
Cont LoL

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 21-06-2013 17:14)
Joined: 12 Jun 2013
Posts: 6, Topics: 5
Location: Romania

Reputation: 32.2
Votes: 1

Post Posted: 14-06-2013, 16:01:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Vand cont League Of Legends level 30 , cu 53 campionii : Akali , Alistar , Amumu , Annie , Ashe , Brand , Caitlyn , Cho Gath , Darius , Dr.Mundo , Evelynn , Fiddlesticks , Fizz , Gangplak , Garen , Janna , Jax , Karthus , Kassadin , Katarina , Kayle , Kha'zix , Lee Blanc , Lee Sin , Malphite , Malzahar , Master Yi , Morgana , Nasus , Nocturne , Nunu , Olaf , Pantheon , Poopy , Rammus , Rengar , Riven , Ryze, Shaco , Singed , Sion , Sivir , Soraka , Taric , Teemo , Tristana , Tryndamere , Twisted Fate , Twitch , Udyr , Veigar , Warwick , Xin Zhao.

Contul mai vine insotit de 8 skinuri : HeadHunter Rengar , Lee Sin Traditional , Lee Sin Dragon Fists , Dr.Mundoverse [Legacy] , Glaive Worrior Pantheon , Recon Teemo , Mecha Kha zix , Kayle Jugment [Legacy].

2 Pagini de rune , AP / AD : +13 armor , +31 ability power / +24 rezist magic at level 18 , psyhical dmg +11 , +13 armor , +6.4 armor penetration.

Are 1900 IP , 25 RP , contul este pe EU & West , 400 game-uri jucate la ranked ,900 game-uri la normal , boost IP 2 win-uri ramase.

Pretul este 120 RON , pret fix.

Metoda de contact : [email protected] sau skype: black.moon40.

Locatia : Bucuresti , predare personala in sectorul 5-6 / prin coletaria Romana.

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