
CoCaCoLa and my friends CODATII:)
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Author Message18104
[Banned user]


Status: Offline
(since 05-05-2009 14:42)
Joined: 22 Apr 2009
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Reputation: 85.8
Votes: 4

Post Posted: 05-05-2009, 16:38:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

si boby..vezi ca am o sa iti dau pozele..dar nu stiu sa le pun pe acum pot sa ti le dau pe imi merge bn netu acum....

o sa iti dau si pozele nush sa le pun pe site...scz..dar nu stiu..stai linistit ca le daca vrei ti le dau pe mess..

ce limbaj el e foarte prost..daca e nub...face lume...daca da prin zid ..zice ca are aim..ce prost frate..rau..cumetre esti praff..

//ion.mzk: se pare ca nu stii sa folosesti forumul. bye

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[Legalize <Marijuana>]

Status: Offline
(since 12-04-2012 08:39)
Joined: 01 Mar 2009
Posts: 834, Topics: 30
Location: Undeva in subteran

Reputation: 244.4
Votes: 8

Post Posted: 05-05-2009, 20:26:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

murda eu nu team nam de gand daca ai ceva cu mn poti face pe forum un newtopic cu reclamatie nu sa imi postezi in topicu meu de codati...bye
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[Legalize <Marijuana>]

Status: Offline
(since 12-04-2012 08:39)
Joined: 01 Mar 2009
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Reputation: 244.4
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Post Posted: 07-05-2009, 22:39:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

name:B EV
baned by DmC

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[Legalize <Marijuana>]

Status: Offline
(since 12-04-2012 08:39)
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Location: Undeva in subteran

Reputation: 244.4
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Post Posted: 23-05-2009, 10:10:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

data/ora:23/05/2009 11:00
baned by:*0ranGe ! KooLeR

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[Legalize <Marijuana>]

Status: Offline
(since 12-04-2012 08:39)
Joined: 01 Mar 2009
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Location: Undeva in subteran

Reputation: 244.4
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Post Posted: 24-05-2009, 13:36:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

name:T7 thanassos
data/ora:24/05/2009 2:30
baned by Ghost

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[Legalize <Marijuana>]

Status: Offline
(since 12-04-2012 08:39)
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Reputation: 244.4
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Post Posted: 24-05-2009, 17:46:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

name:trag cu stanga
nebanat[eram doar eu online nu mai eraua admini:(]

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[Legalize <Marijuana>]

Status: Offline
(since 12-04-2012 08:39)
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Location: Undeva in subteran

Reputation: 244.4
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Post Posted: 26-05-2009, 19:01:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

baned by Funk

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[Legalize <Marijuana>]

Status: Offline
(since 12-04-2012 08:39)
Joined: 01 Mar 2009
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Reputation: 244.4
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Post Posted: 26-05-2009, 19:14:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

motiv:wall pe fata
baned by Bobby

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[Legalize <Marijuana>]

Status: Offline
(since 12-04-2012 08:39)
Joined: 01 Mar 2009
Posts: 834, Topics: 30
Location: Undeva in subteran

Reputation: 244.4
Votes: 8

Post Posted: 27-05-2009, 19:09:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nick:JoKer Q2
motiv:wall posibil aim
baned by ady

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[Legalize <Marijuana>]

Status: Offline
(since 12-04-2012 08:39)
Joined: 01 Mar 2009
Posts: 834, Topics: 30
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Reputation: 244.4
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Post Posted: 28-05-2009, 17:43:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nick:fratele meu -am impresia ca e joker q2 ala ca fu pe server da eram eu yssa si dmx si dadeamd oar kick ca nu puteam da ban si dupa vreo 10 kickuri intra asta imediat si injura deci mai mult ca sigur el e-
ora 18:35

cRiMinAlu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
legend*** connected
XXX killed cAlInNnN with sg550
inSurgentu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
inSurgentu killed TurM3nTaT with m4a1
legend*** is joining the Terrorist force
(1)xXx (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
aSta-Mic killed xFroZz3n with ak47
ysSa (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
NewName (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
(1)xXx (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
aSta-Mic (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
setosiris_nayba (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
XXX killed Sharman with sg550
*DEAD* fratele meu : sa va iau neamu tot la **** si maine

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[Legalize <Marijuana>]

Status: Offline
(since 12-04-2012 08:39)
Joined: 01 Mar 2009
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Reputation: 244.4
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Post Posted: 28-05-2009, 17:43:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

baned by ME:D

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[Legalize <Marijuana>]

Status: Offline
(since 12-04-2012 08:39)
Joined: 01 Mar 2009
Posts: 834, Topics: 30
Location: Undeva in subteran

Reputation: 244.4
Votes: 8

Post Posted: 29-05-2009, 18:41:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

name: usp
motiv:neprezentare ss
baned:by me
Command: CoCaCoLa used command admin_4ss usp - screenshot #1 luat de la usp. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
*ALIVE*felixcat : "iepure"
bNt killed SokereS with ak47 - screenshot #2 luat de la usp. Sa Vedem Rezultatul ! - screenshot #3 luat de la usp. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
k1lla=D killed DanTalent with awp
usp dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "2"
usp has left the game
turing killed k1lla=D with m4a1
turing (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
PAuL@whiteland LoGistic (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
VeRsAcE16 dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "3"
VeRsAcE16 has left the game
[ADMIN] Vote entered for option #1 - screenshot #4 luat de la usp. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
*** Advocad killed RADU with a headshot from ak47 ***
(-_-)3d1(-_-) (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

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[Legalize <Marijuana>]

Status: Offline
(since 12-04-2012 08:39)
Joined: 01 Mar 2009
Posts: 834, Topics: 30
Location: Undeva in subteran

Reputation: 244.4
Votes: 8

Post Posted: 03-06-2009, 22:16:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

motiv:neprezentare ss [dupa 30 min de negociere intre el si *** ne zice ca nare id de mes..[era cika enamt:D..asa ca *** a fost translatoru:D..]
dovada:Command: CoCaCoLa used command admin_4ss B4NG[GER]
*** k/ killed Ez3kiel with a headshot from m4a1 *** - screenshot #1 luat de la B4NG[GER]. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
"public_slots_free" changed to "0" - screenshot #2 luat de la B4NG[GER]. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
SeNz0r~ killed B4NG[GER] with ak47 - screenshot #3 luat de la B4NG[GER]. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
h4ck*Spider killed SeNz0r~ with m4a1
|Notorious|187| connected
NexT[z0R] killed MiUsIc with m4a1
|Notorious|187| is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* D3rek : aproximativ -

|Notorious|187| is joining the Terrorist force (auto)
***SCORPION*** is joining the Terrorist force - screenshot #4 luat de la B4NG[GER]. Sa Vedem Rezultatul !
] admin_slay B4NG
B4NG[GER] died
*DEAD* Ez3kiel : -

INUYASHA killed SeNz0r~ with m4a1
[ADMIN] B4NG[GER] was struck down by CoCaCoLa's wrath.
k/ killed *** with m4a1
*** Arkantos killed k/ with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** D@RK|D3V!L killed |Notorious|187| with a headshot from m4a1 ***
|Notorious|187| is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*ALIVE**** : " e neamt ala "
h4ck*Spider killed rETry.mzk with grenade
*DEAD* k/ : hai P@

*** INUYASHA killed FlAmInGo with a headshot from m4a1 ***

CriticAL <Mean Machine> is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* k/ : JN#BUN

(Admin) CoCaCoLa: spect si id de mes
*** D3rek killed Freakz * SiLe with a headshot from m4a1 ***
r0guE killed sim0nika with deagle
*** D@RK|D3V!L killed Arkantos with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* k/ : -

*ALIVE*Arkantos : "normal"
Message from Admin (CoCaCoLa): spect si id de mes
*DEAD* B4NG[GER] : warum yum teufel bin ich in die luft geflogen

D3rek killed MiUsIc with m4a1
*** Reyes killed monik_love with a headshot from m4a1 ***
h4ck*Spider killed r0guE with m4a1
Message from Admin (dudette): critical clean -
dudette is joining the Terrorist force
Ez3kiel killed Yabu with ak47
*DEAD* k/ : llama

(Admin) CoCaCoLa: lol:))
*DEAD* *** : b4ng

Yabu is joining the Terrorist force
Reyes killed Ez3kiel with m4a1
*** Kill killed NexT[z0R] with a headshot from galil ***
NOS killed Kill with m4a1
Time remaining on map: 4 minutes
*DEAD* dudette : timeleft

(Admin) CoCaCoLa: ce ma fac cu neamtu?-
*DEAD* *** : du musst screenshot zum admin geben

(Admin) ***SCORPION***: hai sa te vad cola in germana -))))
*ALIVE*B4NG[GER] : "und dann"
Message from Admin (dudette): last round people
Kyprianos killed Arkantos with grenade
*** D@RK|D3V!L killed r0guE with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Reyes killed Freakz * SiLe with ak47
(Admin) CoCaCoLa: nus o boaba
SeNz0r~ killed D@RK|D3V!L with scout
*** k/ killed ***SCORPION*** with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*ALIVE*sim0nika : "fich dich"
B4NG[GER] killed FlAmInGo with aug
k/ killed *** with m4a1
k/ killed Ez3kiel with m4a1
*** Yabu killed B4NG[GER] with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** k/ killed Kill with a headshot from m4a1 ***
h4ck*Spider killed dudette with m4a1
*** Yabu killed h4ck*Spider with a headshot from ak47 ***
NexT[z0R] killed SeNz0r~ with grenade
INUYASHA killed rETry.mzk with m4a1
NexT[z0R] killed monik_love with m4a1
*** CriticAL <Mean Machine> killed MiUsIc with a headshot from m4a1 ***
ritmer is joining the Terrorist force
Yabu killed CriticAL <Mean Machine> with ak47
] admin_say B4NG you speak english?-
*ALIVE*Yabu : "ok -"
*ALIVE**** : "verstanden?"
*** k/ killed Yabu with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*ALIVE****SCORPION*** : "igen"
*DEAD* Ez3kiel : ahh

(Admin) Arkantos: simo stii neamtza? -
Message from Admin (CoCaCoLa): B4NG you speak english?-
*DEAD* Yabu : k era -

*DEAD* ritmer : salutare

*ALIVE*B4NG[GER] : "yes a little"
*ALIVE*dudette : "ih"
************** NOTICE >>>>>>>>>>>>
** This server is set to allow an admin to run commands on your client. **
************** NOTICE <<<<<<<<<<<<
* Privileges set

Server # 35
CoCaCoLa connected
ritmer killed k/ with glock18
*** D3rek killed r0guE with a headshot from usp ***
*** Freakz * SiLe killed ritmer with a headshot from usp ***
D@RK|D3V!L killed NOS with usp
* CriticAL <steel-series> changed name to CriticAL
rETry.mzk killed D@RK|D3V!L with deagle
INUYASHA (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** rETry.mzk killed |Notorious|187| with a headshot from deagle ***
*DEAD* k/ : admin_rr 1

Arkantos killed *** with deagle
*** Yabu killed CriticAL with a headshot from deagle ***
SeNz0r~ killed rETry.mzk with usp
*DEAD* k/ : admin_rr 3

Yabu killed sim0nika with deagle
*** Yabu killed Arkantos with a headshot from deagle ***
INUYASHA (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* k/ : admin_rr 5

SeNz0r~ killed Yabu with usp
iLuMiNaT! killed D3rek with deagle
Freakz * SiLe (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
NOS dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
NOS has left the game
MiUsIc is joining the Terrorist force
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
*DEAD* ritmer : admin_ban k.

*DEAD* k/ : admin_noway man

*DEAD* k/ : =]

cubu dropped
*SPEC* Kyprianos : ce mijto e cand stai si te uiti cum joaca altii

*DEAD* ritmer : :L))

*SPEC* Kyprianos : -

cubu connected
*SPEC* Kyprianos : -)

*DEAD* D3rek : 99 -

*DEAD* Arkantos : kidule treci la joc

*SPEC* Kyprianos : sal

*DEAD* CriticAL : h** e de 20 harta?

*SPEC* Kyprianos : da nu pot:|

(Admin) CoCaCoLa: voi nemteste nu invatati?-
Command: k/ used command admin_map de_nuke_30
(Admin) CoCaCoLa: decat engleza off:D
(Admin) r0guE: doar frangleza si nici aia bine ...
************** NOTICE >>>>>>>>>>>>
** This server is set to allow an admin to run commands on your client. **
************** NOTICE <<<<<<<<<<<<
* Privileges set

Server # 36
CoCaCoLa connected
Couldn't open file overviews/de_nuke_30.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Couldn't open file overviews/de_nuke_30.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
"public_slots_free" changed to "11"
"public_slots_free" changed to "9"
"public_slots_free" changed to "7"
Ez3kiel connected
NexT[z0R] is joining the Terrorist force
SeNz0r~ connected
Kyprianos is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
iLuMiNaT! connected
D@RK|D3V!L is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
FlAmInGo connected
cubu is joining the Terrorist force
MiUsIc connected
Ez3kiel is joining the Terrorist force
SeNz0r~ is joining the Terrorist force
iLuMiNaT! is joining the Terrorist force
"public_slots_free" changed to "2"
MiUsIc is joining the Terrorist force
(Admin) dudette: de translators n-ati auzit? -
FlAmInGo is joining the Terrorist force
*** connected
*** is joining the Terrorist force
***SCORPION*** is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*** ritmer killed D3rek with a headshot from glock18 ***
k/ (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
(Admin) CoCaCoLa: ce translator mai:))
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
Freakz * SiLe (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
k/ killed monik_love with usp
*** CriticAL killed Ez3kiel with a headshot from usp ***
h4ck*Spider connected
SeNz0r~ killed D@RK|D3V!L with deagle
Freakz * SiLe killed r0guE with usp
Freakz * SiLe (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
h4ck*Spider is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
INUYASHA killed SeNz0r~ with usp
*** ritmer killed sim0nika with a headshot from glock18 ***
*** Freakz * SiLe killed ritmer with a headshot from usp ***
CriticAL (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
MiUsIc killed CriticAL with glock18
Message from Admin (dudette): bang,Wir brauchen Ihre Yahoo Messenger-ID, so dass Sie uns die Bilder haben wir
B4NG[GER] is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*** k/ killed cubu with a headshot from usp ***
k/ killed rETry.mzk with usp
*** Freakz * SiLe killed NexT[z0R] with a headshot from usp ***
(Admin) CoCaCoLa: sa vb cu neamtu cu translatoru in mana nai sanse:D
iLuMiNaT! killed k/ with deagle
INUYASHA (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
INUYASHA killed FlAmInGo with usp
(Admin) dudette: poate reusim -
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
(Admin) CoCaCoLa: lol:))
iLuMiNaT! killed |Notorious|187| with deagle
gogo dropped
(Admin) ***SCORPION***: -))
Kill connected
Kill is joining the Terrorist force
Freakz * SiLe killed iLuMiNaT! with usp
*DEAD* CriticAL : doichland

gogo connected
*DEAD* CriticAL : ?

***SCORPION*** killed Yabu with usp
(Admin) CoCaCoLa: nu reusim no sa inteleaga:D
*DEAD* ritmer : sex & drugs = life

"sv_restart" changed to "5"
gogo is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* CriticAL : ,))

"sv_restart" changed to "0"
The game will restart in 5 SECONDS
Kyprianos (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Freakz * SiLe killed MiUsIc with usp
(Admin) CoCaCoLa: ca asta e faza urata la translatoare:LD
*DEAD* sim0nika : mai dam rr/

[ADMIN] k/ used command admin_rr 5. Restart in 5 seconds
*DEAD* Yabu : el e

*** killed ***SCORPION*** with deagle
Restart in 5
Restart in 4
Restart in 3
Restart in 2
Restart in 1
Limbaj vulgar => llama/ban; Coduri => ban
Have fun. Good luck. Game ON !
*ALIVE*rETry.mzk : "nu e"
k/ killed r0guE with usp
(Admin) CoCaCoLa: traduce motamo in rodinea in care ais cris in romana:D
*ALIVE*rETry.mzk : "e altul"
(Admin) CoCaCoLa: nu cum ar tr scris in nemteascA:D
CriticAL (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Freakz * SiLe (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Kill killed D@RK|D3V!L with usp
INUYASHA killed Kill with usp
*** CriticAL killed monik_love with a headshot from usp ***
*** cubu killed B4NG[GER] with a headshot from deagle ***
h4ck*Spider (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** ***SCORPION*** killed FlAmInGo with a headshot from usp ***
INUYASHA (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
k/ killed *** with usp
iLuMiNaT! killed k/ with deagle
*ALIVE*ritmer : "stii si germana critical"
D3rek killed rETry.mzk with usp
*ALIVE**** : "b4ng gib im die bilder von dein folder"
Yabu killed h4ck*Spider with glock18
Freakz * SiLe (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* B4NG[GER] : hab keine screens gemacht

(Admin) CoCaCoLa: e lasam il iau pe demo:P
*DEAD* k/ : clar

*DEAD* *** : hat admin gemacht

*DEAD* r0guE : admin_ban si gata

*DEAD* k/ : iar rup astia baza

*DEAD* rETry.mzk : /rank

*** Yabu killed |Notorious|187| with a headshot from glock18 ***
INUYASHA killed NexT[z0R] with usp
*DEAD* *** : stai putin

CriticAL killed MiUsIc with usp
Yabu killed ***SCORPION*** with glock18
Command: k/ used command admin_cfg default.cfg
Arkantos killed ritmer with deagle
Message from Admin (Admin): Server CVARs reseted to default...
iLuMiNaT! killed CriticAL with deagle
*DEAD* B4NG[GER] : juckt mich auch nich

*DEAD* B4NG[GER] : ^^

Kyprianos killed SeNz0r~ with grenade
cubu killed Freakz * SiLe with deagle
*DEAD* *** : er hat ss gemacht

*DEAD* k/ : B4NG

*DEAD* r0guE : acum zice ca a jucat la wsg nu ?

Kyprianos (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* *** : du musst im geben

INUYASHA (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
(Admin) CoCaCoLa: ce vb astia ma?-
*DEAD* *** : oder krigst ban

*DEAD* k/ : ai inteles?

*DEAD* k/ : -

*DEAD* ritmer : -

*** gogo killed Yabu with a headshot from fiveseven ***
iLuMiNaT! killed sim0nika with deagle
*DEAD* h4ck*Spider : lol

*DEAD* CriticAL : cik tre sa le dai

*DEAD* CriticAL : ca altfel iei ban

*DEAD* CriticAL : -

Ez3kiel killed gogo with usp
*SPEC* CoCaCoLa : intelesai si eu ban atata:))

Kyprianos killed Ez3kiel with usp
*DEAD* *** : -

*DEAD* r0guE : no dom no dom wtf ja yo ?

*DEAD* Yabu : el e

*DEAD* Kill : cubu ala e rudimentar rau

*DEAD* B4NG[GER] : <(^.^)>

*DEAD* *** : ko** schon heute

*DEAD* k/ : stanga derek

*DEAD* r0guE : :o

*DEAD* *** : willst ban?

*DEAD* rETry.mzk : kik cub

cubu killed Arkantos with deagle
INUYASHA (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
(Admin) k/: dai ban
*DEAD* rETry.mzk : nu stie sa sara

*DEAD* B4NG[GER] : das kann er mir auf freundlicherweise selbst sagen

*ALIVE*gogo : "gg team"
*** sim0nika killed Ez3kiel with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*ALIVE**** : "er weist nicht detsh oida"
h4ck*Spider killed SeNz0r~ with m4a1
*** D@RK|D3V!L killed NexT[z0R] with a headshot from scout ***
*ALIVE*r0guE : "sagen ti-a zis daten sange cred -)"
*ALIVE*D3rek : "nu era nimeni in stanga -"
(Admin) ***SCORPION***: cica te-a injurat cola -)))
Reyes is joining the Terrorist force
h4ck*Spider (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
SeNz0r~ dropped
SeNz0r~ has left the game
(Admin) CoCaCoLa: ce maaaaa
*** CriticAL killed r0guE with a headshot from famas ***
*** k/ killed monik_love with a headshot from famas ***
(Admin) CoCaCoLa: ban gata:D
Kyprianos (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Arkantos killed *** with m4a1
Kill killed k/ with deagle
k/ dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
k/ has left the game
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
B4NG[GER] killed Kill with ump45
k/ connected
*ALIVE**** : "hast yahoo messenger?"
k/ is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
(Admin) ***SCORPION***: -))
gogo killed FlAmInGo with m4a1
Yabu killed D@RK|D3V!L with deagle
cubu killed gogo with deagle
D3rek killed Yabu with deagle
*ALIVE*B4NG[GER] : "nope"
*ALIVE*ritmer : "clar"
Message from Admin (CoCaCoLa): *** ala ma injura?-
*** Arkantos killed ritmer with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*ALIVE****SCORPION*** : "-)))"
CriticAL killed cubu with famas
*** INUYASHA killed MiUsIc with a headshot from m4a1 ***
rETry.mzk killed CriticAL with deagle
*DEAD* *** : nu

INUYASHA killed iLuMiNaT! with m4a1
*DEAD* *** : nu are id de mess

Command: k/ used command *** B4NG[GER]
*ALIVE*B4NG[GER] : I'm too retarded for this game.
(Admin) CoCaCoLa: scorpy te omor pe tn:))
D3rek (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Command: dudette used command admin_banip bang
(Admin) CoCaCoLa: mda clar
*ALIVE*B4NG[GER] : "wtf"
*** |Notorious|187| killed rETry.mzk with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* r0guE : gata scurt si la obiect -

*DEAD* *** : -

(Admin) k/: *** sa nu-i da-ti
*DEAD* gogo : -

*SPEC* dudette : -

*DEAD* *** : bai e nedreptate aici

(Admin) CoCaCoLa: postez acuma:D
*SPEC* dudette : brb

(Admin) k/: ai demo poze ceva?
*ALIVE*ritmer : "s-o dam si pe engleza"
(Admin) CoCaCoLa: sa moara de ras jhon cand o vedea:))
Command: dudette used command admin_autokick 0
*** r0guE killed k/ with a headshot from deagle ***
Freakz * SiLe (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
|Notorious|187| (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
FlAmInGo dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
FlAmInGo has left the game
k/ dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "2"
k/ has left the game
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
***SCORPION*** (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
Kill killed CriticAL with galil
*OpenGL dropped
INUYASHA (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** r0guE killed Freakz * SiLe with a headshot from deagle ***
|Notorious|187| killed *** with m4a1
k/ connected
h4ck*Spider (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
k/ is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
D3rek killed NexT[z0R] with scout
*** D3rek killed Ez3kiel with a headshot from scout ***
*ALIVE*ritmer : "ce sa-i faci romani e xenofobi"
*** rETry.mzk killed D@RK|D3V!L with a headshot from galil ***
r0guE killed gogo with m4a1
*ALIVE*gogo : "ok..lets speak in that language"
(Admin) CoCaCoLa: nu da neprezentare ss:D
Freakz * SiLe (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*ALIVE*B4NG[GER] : "wtf whats this"
h4ck*Spider killed Kill with m4a1
*DEAD* k/ : look at this!

Kyprianos killed rETry.mzk with grenade
crys dropped
D3rek (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
(Admin) CoCaCoL

si povestea continua:D

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[Legalize <Marijuana>]

Status: Offline
(since 12-04-2012 08:39)
Joined: 01 Mar 2009
Posts: 834, Topics: 30
Location: Undeva in subteran

Reputation: 244.4
Votes: 8

Post Posted: 04-06-2009, 12:16:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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[Legalize <Marijuana>]

Status: Offline
(since 12-04-2012 08:39)
Joined: 01 Mar 2009
Posts: 834, Topics: 30
Location: Undeva in subteran

Reputation: 244.4
Votes: 8

Post Posted: 11-06-2009, 09:51:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nick:| 0 |
baned by ME:)

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