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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-09-2013, 00:17:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I agree with nawnaw a pvp dedicated server would be a great move, it could take the place of the 3rd server we used to have on freakz that they removed or something would be a win win no forced PVP. As for those saying I should leave if I don't like it. I've been playing on freakz for well over a year, I've donated to them, I've voted for them daily, that is a lot to toss in the toilet. I'm going to ride it out and hope they make the right decision about this that can suit everyone.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-09-2013, 01:32:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

any additional server would be a horrible idea be it pvp, pve, whatever. the population here is not good at all.

as for world pvp.. that's what friends are for. u being ganked? call a guildy. unless you're in one of those nub guilds that invite everyone and have no real sense of community. if you're being camped by several.. well, that sucks. i'm a pvper but i also don't do world pvp as attacking ungeared horde is boring and shows lack of skill. i will however come to assist a guildy if they need help -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-09-2013, 02:41:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-09-2013, 00:49:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Forest322 wrote:
Shai wrote:
Forcing players to do something they don't like or even hate really is a stupid decision!!! So now you can be attacked by some retard or 12-year-old kid while you're doing your quests, farming mats,... because it's impossible to turn pvp off?!? Time to look for another server I guess. Good thing I never spent a single $ here. Right now I'm just pissed off but if I had invested some $ here I would feel really screwed.

Good luck finding a private server that has no world pvp and at the same time has any sort of economy or population... won't happen.

lol monster has no world pvp and lots of ppl they do have some bugs but i can live with them

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-09-2013, 16:53:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

tank5894 wrote:
Forest322 wrote:
Shai wrote:
Forcing players to do something they don't like or even hate really is a stupid decision!!! So now you can be attacked by some retard or 12-year-old kid while you're doing your quests, farming mats,... because it's impossible to turn pvp off?!? Time to look for another server I guess. Good thing I never spent a single $ here. Right now I'm just pissed off but if I had invested some $ here I would feel really screwed.

Good luck finding a private server that has no world pvp and at the same time has any sort of economy or population... won't happen.

lol monster has no world pvp and lots of ppl they do have some bugs but i can live with them

Heh.feel free to go there and enjoy their retarded scripts.I seen many video of that server.hell i even played there.On one of the videos feral druid was FLY HACKING just so he can shred magmaw did he got banned?nope he didnt lol So if monster is a good server..then freakz is retail for it. zones are made no PvP zones.So if u want to be "safe" get in them.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-09-2013, 20:53:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I play on the server with my three kids and don't care for world PVP. If we want pvp we go in the battlefields. The responses to the OP is a perfect example of why world pvp sucks. People who love PVP and gear for it have total disregard for those who don't enjoy it or don't do it often. Last night was a perfect example. A group of horde were in Stormwind last night griefing people. They obviously were well geared and good pvp players because wave after wave of people attacking them died and didn't harm them much. Was it fun for them? I'm sure it was but it wasn't much fun for those of us who were just trying to work mats and professions. I'm sure their attitudes would have been "Deal With It" as posted above. PVP zones and battlefields are fine because you chose to be there and deal with it. World PVP being forced on you when you joined a PVE server isn't cool. Just my $.02. Which I'm sure will be ignored by those that say gear for PVP. Well I'm still trying to gear for PVE above rep gear and now I've got to stop and gear for PVP? Or continue grinding for PVP items while adding more time to run back to corpse because I don't PVP well. I'm just a casual player and would like the option to remain casual. I like to pvp on occassion ( I suck at it but find it fun in the right setting).

Let the rude and selfish comments by pvp gods who measure self worth by their pvp skilz commence.

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Anti-Anti AFK Bot

[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-09-2013, 23:57:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

lol talon. i agree with u and i'm 110% only a pvp player, and good at it -

having pvp enabled in contested territory is all good.. all them cata zones should be pvp enabled. but all these people just chillen in stormwind and stuff should not be forced to hide -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-09-2013, 00:52:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Talondale wrote:
I play on the server with my three kids and don't care for world PVP. If we want pvp we go in the battlefields. The responses to the OP is a perfect example of why world pvp sucks. People who love PVP and gear for it have total disregard for those who don't enjoy it or don't do it often. Last night was a perfect example. A group of horde were in Stormwind last night griefing people. They obviously were well geared and good pvp players because wave after wave of people attacking them died and didn't harm them much. Was it fun for them? I'm sure it was but it wasn't much fun for those of us who were just trying to work mats and professions. I'm sure their attitudes would have been "Deal With It" as posted above. PVP zones and battlefields are fine because you chose to be there and deal with it. World PVP being forced on you when you joined a PVE server isn't cool. Just my $.02. Which I'm sure will be ignored by those that say gear for PVP. Well I'm still trying to gear for PVE above rep gear and now I've got to stop and gear for PVP? Or continue grinding for PVP items while adding more time to run back to corpse because I don't PVP well. I'm just a casual player and would like the option to remain casual. I like to pvp on occassion ( I suck at it but find it fun in the right setting).

Let the rude and selfish comments by pvp gods who measure self worth by their pvp skilz commence.

Hello Talon, I'm Forestlution the Blood Elf Warrior that was getting levitate in mid air on my mount and knocking Alliance off of their mounts and then laughing my *** off as they fell to their deaths as I slowly ever so softly floated to the ground.

Nice to meet you.

Now that we've been introduced I will reply to your post.

Perhaps you should have done further research before joining WoWfreakz in the first place because this server was originally pvp but it was turned off due to latency issues.. With promises of it being turned back on.

And yes you are correct, our guild for the most part is full Cata pvp gear ( that's the gear you obtain from Arena )..

For the most part we don't go flying around all the 85 zones looking for a fish to fry, we stick to Tol Barad or even Stormwind or other citys in hopes of a real fight breaking out..

You see these "battlefields" are far too easy for us as you could imagine, most players doing these are doing them in hopes of getting gear but for us we already have the best gear and we would like to have more of a fair fight, when we raid Stormwind with 15 players we are looking to fight anywhere from 30-40 people.. We are looking for the Alliance to say HELL NO.. NOT UP IN HERE.. NOT IN MY HOUSE

Sadly this sometimes takes hours to pick a fight that's too big for us to handle..

So keeping in mind that you will barely ever encounter a fully geared pvp player while your off farming there is also a solution to your Stormwind profession situation.. it's called a portal, they are normally circles that glow a certain colour and if you put your mouse over them they will tell you the name of the city the are a portal to....

They can take you a whole bunch of neat places like..
Darn or Exodus or my old personal favorite from playing Alliance IRON FORGE!!! Anyways Portals are the best way to escape us Horde on a rampage of your fellow faction mates.. I also suggest you set your hearthstone somewhere like Dalaran or Shat for a fast out.

Those against the PVP are the minority, and a part of me does feel sorry for you.

Anyways wanting to leave the server due the fact that world pvp has been enabled isn't a great idea, its just a minor bump in the road that you can easily avoid if you know how to evade the situation properly.

You can always do your 8 Arena wins a week and eventually get full cata and no one will ever jump you most likely. Or join a PVP Guild that can offer to come to your defense whenever needed..

This is also something we "Blood of the Fallen" have extended to Del the original poster of this topic. but she has not accepted it thus far so it probably isn't as bad as she thought it was going to be.

As for your Children, if someone from our Guild is killing your Kiddos playing this game, you can feel free to log over to horde and /who blood of the fallen and look for any character with the name Forest in it and talk to me and I will call them off for you.

Anyways, Best of luck

- Forest

Skill > Gear But Skill + Gurth Truly Dominates

Proud Assistant GM of Blood of the Fallen ( Horde ) PVP Guild Exodus

WTB Rated BG's
Thank you for turning World PVP back on!
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Post Posted: 06-09-2013, 01:05:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Forest322 wrote:
As for your Children, if someone from our Guild is killing your Kiddos playing this game, you can feel free to log over to horde and /who blood of the fallen and look for any character with the name Forest in it and talk to me and I will call them off for you.

Anyways, Best of luck

- Forest

You Canadians are way too soft.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-09-2013, 03:11:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

If he isn't trolling, I actually give props to forest for calling off fights against talon's children. however, without knowing him.. i must say there's also the possibility he's making such posts to try and get the names of talon's kids' characters so they can corpse rape them time and time again. who knows, but hopefully his response was legit -

but um.. how does raiding stormwind [at least during evening hours for us western hemisphere folk], give any challenge? i never see good ally pvpers. truth be told, i think 50% of ally need to go horde, and 10% of horde need to go ally - right now i would love to go horde for shorter pvp queues. but alas, i have all 10 classes and no vp option to faction change -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-09-2013, 03:45:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Anti-Anti AFK Bot wrote:
If he isn't trolling, I actually give props to forest for calling off fights against talon's children. however, without knowing him.. i must say there's also the possibility he's making such posts to try and get the names of talon's kids' characters so they can corpse rape them time and time again. who knows, but hopefully his response was legit -

but um.. how does raiding stormwind [at least during evening hours for us western hemisphere folk], give any challenge? i never see good ally pvpers. truth be told, i think 50% of ally need to go horde, and 10% of horde need to go ally - right now i would love to go horde for shorter pvp queues. but alas, i have all 10 classes and no vp option to faction change -

I was being serious about not ganking the dudes kids.

And why don't you just create a new account, I'll even help you with a vicious set if you like.

Skill > Gear But Skill + Gurth Truly Dominates

Proud Assistant GM of Blood of the Fallen ( Horde ) PVP Guild Exodus

WTB Rated BG's
Thank you for turning World PVP back on!
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[Bone Fletcher]

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Post Posted: 06-09-2013, 11:12:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Would be nice if all levels were flagged for pvp that way I can just 1shot these guys without dying to their 30k dps lvl 17 alts
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-09-2013, 11:44:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Forest322 wrote:

Those against the PVP are the minority, and a part of me does feel sorry for you.

Yes, those huge pvp battles with hundreds of pvp enabled people that were all over the place before the change show just that.
Oh wait....
Forest322 wrote:

You see these "battlefields" are far too easy for us as you could imagine, most players doing these are doing them in hopes of getting gear but for us we already have the best gear and we would like to have more of a fair fight, when we raid Stormwind with 15 players we are looking to fight anywhere from 30-40 people..

So you take on those ferocious crafting people. You're just a hypocrite looking for easy kills. At least you're making your momma proud.

Meh, just another instance of a game ruined by a vocal minority (yes, that's you, you bunch of wannabe griefers/gankers thumping your chests and yelling " I R Peeveepeeeeeee").

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-09-2013, 18:56:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Thanks for your kind offer. My kids only have one 85 character each. They prefer playing all their low level alts and it's hard to get them to run a dungeon anyway. They're not bad for being 10 and 6. I'm not threatening to leave, just expressing my preference. And yeah, I can go to other capitals, and may just do that on occasion. That night a rogue sapped me while I was looking through all my bags. Just have to adjust my mindset to be more alert. Like I said, I like a little pvp even though I'm fairly bad at it. In fact I've been disappointed the larger battlefields haven't been working. I just find most of the griefers annoying. To return the condescending attitude most have - if you find the game so boring get up from the computer and go experience real life for a while.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-09-2013, 20:13:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Oh hai Talon,
I wonder if besides of crying about that your 6 and 10 years old spawn are getting killed over and over in a MMORPG violent game, do you know about something like ESRB. Incase You arent familiar with this one, I will shortly introduce you.
ESRB - The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) ratings provide concise and objective information about the content in video games and apps so consumers, especially parents, can make informed choices.

FYI, there are 6 levels of ESRB for all kind of music and video content. Such as:

EARLY CHILDHOOD - Content is intended for young children.
EVERYONE - Content is generally suitable for all ages. May contain minimal cartoon, fantasy or mild violence and/or infrequent use of mild language.
EVERYONE 10+; - Content is generally suitable for ages 10 and up. May contain more cartoon, fantasy or mild violence, mild language and/or minimal suggestive themes.
- Content is generally suitable for ages 13 and up. May contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling and/or infrequent use of strong language.
- Content is generally suitable for ages 17 and up. May contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language.
- Content suitable only for adults ages 18 and up. May include prolonged scenes of intense violence, graphic sexual content and/or gambling with real currency.

Now, as comparison I will show you World of Warcraft - Cataclysm cover, available in US:

Needles to say that even according to WoW cover, this game ain't for kids. If you didnt want your kids to be harrasing by other people, in a freaking MMORPG game, then you simply shouldn't let them play such game. However, if you think that wow is cool game for 6 years old, yet you QQ about him/her getting killed over and over, then as mentioned above yeah - *** deal with it. Leting your kids play such game, (that is surely above their age limit), is your own responsibility. If you think, that somebody from horde, will give a damn about your toddlers playing this game, and will step back from killing them, when PVP is enabled, then you should keep yourself away from reproduction. The Earth is carring enough idiots by now.

Talondale wrote:
Let the rude and selfish comments by pvp gods who measure self worth by their pvp skilz commence.

Oh man, you flatter us.

Heres your favourite gif:

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