
Professional Tips for Easy Leveling

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-07-2013, 16:37:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Note: You can use this method on every class if you kill the mobs the right way and no quests are needed to be done!

Step 1: 1-20 Leveling: Here's a tip always kill mobs 5 levels atleast! above yours.. for example now you're a tauren you spawned and yes you do kill the spawn mobs untill level 5 from there you move to the next city where the mobs are at least around the level 10... don't forget you're in cataclysm you can use your map to figure out the places with level 10 mobs now after you reach level 10 you can start going on to a place known as the Barrens you can use a flight master getting there easily if you really need gold you can always do quests but it is not necessery I promise you, I'm leveling to 85 in less than 2 hours from how simple that method is... So where were we? Oh yes.. The Barrens there you can start killing mobs 15-20 easy leveling untiill 20

Step 2: 20-40 Leveling: Okay now you're level 20 the next place you gotta go is called Southern Barrens ye there are level 30 mobs there but trust me its easy killing them you need to find the correct mobs of killing find lowest HP mobs try not messing with elites or anything harmful and you'll be alright.. in the southern barrens you can level untill level 40 theres nothing else to do any more unless you really want you can continue from level 35 to Tanaris.

Step 3: 40-60 Leveling: Well this is simple. Once you're level 40 you can now go to a place called Un'Goro Crater there you can easily level to 50 and from there you can now continue to Blasted Lands the place where leads you to level 60 and from level 60 well well now you can just go orgrimmar or stormwind and use the portal taking you to shattrath city...

Step 4: 60-80 Leveling: Heh, now It's going to start being alittle hard.. as I said in the last Step you need to go to shattrath city and from there you need to take the flight master to Nagrand and in nagrand you can easily level to level 68 and once you're level 68 you can move on back to Orgrimmar / Stormwind and take the portal leading Dalaran from Dalaran you need to take Flight Master to Sholazar Basin in there... if you're a simple class that doesn't do a lot of dmg you can find there mammoths that don't really harm you.. and they will give you exp they just stand there doing nothing its a really helpful thing for leveling you can level in Sholazar untill level 78 at least.. Will be continued on next Step.

Step 5: And last! 80-85 Leveling: Once you're level 78 you can now go to Deepholm now it may seem like a very hard place but nope you can find there easy mobs with only 10k hp! ye it is certainly surprising try finding this place you can fly around and search for big mushrooms its under there make sure its the same place.. look carefully at the mobs its the last place where gets you to level 85 if you really need gear you can go to Uldum and do quests its really useful... deepholm drop very nice items too but not as much as those places..

Twilight Highlands & Uldum

That's all guys... I hope it was helpful if you need help doing stuff feel free to reply and Alliance version will be coming soon but some of those steps are helpful for ally too.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-07-2013, 02:33:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

50+ Views and no replys come on guys.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-07-2013, 06:59:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The idea of the tutorial is good but I think it lack details and in some places it's a bit on the wild side.

Firstly, "now you're a tauren", ok, what class? Some taurens can easily kill mobs 5 levels above them, Hunter (pet tanking), Paladin (heals), Druid(heals) while other can't.

Secondly, going to Un'Goro at 40 when it's a 50-55 area is kind of absurd. You will get destroyed because you will not have the gear or stats to deal with such mobs. Same thing about 60-80. Nagrand on level 60? It is going to be really hard. Nagrand is a lvl 64 area. Same for Sholazar basin at 68.

And last but not least, it's easier to level if you do quests. The title says Tips for Easy Leveling not tips for Grinding Levels Easier. Where are the quests.

I like the idea, newbies can learn from this but only if you research it more, add quests, add more diversity to your leveling areas and work on the format.


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 24-07-2013, 03:17:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yeah, I know its missing some details but really this is helpful and the way you get gear just loot the mobs you kill on the way don't forget you have high rate on drop chances, quests are useless it may be good for the gold but nothing other than that it can be good incase you want to do the nagrand one
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