
Important : Guild Vault donation

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(since 25-08-2018 14:20)
Joined: 20 Apr 2013
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Post Posted: 10-08-2013, 15:21:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cei ce vor sa contribuie la guild vault cu stack-uri de mancare sau flask,vor fi recompensati astfel :

* 1 stack de flask = 5 DKP (fara flask de spirit sau stamina)
* 1 stack de potiuni = 1 DKP
* 1 stack de mancare = 1 dkp (fara mancare cu agility,spirit,crit si haste)
* 1 chaos orb = 5 DKP
* 1 stack de volatile life,fire sau air = 2 DKP
* 1 gem rosu epic = 2 DKP

NU se accepta donatii decat cand sunt locuri libere in taburile din guild vault la mancare sau flask (flask si mancare pt intelect ,strenght au cate 2 coloane in tab)

Donatiile vor fi trimise prin mail in joc lui Sweetsugar sau Fabyaann,dupa care postati aici in topic ce ati trimis.
DKP-urile vor fi puse pe ce char veti dori .

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