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Author Message20048

[Account disabled]

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(since 04-01-2014 14:13)
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Post Posted: 23-12-2013, 01:28:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume: Cristi
2. Varsta: 18
3. Localitatea: Tg Mures
4. Clasa: Paladin
5. Spec: Retri / holy in constructii -
6. Item Level: 397
7. Link Armory:
8. Screenshot Recount*: - De obicei dau 35 dar ma batut tastatura am facut screenshot dupa 1 ora -
9. TeamSpeak 3 / Microfon / DBM: Am
10. Foste Guilde: The Betrayers
11. Screenshot Achievements**: Le dau ingame daca e nevoie

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Status: Offline
(since 09-08-2021 12:11)
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Post Posted: 23-12-2013, 12:15:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

No offence, tin prea bine minte ca ai mai fost in guilda(pe hunter) si ai iesit, nu e decizia mea dar nu cred ca vrem sa avem de-a face cu oameni care ies/intra in guilda de cate ori vor ei.
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Status: Offline
(since 11-02-2022 21:05)
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Post Posted: 23-12-2013, 13:34:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

-CSK- wrote:
1. Prenume: Cristi
2. Varsta: 18
3. Localitatea: Tg Mures
4. Clasa: Paladin
5. Spec: Retri / holy in constructii -
6. Item Level: 397
7. Link Armory:
8. Screenshot Recount*: - De obicei dau 35 dar ma batut tastatura am facut screenshot dupa 1 ora -
9. TeamSpeak 3 / Microfon / DBM: Am
10. Foste Guilde: The Betrayers
11. Screenshot Achievements**: Le dau ingame daca e nevoie

1. Nu recrutam off-chare.
2. Avem destui hunteri daca ai vrea sa intri pe main.
3. Citeste ce a zis izual mai sus.
4. Rejcted!

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[Account disabled]

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(since 04-01-2014 14:13)
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Post Posted: 23-12-2013, 14:03:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nu mai joc pe hunter fine, cand am iesit am anuntat , daca tu intelegi ce vrei si te oftici e problema ta

Staff message (BonJovi4EveR):
Vezi ca esti off topic. Fii mai atent pe unde postezi. Ai sectiunea de Discutii pentru nelamuriri. Next time: warn.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-12-2013, 14:25:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume: Sergiu
2. Varsta: 16
3. Localitatea:Hunedoara
4. Clasa:Priest
5. Spec:holy
6. Item Level:400
7. Link Armory:
8. Screenshot Recount*: -
9. TeamSpeak 3 / Microfon / DBM: Le am .
10. Foste Guilde:EVO
11. Screenshot Achievements**: Am 4/5 le arat in game daca este nevoie. -

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Status: Offline
(since 11-02-2022 21:05)
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Post Posted: 23-12-2013, 14:51:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

-CSK- wrote:
Nu mai joc pe hunter fine, cand am iesit am anuntat , daca tu intelegi ce vrei si te oftici e problema ta

Report , off-topic

roreplay1 wrote:
1. Prenume: Sergiu
2. Varsta: 16
3. Localitatea:Hunedoara
4. Clasa:Priest
5. Spec:holy
6. Item Level:400
7. Link Armory:
8. Screenshot Recount*: -
9. TeamSpeak 3 / Microfon / DBM: Le am .
10. Foste Guilde:EVO
11. Screenshot Achievements**: Am 4/5 le arat in game daca este nevoie. -


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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 13-03-2014 16:03)
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Post Posted: 01-01-2014, 18:16:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume: Alexandru
2. Varsta:30
3. Localitatea:Bucuresti
4. Clasa:Shaman
5. Spec:Resto/Enhacement
6. Item Level:400/389
7. Link Armory:
8. Screenshot Recount*: -
9. TeamSpeak 3 / Microfon / DBM: da / da / da la microfon ink lucrez...mici probleme la placa de baza(rezolv cu un webcam cu mic incluc usb)
10. Foste Guilde: actual ragequit
11. Screenshot Achievements**: in game...k idee am 2/5 hc , n mode tot, hagara stiut pedinafara,,,la restul nu am pupat..guilde low unde nu am putu sa ajung sa fac

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[Mentally unStable]

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Post Posted: 01-01-2014, 21:59:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

overlordss wrote:
1. Prenume: Alexandru
2. Varsta:30
3. Localitatea:Bucuresti
4. Clasa:Shaman
5. Spec:Resto/Enhacement
6. Item Level:400/389
7. Link Armory:
8. Screenshot Recount*: -
9. TeamSpeak 3 / Microfon / DBM: da / da / da la microfon ink lucrez...mici probleme la placa de baza(rezolv cu un webcam cu mic incluc usb)
10. Foste Guilde: actual ragequit
11. Screenshot Achievements**: in game...k idee am 2/5 hc , n mode tot, hagara stiut pedinafara,,,la restul nu am pupat..guilde low unde nu am putu sa ajung sa fac

Cauta-mã mâine ingame pentru un dps test. Mã gasesti pe Ovidiu/Ovidius/Unnamedd sau intreaba de Ovidiu.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-01-2014, 19:47:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume: Bogdan
2. Varsta: 21
3. Localitatea: Bacau
4. Clasa: Paladin
5. Spec: Holy / Retri
6. Item Level: Holy 395 / retri 391
7. Link Armory:
8. Screenshot Recount*:
9. TeamSpeak 3 / Microfon / DBM: Da /da /da
10. Foste Guilde: Paradoox
11. Screenshot Achievements**:

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Status: Offline
(since 11-02-2022 21:05)
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Post Posted: 05-01-2014, 20:59:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Marvell wrote:
1. Prenume: Bogdan
2. Varsta: 21
3. Localitatea: Bacau
4. Clasa: Paladin
5. Spec: Holy / Retri
6. Item Level: Holy 395 / retri 391
7. Link Armory:
8. Screenshot Recount*:
9. TeamSpeak 3 / Microfon / DBM: Da /da /da
10. Foste Guilde: Paradoox
11. Screenshot Achievements**:


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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 10-09-2019 18:23)
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Post Posted: 28-01-2014, 20:49:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume: Andrei
2. Varsta: 17
3. Localitatea: Tg.Mures
4. Clasa: Paladin
5. Spec: holy
6. Item Level: 397
7. Link Armory:
8. Screenshot Recount*:
9. TeamSpeak 3 / Microfon / DBM: da, toate
10. Foste Guilde: evo, awaken
11. Screenshot Achievements**:

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 12-01-2015 20:41)
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Post Posted: 28-01-2014, 21:19:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume: Radu
2. Varsta: 17
3. Localitatea: Targu Mures
4. Clasa: Druid
5. Spec: Resto
6. Item Level: 392
7. Link Armory:
8. Screenshot Recount*:
9. TeamSpeak 3 / Microfon / DBM: DA/DA/DA
10. Foste Guilde: EvO
11. Screenshot Achievements**:

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[Mentally unStable]

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Post Posted: 29-01-2014, 01:23:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Soferu wrote:
1. Prenume: Radu
2. Varsta: 17
3. Localitatea: Targu Mures
4. Clasa: Druid
5. Spec: Resto
6. Item Level: 392
7. Link Armory:
8. Screenshot Recount*:
9. TeamSpeak 3 / Microfon / DBM: DA/DA/DA
10. Foste Guilde: EvO
11. Screenshot Achievements**:

Cauta-ma ingame.

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[unlimited power]

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Post Posted: 11-02-2014, 15:53:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume: Nicu
2. Varsta: 25
3. Localitatea: Bucuresti
4. Clasa: Paladin
5. Spec: Retry/Proto
6. Item Level: 400/398
7. Link Armory:
8. Screenshot Recount*:
9. TeamSpeak 3 / Microfon / DBM: da le am
10. Foste Guilde: Olympian Gods pacat ca sa destramat si god hates us all am iesit pt ca avreau un limbaj imatur pe ts
11. Screenshot Achievements**:

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[Mentally unStable]

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Post Posted: 11-02-2014, 16:35:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

yakudoo wrote:
1. Prenume: Nicu
2. Varsta: 25
3. Localitatea: Bucuresti
4. Clasa: Paladin
5. Spec: Retry/Proto
6. Item Level: 400/398
7. Link Armory:
8. Screenshot Recount*:
9. TeamSpeak 3 / Microfon / DBM: da le am
10. Foste Guilde: Olympian Gods pacat ca sa destramat si god hates us all am iesit pt ca avreau un limbaj imatur pe ts
11. Screenshot Achievements**:

Acceptat, cauta-ma ingame in seara asta dupa ora 19:00.

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