
Codati by Deadshot
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Author Message29042
[Banned user]


Status: Offline
(since 26-08-2009 14:12)
Joined: 10 Jun 2008
Posts: 3430, Topics: 116
Location: Curcanland

Reputation: 84.4
Votes: 39

Post Posted: 07-02-2009, 09:07:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

SpawN nu mai posta in topicurile astea.

I'll make you an offer you can't refuse.
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[Mr. BluE]

Status: Offline
(since 30-03-2019 14:14)
Joined: 04 Mar 2008
Posts: 2365, Topics: 51
Location: Pitesti

Reputation: 455.8
Votes: 17

Post Posted: 15-02-2009, 13:05:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick : Use condoms
IP :
Reason : wall
Dovada : demo

*** , superssed & banned

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[Mr. BluE]

Status: Offline
(since 30-03-2019 14:14)
Joined: 04 Mar 2008
Posts: 2365, Topics: 51
Location: Pitesti

Reputation: 455.8
Votes: 17

Post Posted: 17-02-2009, 17:46:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick : PGl*cru3Her
IP :
Reason : aim
Dovada : demo

*** , superssed & banned

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[Mr. BluE]

Status: Offline
(since 30-03-2019 14:14)
Joined: 04 Mar 2008
Posts: 2365, Topics: 51
Location: Pitesti

Reputation: 455.8
Votes: 17

Post Posted: 20-02-2009, 18:10:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick : kpRiSaNo0b
IP : (dinamic)
Reason : neprezentare ss
Dovada :
BurN used command admin_4ss kpRiSaNo0b - screenshot #1 luat de la kpRiSaNo0b. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
[13] : multumesc mult - screenshot #2 luat de la kpRiSaNo0b. Sa Vedem Rezultatul ! - screenshot #3 luat de la kpRiSaNo0b. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
axn : nu ma - screenshot #4 luat de la kpRiSaNo0b. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
] admin_slay kpr
Clocks : tero cu scut -

hoTzU (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
kpRiSaNo0b died
*** p killed [Ondraszek]_Cuber with a headshot from awp ***
] kill
BurN died
liql0veless! killed Chicony with m4a1
hoTzU (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** [BC]Ciufulici killed liql0veless! with a headshot from m4a1 ***
qWk (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** [13] killed John Cena with a headshot from m4a1 ***
[ADMIN] kpRiSaNo0b was struck down by BurN's wrath.
qWk (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
BebYS killed p with deagle
*** [13] killed [BC]Ciufulici with a headshot from m4a1 ***
qWk killed BebYS with deagle
*** infinity killed axu with a headshot from awp ***
hoTzU (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*ALIVE*Xz*AsAsiNu : "timleft"
Message from Admin (BurN): hai spec kpr
*ALIVE*Xz*AsAsiNu : "timelweeft"
Clocks killed hoTzU with m4a1
*DEAD* [BC]Ciufulici : DATE VACO

axn killed Gaby@Style with ak47
*** Cr3ator killed fury with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* [BC]Ciufulici : -

hoTzU dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
hoTzU has left the game
[13] killed NEw PLAyer with m4a1
*** [13] killed Xz*AsAsiNu with a headshot from m4a1 ***
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
*** beby killed [13] with a headshot from awp ***
infinity killed biba with awp
Xz*AsAsiNu dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
Xz*AsAsiNu has left the game
Time remaining on map: 6 minutes
infinity killed Axel with awp
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
hiper dropped
*ALIVE*Xz*AsAsiNu : "timeleft"
*DEAD* p : hai frate cu scut cu astea..

The next map will be: de_dust2
BlaCkO connected
*DEAD* Chicony : nextmap

Axel dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
Axel has left the game
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
Clocks killed qWk with m4a1
axn killed bubblegirl with knife
Nane connected
*DEAD* fury : -

Axel connected
Message from Admin (BurN): kpr treci spec
*DEAD* Chicony : vot

*DEAD* Chicony : v

Axel is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Nane is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*** beby killed Lopital with a headshot from deagle ***
*ALIVE*axn : "scz"
*DEAD* Chicony : o

*DEAD* bubblegirl : Surprise

BlaCkO is joining the Terrorist force
milten killed beby with m4a1
*DEAD* Chicony : t

*ALIVE*axn : ":-s"
*ALIVE*axn : "nu am vrut"
*DEAD* BebYS : buble -

*ALIVE*axn : "nu m-am putut abtine"
infinity killed milten with deagle
*DEAD* bubblegirl : -

*DEAD* BebYS : -

*ALIVE*axn : "-"
Message from Admin (BurN): kpr ai fix 10 sec sa treci spec si sa dai id de mess
*DEAD* bubblegirl : -

*DEAD* [13] : nu mai aude acum

*ALIVE*[13] : "-"
*ALIVE*BebYS : "mai ma iubesti -"
infinity killed qWk with awp
*ALIVE*axn : "uite"
*** p killed [Ondraszek]_Cuber with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*ALIVE*bubblegirl : "cine esti?"
*ALIVE*Nane : "sall all"
*** p killed [BC]Ciufulici with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** Cr3ator killed biba with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*ALIVE*axn : "cum copiaza astia replicile mele"
infinity killed fury with awp
] admin_slap kpr
*ALIVE*axn : "Sigh"
*ALIVE*liql0veless! : "pui de axn"
*** Axel killed Clocks with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** p killed int with a headshot from ak47 ***
p killed Chicony with ak47
*ALIVE*liql0veless! : "n a"
*** p killed Just C0sm1n with a headshot from ak47 ***
milten killed Cr3ator with m4a1
*ALIVE*axn : "ea"
*ALIVE*axn : "fano"
Command: BurN used command admin_slap kpRiSaNo0b
*ALIVE*axn : "fani"
p killed John Cena with m4a1
*ALIVE*BebYS : "axn mai bn taci "
Time remaining on map: 4 minutes
] admin_slap kpr
*DEAD* biba : timeleft

infinity killed p with awp
kpRiSaNo0b died
*ALIVE*BebYS : "pls"
infinity killed milten with deagle
Message from Admin (BurN): kpr spec
axn killed Axel with awp
The next map will be: de_dust2
*DEAD* biba : nextmap

*ALIVE*BebYS : "ca tio dau la scoica"
*DEAD* Clocks : bah au trecut de mult 20 sec -

*** Mar!a killed Nane with a headshot from m4a1 ***
axn killed axu with awp
*SPEC* BurN : astept id

(Spectator) kpRiSaNo0b : al3x_93

Time remaining on map: 4 minutes
*DEAD* int : timeleft

(Spectator) kpRiSaNo0b : am fost afk

pe mess i-am dat vreo 6 buzzuri si am incercat sa dau de el timp de 3 minute...
*** , superssed & banned

L.E. : a intrat dupa 10 min pe mess...mi-a dat ssurile si e ok -

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[Mr. BluE]

Status: Offline
(since 30-03-2019 14:14)
Joined: 04 Mar 2008
Posts: 2365, Topics: 51
Location: Pitesti

Reputation: 455.8
Votes: 17

Post Posted: 20-02-2009, 18:32:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick : 7EvEn Up
IP :
Reason : neprezentare ss , 100 % avea wall
Dovada :
BurN used command admin_4ss 7EvEn Up
mNmL - killed Just C0sm1n with m4a1 - screenshot #1 luat de la 7EvEn Up. Sa Vedem Rezultatul ! - screenshot #2 luat de la 7EvEn Up. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
b0SHH killed LVI with deagle
*** 7EvEn Up killed MamarutZa^ with a headshot from ak47 ***
] admin_slay even
7EvEn Up died - screenshot #3 luat de la 7EvEn Up. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
*ALIVE*int : ":<"
Pvt.Brando killed axu with awp - screenshot #4 luat de la 7EvEn Up. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
LVI dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
LVI has left the game
[ADMIN] 7EvEn Up was struck down by BurN's wrath.
fury killed int with m4a1
liql0veless! (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Pvt.Brando killed milten with awp
bubblegirl (RADIO): Need backup.
*DEAD* Nane : are ceva ala -

Message from Admin (BurN): 7even up hai spec
*DEAD* 7EvEn Up : oh ****

"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
Gaby@Style killed b0SHH with m4a1
bubblegirl (RADIO): Need backup.
Funk killed Pvt.Brando with awp
Message from Admin (BurN): sa predai ssurile
biba killed emoxM with m4a1
biba (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Pvt.Brando dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
Pvt.Brando has left the game
*** biba killed Funk with a headshot from m4a1 ***
mNmL - (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* Nane : -

mNmL - (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Wrath of God killed Ghs with grenade
kpRiSaNo0b killed Gaby@Style with ak47
bubblegirl (RADIO): Affirmative.
*DEAD* 7EvEn Up : HE

*** Clocks killed axn with a headshot from m4a1 ***
kpRiSaNo0b killed Clocks with ak47
*DEAD* Funk : tu esti

*vest* bEbItZa connected
axu is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* Nane : face ca OHH -

Wrath of God killed mNmL - with g3sg1
Mar!a (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
liql0veless! killed kpRiSaNo0b with awp
*** Wrath of God killed Lopital with a headshot from g3sg1 ***
bubblegirl (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
Wrath of God killed biba with g3sg1
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
kpRiSaNo0b has left the game
LVI connected
] *** even
Message from Admin (BurN): 7even up treci spectator !

*** , superssed & banned

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[Mr. BluE]

Status: Offline
(since 30-03-2019 14:14)
Joined: 04 Mar 2008
Posts: 2365, Topics: 51
Location: Pitesti

Reputation: 455.8
Votes: 17

Post Posted: 22-02-2009, 00:00:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick : Andrey
IP :
Reason : wall & aim
Dovada : demo

*** , superssed & banned

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[Mr. BluE]

Status: Offline
(since 30-03-2019 14:14)
Joined: 04 Mar 2008
Posts: 2365, Topics: 51
Location: Pitesti

Reputation: 455.8
Votes: 17

Post Posted: 22-02-2009, 17:40:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick : marK.O.
IP :
Reason : wall & aim
Dovada : demo

*** , superssed & banned

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[Mr. BluE]

Status: Offline
(since 30-03-2019 14:14)
Joined: 04 Mar 2008
Posts: 2365, Topics: 51
Location: Pitesti

Reputation: 455.8
Votes: 17

Post Posted: 23-02-2009, 12:41:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick : ^SniPer^
IP :
Reason : wall & aim
Dovada : demo

*** , superssed & banned.

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 06-01-2019 14:02)
Joined: 21 Jun 2007
Posts: 127, Topics: 18
Location: Bucuresti

Reputation: 353
Votes: 4

Post Posted: 24-02-2009, 18:19:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick : R3ykol
IP :
Reason : wall
Dovada :
ion l-a banat burn l-a depistat:))

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[Mr. BluE]

Status: Offline
(since 30-03-2019 14:14)
Joined: 04 Mar 2008
Posts: 2365, Topics: 51
Location: Pitesti

Reputation: 455.8
Votes: 17

Post Posted: 25-02-2009, 17:28:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick : n3l0
IP :
Reason : neprezentare ss
Dovada :

BurN used command admin_4ss n3l0
] admin_slay n3l - screenshot #1 luat de la n3l0. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
n3l0 died - screenshot #2 luat de la n3l0. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
Zorah connected
Zorah is joining the Terrorist force - screenshot #3 luat de la n3l0. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
fReAk killed rasputin with awp
ion.mzk killed *0ranGe ! extrem with awp - screenshot #4 luat de la n3l0. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
FLorinakeE killed LArisul with awp
*** b0SHH killed Luduuu * bolandu with a headshot from awp ***
fReAk killed *** with awp
[ADMIN] n3l0 was struck down by BurN's wrath.
*DEAD* n3l0 : haha

b0SHH killed TheChamp with awp
ysSa killed FLorinakeE with awp
b0SHH killed danny_spulber with awp
inSurgentu is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Message from Admin (BurN): hai spec n3l0
"public_slots_free" changed to "5"
b0SHH killed $t3K3R${PROTONN} - with awp
*ALIVE*TheChamp : "aaawd"
(Admin) luunatiq: burn da-i si ***
fReAk killed darius with awp
Message from Admin (BurN): si da id de mess
*DEAD* n3l0 : k

ion.mzk killed b0SHH with awp
"public_slots_free" changed to "4"
*SPEC* BurN : id

darius dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "6"
darius has left the game
ion.mzk killed dante_rmg with awp
FLorinakeE killed LArisul with awp
luunatiq killed ion.mzk with awp
Merlin connected
inSurgentu killed ysSa with awp
*SPEC* n3l0 : da id

6 555 42 connected
danny_spulber killed *** with awp
TACI killed FLorinakeE with awp
"public_slots_free" changed to "4"
Merlin is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
sefu connected
TACI killed John with awp
*** dropped
*** has left the game
(Admin) luunatiq:
TACI killed rasputin with awp
NabSlaSh connected
b0SHH killed TACI with awp
luunatiq killed fReAk with awp
b0SHH killed TheChamp with awp
*SPEC* n3l0 : k

luunatiq killed Zozu with awp
sefu is joining the Terrorist force
inSurgentu killed Luduuu * bolandu with awp
danny_spulber killed luunatiq with awp
b0SHH killed danny_spulber with awp
NabSlaSh is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Zorah killed inSurgentu with awp
*SPEC* n3l0 : n3l0_m92

6 555 42 is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
b0SHH killed $t3K3R${PROTONN} - with awp
*** Zorah killed *0ranGe ! extrem with a headshot from knife ***
*SPEC* BurN : hai pe mess

b0SHH killed Zorah with awp
*SPEC* n3l0 : zi cum se numesc pozele

sefu killed NabSlaSh with awp
Merlin killed sefu with awp
*DEAD* FLorinakeE : hai extrem

*DEAD* ysSa : itzi zice pe mess

FLorinakeE killed LArisul with awp
danny_spulber killed b0SHH with awp
inSurgentu killed TheChamp with awp
ysSa killed *0ranGe ! extrem with awp
ion.mzk killed luunatiq with awp
6 555 42 killed sefu with awp
*** ion.mzk killed dante_rmg with a headshot from awp ***
Merlin killed Zozu with awp
*DEAD* FLorinakeE : ca sunt pt tine

ion.mzk killed inSurgentu with awp
6 555 42 killed Luduuu * bolandu with awp
Zorah killed John with awp
*DEAD* FLorinakeE : slaB

*** ion.mzk killed rasputin with a headshot from awp ***
FLorinakeE killed fReAk with awp
*** Merlin killed Zorah with a headshot from knife ***
LArisul dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "5"
LArisul has left the game
"public_slots_free" changed to "4"
*DEAD* *0ranGe ! extrem : - se misca urat cateodata

ion.mzk killed FLorinakeE with awp
LArisul connected
TACI killed 6 555 42 with awp
Merlin killed ysSa with awp
*** ion.mzk killed Merlin with a headshot from awp ***
LArisul is joining the Terrorist force
*ALIVE*FLorinakeE : "da"
Time remaining on map: 10 minutes
*DEAD* inSurgentu : timeleft

NabSlaSh killed TACI with awp
*DEAD* FLorinakeE : doamne

The next map will be: de_aztec
***SCORPION*** is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
inSurgentu dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "5"
inSurgentu has left the game
Zorah dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "6"
Zorah has left the game
*** ion.mzk killed NabSlaSh with a headshot from awp ***
*DEAD* inSurgentu : nextmap

The next map will be: de_aztec
*DEAD* fReAk : nextmap

Time remaining on map: 10 minutes
*SPEC* ***SCORPION*** : timeleft

luunatiq killed ion.mzk with awp
*0ranGe ! extrem killed sefu with awp
NabSlaSh killed TheChamp with awp
"public_slots_free" changed to "5"
John killed TACI with awp
k1 dropped
*DEAD* Luduuu * bolandu : sefu sunal pe tome si zi sa intre si el

John killed LArisul with awp
NabSlaSh killed fReAk with awp
luunatiq killed danny_spulber with awp
FLorinakeE killed $t3K3R${PROTONN} - with awp
TheChamp dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "7"
TheChamp has left the game
*DEAD* fReAk : vot?

John killed Zozu with awp
Luduuu * bolandu killed FLorinakeE with awp
b0SHH killed ysSa with awp
Luduuu * bolandu killed Merlin with awp
Time remaining on map: 10 minutes
Luduuu * bolandu killed dante_rmg with awp
*ALIVE*LArisul : timeleft
Luduuu * bolandu killed rasputin with awp
Time remaining on map: 9 minutes
*DEAD* LArisul : timeleft

John killed Luduuu * bolandu with knife
(Admin) ion.mzk: am scos hudu
FLorinakeE killed Zozu with awp
*SPEC* n3l0 : burn

FLorinakeE killed danny_spulber with awp
luunatiq killed $t3K3R${PROTONN} - with awp
fReAk killed John with awp
6 555 42 killed TACI with awp
Luduuu * bolandu killed NabSlaSh with awp
(Admin) ion.mzk: mai e vorbareala ? -
ion.mzk killed rasputin with awp
Merlin killed sefu with knife
FLorinakeE killed ysSa with awp
Luduuu * bolandu killed Merlin with awp
LArisul killed dante_rmg with awp
*SPEC* n3l0 : ma

The next map will be: de_aztec
fReAk killed FLorinakeE with awp
*ALIVE*TACI : "nextmap"
*SPEC* BurN : hai azi pe mess

FLorinakeE is joining the Terrorist force
"public_slots_free" changed to "6"
fReAk killed luunatiq with awp
***SCORPION*** killed Luduuu * bolandu with awp
(Admin) John: mananc
fReAk killed 6 555 42 with awp
(Admin) BurN: pb
NabSlaSh dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "7"
NabSlaSh has left the game
(Admin) John: brb
*** ***SCORPION*** killed ion.mzk with a headshot from awp ***
LArisul killed *0ranGe ! extrem with awp
S [Iv] U | HH connected
(Admin) BurN: sa-ti stea in gat
S [Iv] U | HH is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
(Admin) John: ms
***SCORPION*** killed LArisul with knife
(Admin) John: murirai
***SCORPION*** killed fReAk with knife
(Admin) BurN: -
(Admin) LArisul: -
ion.mzk killed ***SCORPION*** with awp
(Admin) BurN: haha te-a feliat -
FLorinakeE killed 6 555 42 with awp
*** S [Iv] U | HH killed sefu with a headshot from awp ***
b0SHH killed FLorinakeE with awp
*SPEC* n3l0 : burn

luunatiq killed TACI with awp
luunatiq killed ysSa with awp
LArisul killed Merlin with awp
*** b0SHH killed LArisul with a headshot from awp ***
ion.mzk killed S [Iv] U | HH with awp
"public_slots_free" changed to "6"
*ALIVE*Luduuu * bolandu : "da sunal sa intre si el"
danny_spulber killed rasputin with knife
"public_slots_free" changed to "5"
luunatiq killed ion.mzk with awp
(Admin) ***SCORPION***: c f bodi ? -)
Advocad connected
head shot nou stop si nu am cod connected
dante_rmg killed Zozu with awp
*SPEC* BurN : intrii azi pe mess?

luunatiq killed $t3K3R${PROTONN} - with awp
head shot nou stop si nu am cod is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
b0SHH killed Luduuu * bolandu with awp
(Admin) LArisul: -
Advocad is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*0ranGe ! extrem killed fReAk with awp
b0SHH killed danny_spulber with awp
*SPEC* n3l0 : n3lu_m92

"public_slots_free" changed to "4"
*SPEC* n3l0 : asat ii

*** dante_rmg killed ion.mzk with a headshot from awp ***
b0SHH killed sefu with awp
SgL.Sc.cN connected
6 555 42 killed FLorinakeE with awp
"public_slots_free" changed to "3"
ysSa killed S [Iv] U | HH with awp
*** luunatiq killed ysSa with a headshot from awp ***
*SPEC* BurN : lol..

i-am dat cateva buzzuri pe mess + mesaje timp de 5 minute si nimic...i-am lasat adresa forumului , daca are chef sa le posteze , il rog sa o faca aici...
*** , superssed & banned

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[Mr. BluE]

Status: Offline
(since 30-03-2019 14:14)
Joined: 04 Mar 2008
Posts: 2365, Topics: 51
Location: Pitesti

Reputation: 455.8
Votes: 17

Post Posted: 06-03-2009, 14:16:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

cithars 4 za warn Sigh

Nick : cikis
IP :
Reason : wall & aim
Dovada : demo

*** , superssed & banned


Nick : ^-_-CrysTy^-_-
IP :
Reason : sphinhack
Dovada : demo

*** , superssed & banned

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[Mr. BluE]

Status: Offline
(since 30-03-2019 14:14)
Joined: 04 Mar 2008
Posts: 2365, Topics: 51
Location: Pitesti

Reputation: 455.8
Votes: 17

Post Posted: 13-03-2009, 21:21:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick : P!TBUL
IP :
Reason : wall & aim
Dovada : demo

*** , superssed & banned

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[Mr. BluE]

Status: Offline
(since 30-03-2019 14:14)
Joined: 04 Mar 2008
Posts: 2365, Topics: 51
Location: Pitesti

Reputation: 455.8
Votes: 17

Post Posted: 15-03-2009, 07:37:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick : zzz
IP :
Reason : wall
Dovada : demo

*** , superssed & banned

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[Mr. BluE]

Status: Offline
(since 30-03-2019 14:14)
Joined: 04 Mar 2008
Posts: 2365, Topics: 51
Location: Pitesti

Reputation: 455.8
Votes: 17

Post Posted: 15-03-2009, 19:49:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick : Arssura
IP :
Reason : neprezentare ss
Dovada :
BurN used command admin_4ss Arssura - screenshot #1 luat de la Arssura. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
BurN is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* PaNaiTu^ : arssura e codat! - screenshot #2 luat de la Arssura. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
Arssura died - screenshot #3 luat de la Arssura. Sa Vedem Rezultatul ! - screenshot #4 luat de la Arssura. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
"public_slots_free" changed to "4"
*DEAD* black_death : n-are nici pe buci -

] kill
BurN died
black_death : o sa vada si adminu -

Message from Admin (BurN): hai spec arssura
Romeo Fantastik killed Woo with ak47
Z[O]mL3s # TaoFanK connected
*DEAD*Arssura : "o ****"
*** LArisul killed PaNaiTu^ with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD*Arssura : "zi id :\"
Z[O]mL3s # TaoFanK is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
"public_slots_free" changed to "3"
*ALIVE*black_death : "dai add -"
*SPEC* BurN : zi tu id

*** CostigaN killed Ice-BreaKer with a headshot from galil ***
*ALIVE*black_death : "ballack.boom @yahoo****"
Romeo Fantastik killed Domnu` Brando with ak47
LArisul killed RaZoR with m4a1
Chicony killed Romeo Fantastik with usp
*ALIVE*black_death : "ala e "
felixcat killed Chicony with ak47
LArisul killed Shtephan with m4a1
black_death killed m4st3r i0nutz with glock18
*ALIVE*black_death : "dai add -"
bogdan_22 connected
Yabu killed shudd3r with deagle
*** CostigaN killed coolgud03 with a headshot from galil ***
*SPEC* BurN : hai pe mess

Yabu killed LArisul with deagle
mobster killed Yabu with m4a1
*SPEC* Arssura : gogu

shudd3r dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "4"
shudd3r has left the game
"public_slots_free" changed to "3"
"public_slots_free" changed to "4"
okan has left the game
bogdan_22 is joining the Terrorist force
*SPEC* Arssura : dai id ?

"public_slots_free" changed to "3"
shudd3r connected
shudd3r is joining the Terrorist force
Command: LArisul used command admin_kick okan

okan connected
okan is joining the Terrorist force
PaNaiTu^ killed Romeo Fantastik with m4a1
*SPEC* Arssura : DAI ID ?

*ALIVE*black_death : "ti-a dat add"
PaNaiTu^ killed Berserk with m4a1
mobster killed Chicony with m4a1
*SPEC* Arssura : nu imi apare nimic

LArisul killed Z[O]mL3s # TaoFanK with ak47
*ALIVE*black_death : ""
*ALIVE*black_death : ""
*** LArisul killed Domnu` Brando with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** Bl!nKy killed Woo with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LArisul killed m4st3r i0nutz with a headshot from ak47 ***
*ALIVE*black_death : "burnn"
Domnu` Brando dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "4"
Domnu` Brando has left the game
"public_slots_free" changed to "3"
*** d1v1k killed coolgud03 with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* Berserk : -

*** d1v1k killed RaZoR with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Domnu` Brando connected
*** Bl!nKy killed Yabu with a headshot from ak47 ***
*SPEC* Arssura : BURNN

Domnu` Brando is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*SPEC* BurN : ti-am dat buzz pe idu ala

*SPEC* BurN : !

d1v1k killed Ice-BreaKer with deagle
*ALIVE*black_death : "ballack.boom @yahoo . com"
*ALIVE*black_death : "ala e"
*SPEC* BurN : da

"public_slots_free" changed to "4"
okan has left the game
d1v1k killed Shtephan with knife
*SPEC* Arssura : da ba idu

*SPEC* BurN : sigur?

*SPEC* Arssura : ca ai gresit

*SPEC* Arssura : -.-

bogdan_22 killed PaNaiTu^ with deagle
Command: LArisul used command admin_kick okan
*DEAD* Ice-BreaKer : ,))

"public_slots_free" changed to "3"
*ALIVE*black_death : "tot ala e id "
"public_slots_free" changed to "2"
*ALIVE*black_death : "-))"
Lollypop connected
okan connected
*** LArisul killed PaNaiTu^ with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** Bl!nKy killed Chicony with a headshot from ak47 ***
*SPEC* Arssura : ballack.boom add mess

Lollypop is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
d1v1k killed Z[O]mL3s # TaoFanK with m4a1
okan is joining the Terrorist force
Domnu` Brando killed d1v1k with deagle
*** Yabu killed aKa with a headshot from m4a1 ***
"public_slots_free" changed to "3"
Shtephan has left the game
*SPEC* BurN : da amice pe ala ti-am dat add

Domnu` Brando killed LArisul with deagle
shudd3r killed Domnu` Brando with m4a1
coolgud03 killed Myky -> No Sound with tmp
Bl!nKy killed Yabu with grenade
*SPEC* BurN : buzz pardon

"public_slots_free" changed to "4"
okan has left the game
*** black_death killed m4st3r i0nutz with a headshot from ak47 ***
Command: Lollypop used command admin_kick Shtephan
(Spectator) Arssura : wtf ?

"public_slots_free" changed to "3"
Berserk killed Ice-BreaKer with ak47
felixcat killed RaZoR with ak47
mobster killed coolgud03 with m4a1
Command: Lollypop used command admin_kick okan
Shtephan connected
(Spectator) BurN : da buzz pe andikutzu

Shtephan is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
"public_slots_free" changed to "4"
Ice-BreaKer has left the game
Romeo Fantastik killed Woo with ak47
"public_slots_free" changed to "3"
Ice-BreaKer connected
shudd3r is joining the Counter-Terrorist force (auto)
Ice-BreaKer is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* Yabu : mori ma -

(Spectator) Arssura : nu am ma nimic esti nebun ?

(Spectator) Arssura : asa

Chicony is joining the Terrorist force
Romeo Fantastik killed Shtephan with ak47
(Spectator) Arssura : imediat

"public_slots_free" changed to "2"
LArisul killed shudd3r with ak47
kick dropped
LArisul killed PaNaiTu^ with m4a1
Lollypop killed d1v1k with m4a1
*ALIVE*Bl!nKy : "-"
black_death killed Z[O]mL3s # TaoFanK with ak47
black_death killed Woo with ak47
Z[O]mL3s # TaoFanK killed black_death with grenade
kick connected
(Admin) Lollypop: hi
m4st3r i0nutz killed bogdan_22 with m3
kick is joining the Terrorist force
Romeo Fantastik killed m4st3r i0nutz with ak47
LArisul killed Lollypop with m4a1
mobster killed RaZoR with m4a1
(Admin) BurN: hi
Romeo Fantastik killed Ice-BreaKer with ak47
*** Berserk killed Domnu` Brando with a headshot from ak47 ***
Romeo Fantastik killed coolgud03 with deagle
*DEAD* d1v1k : dal ma de aici

mobster killed Yabu with m4a1
"public_slots_free" changed to "3"
kick has left the game
(Spectator) BurN : azi?

Command: LArisul used command admin_kick kick
"public_slots_free" changed to "2"
*** Ice-BreaKer killed d1v1k with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** Lollypop killed Myky -> No Sound with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* d1v1k : date ma de aici

LArisul killed shudd3r with m4a1
LArisul killed Domnu` Brando with m4a1
Ice-BreaKer killed CostigaN with m4a1
moromete connected
shudd3r dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "3"
shudd3r has left the game
PaNaiTu^ killed LArisul with m4a1
*** Shtephan killed mobster with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Berserk killed Ice-BreaKer with ak47
*** Berserk killed PaNaiTu^ with a headshot from ak47 ***
bogdan_22 killed coolgud03 with ak47
Bl!nKy killed m4st3r i0nutz with knife
*DEAD* d1v1k : but mai esti

Berserk killed RaZoR with ak47
moromete is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Shtephan killed Bl!nKy with m4a1
"public_slots_free" changed to "2"
bogdan_22 killed Z[O]mL3s # TaoFanK with ak47
black_death killed Yabu with g3sg1
*SPEC* Arssura : dude

"public_slots_free" changed to "3"
d1v1k has left the game
LOTTO dropped
(Spectator) Arssura : tiam dat add

Shtephan killed Romeo Fantastik with m4a1
*** Berserk killed Woo with a headshot from deagle ***
(Spectator) Arssura : si buzz

*** Lollypop killed aKa with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Shtephan killed bogdan_22 with m4a1
"public_slots_free" changed to "2"
Command: Lollypop used command admin_kick d1v1k
Shtephan killed black_death with m4a1
CostigaN dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "3"

i-am dat 2 buzzuri , dupa 2 minute mi-a aparut un buzz de la el + 5 mesaje aiurea , apoy i-am scris pe mess sa dea ssurile si nu mi-a mai aparut nimic . daca e ceva sa faca topic separat .

*** , superssed & banned

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[Mr. BluE]

Status: Offline
(since 30-03-2019 14:14)
Joined: 04 Mar 2008
Posts: 2365, Topics: 51
Location: Pitesti

Reputation: 455.8
Votes: 17

Post Posted: 22-03-2009, 13:11:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick : Xenon88
IP :
Reason : wall
Dovada : ss1 arhiva cele 4 ssuri

*** , superssed & banned

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