
Regula Respawn - ATENTIE !

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Post Posted: 31-12-2013, 09:49:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Datorita modului uwc3 si a confuziilor create in acest timp am hotarat la cererea multor playeri si admini sa modificam regula respawn , care suna astfel:

*Regula respawn

Jocul NU este Free Game , tero planteaza ct defuze , nu campati in baza adversa , doar treceti , trasul in baza adversa este strict interzis , doar cu conditia daca cel care da ultimatul "gate" sau reinvie (vengeance) si trage in el are dreptul de a se apara.
Hartile unde sunt X-ul in baza de exemplu (de_westwood unde se profita) se va face astfel : Daca bomba este la X sau player-ul in cauza are bomba si se duce la X nu este considerat respawn .
Exceptia de la regula exista cand tero planteaza bomba atunci nu mai exista respawn , asta doar la tero ( in concluzie daca tero a pus bomba respawn-ul in baza adversa este permis)

Regula poate fi citita direct din joc , scrieti in chat : /regula , asa puteti sa ii indrumati si pe cei care nu stiu .

Cei care incalcati repetat aceasta regula slay/kick/ban temporar si -1.000.000 xp penalizare!


Because of the uwc3 mode and the confussions created in the meantime we decided at the request of many players and admins to modify the respawn rule,wich sounds like this:

*Respawn rule

The game is not a Free Game,the terrorists plant the bomb and the counter-terrorists defuse it,don't camp in the enemy base,you can only pass through it,shooting in the enemy base is strictly banned,only if a player uses the ultimate "gate" or respawns (by vengeance) and shoots at the one passing through,then the player passing through has the right to defend himself therefore no punishment will be inflicted.The maps were the "X" is in the enemy base for example (de_westwood where players take advantage on it) this will be done: If the bomb is at the "X" or the player that has the bomb goes to the "X" it is not considered as respawn.

Those that repeatedly break this rule will receive the slay/kick/temporary ban commands and a -1.000.000 XP (1 million XP) penalty!

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