
[ANUNT] Imporatant.

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Author Message207

[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 26-12-2013 08:40)
Joined: 31 Aug 2013
Posts: 94, Topics: 13
Location: Botosani

Reputation: 62
Votes: 4

Post Posted: 20-10-2013, 19:01:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dupa cum observati playeri pe serverul nostru , "canci" .
Cautam playeri care pot boosta serverul nostru cumparand sau boostand chiar ei.

Oferim pentru boostare urmatoarele :

1. Admin pe server constand in gradul OWNER! Timp de cat timp boostati.
2. La o luna implinita de boost veti primi moderator pe forum!
3. Imunitate!

Daca doriti sa bostati complectati asta :
Nume Prenume :
Varsta : (Cel putin 15 )
Donezi sau boostezi tu ? :
Contacte :

Detalii prin :

-Messenger : [email protected]
-Skype : Bobobubu99

[b:1bdfe2add4][color=cyan:1bdfe2add4][center:1bdfe2add4] Daca ai nevoie de ajutor contacteaza-ma la ID-ul :[email protected] [/center:1bdfe2add4][/color:1bdfe2add4][/b:1bdfe2add4]
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