocket <nick, #userid, authid or @team>
56: amx_rr
57: amx_say <message> - sends message to all players
58: amx_showrcon <command line>
59: amx_slap <name or #userid> [power]
60: amx_slapmenu - displays slap/slay menu
61: amx_slay <name or #userid>
62: amx_slay
63: amx_slayteam @All/@T/@CT
64: amx_speechmenu - displays speech menu
65: amx_ss amx_ss <player>
66: amx_t
67: amx_teammenu - displays team menu
68: amx_tsay <color> <message> - sends left side hud message to all players
69: amx_unban <authid or ip>
70: amx_unban <"authid" or ip>
71: amx_unblind - >nume sau #userid< -
72: amx_ungag
73: amx_ungag - <nume> - Ii scoate gagul milogului.
74: amx_unllama
75: amx_vote <question> <answer#1> <answer#2>
76: amx_voteban <name or #userid>
77: amx_votebanreason <reason>
78: amx_votekick <name or #userid>
79: amx_votemap <map> [map] [map] [map]
80: amx_votemapmenu - displays votemap menu
81: amx_who - displays who is on server
82: amx_wpglow_color <red> <green> <blue>
83: amx_wpglow_mode <0|1|2|3>
84: amxmodmenu - displays menus
85: esp_menu Shows ESP Menu
86: esp_settings ESP adasdsassdasd
87: esp_toggle Toggle ESP on/off
88: say @[@|@|@][w|r|g|b|y|m|c]<text> - displays hud message
89: say /advertisebet - displays bet advertising to all players
90: say /esp_menu Shows ESP Menu
91: say /esp_toggle Toggle ESP on/off
92: say currentmap - display current map
93: say ff - display friendly fire status
94: say nextmap - displays nextmap
95: say thetime - displays current time
96: say timeleft - displays timeleft
97: say_team @<text> - displays message to admins
Spor la adminat!
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