
Blizzlike attitude on ninja

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-07-2013, 03:00:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


First of all I'm not doing any pve so this does not affect me directly but I have seen the issue on Ban request subforum.

At the moment blizzard is taking action against raid leaders that are stealing loot ( considering the amount of PUGs now on live) if they lie in their LFR announcements.
For example a "LF5M <raid>" won't be punished if the raid leader "ninja" all the loot or he is unfair when it comes to sharing the loot because he did not impose any loot rules.

More on this subject can be found here

My suggestion, so we can avoid the loss of trust in PUG system, is that the raid members that do not know the leader of the group should ask on RAID chat what are the rules of the said group (if they wish to protect themselves) and if a looting rule is given they should make a screenshot of it and provide it as proof if the raid leader decides to breach the looting rules for the said group.
If no answer is given the raid members should proceed with the group at their own risk (no action should be taken against the RL) or leave the raid group so they can avoid getting locked for that raid without getting any loot.

I don't think item restoration should be taken into account (even if the master looter breached the rules for the said raid, it is hard to determine who shall get the loot).
As for the offender the punish should be chosen by the staff but I think item removal shall be a must (if it can be tracked where it landed with ease by gms) and maybe a ban to the offender (at the moment the usual punish for this on blizzard is a 3 hours ban for a minor scam and up to 3 days for something major like whole raid for every boss).
Proof shall consist in a screenshot made at the start of the raid (with raid leader explaining the rules) and a few screenshots that can prove the leader breached the rules imposed.

As I said before I think this might be a good idea so people can have more trust in playing in raids with unknown players (considering that we don't have 5000 online players at all times) and to give a clear cut on this matter to players that might fall victims.

Thanks for reading

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Post Posted: 09-07-2013, 10:42:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I've been playing on this server for over a year and a half. During that time, I've been "ninja'd" about 3-4 times only, and that was mostly during early 4.0.6 while I was still new here. During all this time I've come up with a solution to this problem you are talking about.

Don't join PUGs, or at least make them yourself. If you can't avoid joining them, make sure you aren't joining a PUG who's leader is: Guildless, low ilvl, a member of the Blacklist, a known ninja (obviously) or from a known ninja guild. If you do this, your chances of being "ninja'd" is lowered by at least 80%.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-07-2013, 19:44:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Blizz is punishing ninja, only if a certain number of people report and the guy will only be taken the items, you wouldn't get anything, and it's not bannable. Been there for 1 year and a half, been ninja'd a few times with LFR. just find a guild, that's all I can say, but even there leaders/officers might ask for "Favours".

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