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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-08-2013, 17:59:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This is really going on my nerves ... like first of all, to go for Hagara u have to kill Ultra, but since he is not yet scripted, u have to choose between Zon and Yor to progress further ... not like now ... now you have to kill both of them to reach Hagara? Like what is this? Didnt u say at the beginning that this is a blizzlike server? And another thing, make Zon easier on HC. Zon 25HC is impossible without the t13[4] set bonus. Just my thoughts on the current situation. There are many other things that we can talk about but please i want this topic to be about opinions on DS.
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Post Posted: 30-08-2013, 18:09:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

"Make Zon'ozz easier on HC" lol. It's not impossible to kill him, you just need a good group. Your guild does a couple of HC kills every week (correct me if I'm wrong), so why is it a problem? Only thing that Zon'ozz has a problem with right now is that the spell timers aren't correct (sometimes casts Drain and ball at the same time, *** annoying tbh).

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-08-2013, 18:10:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Macedo931 wrote:
"Make Zon'ozz easier on HC" lol. It's not impossible to kill him, you just need a good group. Your guild does a couple of HC kills every week (correct me if I'm wrong), so why is it a problem? Only thing that Zon'ozz has a problem with right now is that the spell timers aren't correct (sometimes casts Drain and ball at the same time, *** annoying tbh).

are you aware that none of the pve guilds on freakz havent killed zon25hc yet except HKP(lol)?

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[Vicious Gladiator]

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Post Posted: 30-08-2013, 18:31:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The amount of damage that zon'ozz does is just crazy including both normal and heroic.Same shit was back in 4.0.6 i was having troubles with full gear and decent group,Rajh (HOO's last boss),Stonecore... especially 1st boss in Stonecore.When i first logged in Cataclysm was on the same patch that freakz was (in retail) a friend just gave me his account to see how it is and i decided to log with the least geared character.I had green/blue items and just joined heroic Halls of Origination and we cleared the entire dungeon without any troubles and year later when freakz was still 4.0.6 i was amazed that bosses does incredible amount of damage.If you decide to script any stuff in the future please first fix everything and then post "New boss fixed in Dragon Soul" ...

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-08-2013, 19:38:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I wonder how new ppls will kill zonozz hc with only morchok hc and without full ds normal i wonder .
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Post Posted: 30-08-2013, 19:49:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

rhoperese wrote:
I wonder how new ppls will kill zonozz hc with only morchok hc and without full ds normal i wonder .

They won't,PVE will die, at least on Exodus, the guilds which used to do heroic raids will survive, but the pugs won't ever get past zon'ozz on heroic difficulty to do yor'sahj which at least was 'farmable' for them and they'll either leave the server or run into PVP ruining that as well..

Also just to quote Shocker from his global reply, it was something like this ".. level up, do dungeons, do dragon soul, if you can't, do dungeons." The problem is, we DON'T have dungeons just End Time with 3 bosses, nothing more.. if you really want us to do something, make it for us then while you are gathering up the money from people with the donations.

Btw since the server is not close to blizzlike, lots of things are different,so you can leave these kind of kill orders in bosses, at least be helpful with the people.There is nothing much to do atm, just Dragon Soul with 4 bosses and ET for PVE and if you cut them from 3 bosses, they'll just leave from here.PVP is boring and unbalanced, they got only naked people in bgs or if they are lucky, vicius geared ones.

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Post Posted: 30-08-2013, 19:59:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

alexthewarrior1 wrote:
Macedo931 wrote:
"Make Zon'ozz easier on HC" lol. It's not impossible to kill him, you just need a good group. Your guild does a couple of HC kills every week (correct me if I'm wrong), so why is it a problem? Only thing that Zon'ozz has a problem with right now is that the spell timers aren't correct (sometimes casts Drain and ball at the same time, *** annoying tbh).

are you aware that none of the pve guilds on freakz havent killed zon25hc yet except HKP(lol)?

Lol, how wrong can you be. There are A LOT of guilds that defeated zon25hc.

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[Bone Fletcher]

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Post Posted: 30-08-2013, 20:01:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I for one welcome this fix, there will be a lot less rogues now without the t1 daggers since they wont be free.Also guildies will stop making alts since they cant get carried anymore.
But yeah this will kill hc raiding for ~90% of all guilds since they cant kill zon'ozz so RIP pugs was nice knowing you.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-08-2013, 20:04:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zohlomg wrote:
alexthewarrior1 wrote:
Macedo931 wrote:
"Make Zon'ozz easier on HC" lol. It's not impossible to kill him, you just need a good group. Your guild does a couple of HC kills every week (correct me if I'm wrong), so why is it a problem? Only thing that Zon'ozz has a problem with right now is that the spell timers aren't correct (sometimes casts Drain and ball at the same time, *** annoying tbh).

are you aware that none of the pve guilds on freakz havent killed zon25hc yet except HKP(lol)?

Lol, how wrong can you be. There are A LOT of guilds that defeated zon25hc.

"Lot"? Please give me at least two guilds on freakz that defeated zon25hc except HKP. Man ....its damn impossible to defeat zon25hc without donation or smth ...if u deny this u want to say that my whole wow life is wrong?

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Post Posted: 30-08-2013, 20:06:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

alexthewarrior1 wrote:
Zohlomg wrote:
alexthewarrior1 wrote:
Macedo931 wrote:
"Make Zon'ozz easier on HC" lol. It's not impossible to kill him, you just need a good group. Your guild does a couple of HC kills every week (correct me if I'm wrong), so why is it a problem? Only thing that Zon'ozz has a problem with right now is that the spell timers aren't correct (sometimes casts Drain and ball at the same time, *** annoying tbh).

are you aware that none of the pve guilds on freakz havent killed zon25hc yet except HKP(lol)?

Lol, how wrong can you be. There are A LOT of guilds that defeated zon25hc.

"Lot"? Please give me at least two guilds on freakz that defeated zon25hc except HKP. Man ....its damn impossible to defeat zon25hc without donation or smth ...if u deny this u want to say that my whole wow life is wrong?

Check the guild progress of the first 10 guilds listed on GUILD GENESIS@Forum.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-08-2013, 20:09:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zohlomg wrote:
alexthewarrior1 wrote:
Zohlomg wrote:
alexthewarrior1 wrote:
Macedo931 wrote:
"Make Zon'ozz easier on HC" lol. It's not impossible to kill him, you just need a good group. Your guild does a couple of HC kills every week (correct me if I'm wrong), so why is it a problem? Only thing that Zon'ozz has a problem with right now is that the spell timers aren't correct (sometimes casts Drain and ball at the same time, *** annoying tbh).

are you aware that none of the pve guilds on freakz havent killed zon25hc yet except HKP(lol)?

Lol, how wrong can you be. There are A LOT of guilds that defeated zon25hc.

"Lot"? Please give me at least two guilds on freakz that defeated zon25hc except HKP. Man ....its damn impossible to defeat zon25hc without donation or smth ...if u deny this u want to say that my whole wow life is wrong?

Check the guild progress of the first 10 guilds listed on GUILD GENESIS@Forum.

sorry but i said NON-donor guilds.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-08-2013, 20:12:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zohlomg wrote:
alexthewarrior1 wrote:
Macedo931 wrote:
"Make Zon'ozz easier on HC" lol. It's not impossible to kill him, you just need a good group. Your guild does a couple of HC kills every week (correct me if I'm wrong), so why is it a problem? Only thing that Zon'ozz has a problem with right now is that the spell timers aren't correct (sometimes casts Drain and ball at the same time, *** annoying tbh).

are you aware that none of the pve guilds on freakz havent killed zon25hc yet except HKP(lol)?

Lol, how wrong can you be. There are A LOT of guilds that defeated zon25hc.

... with A LOT you mean ZERO? this "english zone" its almost only for exodus realm, and no, no guild have killed it on 25hc, seriously i dont know from where you get the info of A LOT of guilds that got the kill.

Blizzlike?, my balls are blizzlike, as some comments says, all pve dungeons has way more damage, plus on retail you can kill zon ozz and yor saj before morchok, an with killing yor saj you can kill the next bosses, no need of a strict order on boss.

well my condolences for all PvE players, as for me, i will go back to pvp since the pve NOW its stupid

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-08-2013, 20:22:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yes. As far as i saw NONE guild which dont have at least 7-8 or more donate people in guild didnt done warlord on 25hc. We got majordomo instead of Ultraxion. Ultraxion gives 4 set bonus, it would be helpful on 25hc raid, even token and items from normal difficulty. But we got majordomo, so only way now to get 4 set bonus is by donations. And Genesis and Exodus are, in my opinion, two totally different servers, so i wouldnt compare them -
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Post Posted: 30-08-2013, 20:25:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You guys just spitted on Exodus PVE guilds right now with this decision btw. Also if we are talking about Genesis and their almighty guilds again, why aint Exodus favored like Genesis is? We got GM's online when server restarts, or if someone gets banned or muted by forum request and thats it. Pretty sure on Genesis you got more GM activity not just for these things i mentioned now.I know the server is romanian and the server owner and gm's are romanians as well but that doesnt mean you can ignore everyone else..

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Post Posted: 30-08-2013, 20:30:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Volf9669 wrote:
Genesis and Exodus are, in my opinion, two totally different servers, so i wouldnt compare them -

Pretty much this. Simple example: Corpses on Genesis disappear after some time, on Exodus they stay for a loooong time and lower the FPS.

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