
RocketTheme install [phpbb3]

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Post Posted: 10-05-2009, 22:18:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Am si eu o nelamurire in legatura cu instalarea unei teme rocketheme.
Am toate temele phpbb3...ce includ si sursele si imageset-urile odata cu temele..dar nu stiu dece nu merge sa bag tema ce o vreau.
De exemplu vreau sa bag tema Terran Tribune :
si dupa ce o mi se vede culoarea de background si tot..cum e in demo vede un fel de default al temei..are mai multe cand dau pe blue,red si celalalte nu merg.
Am facut in tocmai cum a zis in urmatorul instalat tot :
* Go to the System → Module Management → Administration Control Panel.
* Select General in the Module management list.
* At the bottom, type ROKBB3 then press the "Create new module" button.
* Make sure "Module enabled" is selected.
* After module creation, enter the newly created category called ROKBB3.
* Now we can add YourStyle and other templates for configuration. There is a list at the bottom right, where you can select the module. Scroll down for Hyperion to add it for configuration.
* Press "Add module"
* After adding it. Press "Enable" button to make module active.
* Now go to "General" tab at the top. At the bottom of modules there is a ROKBB3 category. You can now select the Hyperion template and configure it's options.

Si a putut sa configurez hyperionul dupa plac...dar tot nu da randament...
Cine se pricepe si ma poate ajuta...accept orice sfat..
Deci concluzie..vreau ca tema mea phpbb3 TerranTribune se arate ca in demo-ul ce vi l'am pus.

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