
[REJECTED] First Aid pushback/interrupt

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Post Posted: 18-09-2013, 09:20:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: First Aid

Descrierea bugului / Bug description: I know it's not a correct bug report, or even it is not a bug i don't know, but when you use First Aid, and a dot is applied onto you, the channelling breaks on the first tick. Not even pushbacks, it just interrupts. Kinda annoying however it may can be blizzlike, i don't remember 4.3 or previous changelogs.

Dovada / Proof: Couldn't made a video (due to my shitty laptop), will post a picture later.

off: Sorry if this is a duplicate or if it's the blizzlike state of the spell.

Posturi unite automat, 18-09-2013, 10:20:30

"However, be warned that being hit (including damage over time spells) while applying a bandage will cancel its channeled heal."

just went after a bit, close the topics please.

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