
WoW Crash
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Author Message2975

[Mentally Stable]

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(since 01-11-2014 16:13)
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Post Posted: 09-02-2014, 11:20:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Am o problema , cand vreau sa intru pe main accountul meu (prfctassasin) iau crash in secunda in care imi apare caracterul pe harta ( ) . Stiti de la ce ar putea fi ?
Ma pot loga pe celalat caracter de pe acelas account ( prftmage) fara sa dea crash ( )
Am dat unstuck si nu a rezolvat problema .

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Post Posted: 09-02-2014, 11:28:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

esti intr-o zona care provoaca crash. Dute pe site logeaza-te si foloseste functia unstuck pentru caracterul respectiv. O sa te teleporteze in dalaran si nu o sa mai ai probleme.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-02-2014, 11:29:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Eram in orgrimar cand am intrat prima oara , am dat unstuck si acum sunt in dalaran ( dadusem dupa 2 incercari unstuck , pozele is facute dup ce am dat unstuck )

Last edited by PerfectAssasin on 09-02-2014, 11:30:48; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 09-02-2014, 11:30:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

A zis ca a dat unstuck si degeaba. Incearca sa stergi cache.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-02-2014, 11:32:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Festy ce anume sa sterg din cache ?
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Post Posted: 09-02-2014, 11:33:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Te duci in folderul cu wow si stergi tot cache-ul.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-02-2014, 11:35:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nu a rezolvat problema , tot iau critical error .
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[Alcoholic Elon Musk]

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Post Posted: 09-02-2014, 11:47:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dezactiveaza toate addons, poate sa fie de la unul din ele.

>PC Upgrade Guide<

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Voucher PC-Garage: WK6Q4TII

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-02-2014, 11:50:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Already did , si in caz ca era de la asta le si mutasem din WoW folder in alt folder de pe alta partitie . Tot iau critical .
Nu e de la mn , am 2 WoW instalate pe 2 partitii diferite , am schimbat acum realmlistul de pe celalat pt freakz si patesc acelas lucru ( acel folder cu wow instalat nu are nici 1 addon instalat , e ca si cum ar fi fost abia dezarhivat si fusese downloadat tot cu arhiva freakz ) .

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[Power overwhelming]

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    Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET}  Sebasto231295 
Post Posted: 09-02-2014, 11:55:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Fa backup la folderul WTF(ca sa nu-ti pierzi setari, addons saved variables, binds) , sterge-l pe cel original si zi-mi daca mai face dupa.

Voucher PC-Garage: QZ6BT3TB

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-02-2014, 12:01:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Da , patesc acelas lucru .
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-02-2014, 12:03:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ceva asemanator mi se intampla mie, daca mai ai arhiva de la wow incearca sa stergi cele doua gameclients pe care le ai, ia-ti un program care poate curata registrele (Uniblue registry cleaner, TuneUp Utilities, CCleaner, le-am ordonat descrescator in functie de calitate, tu alegi.) si dupa dezarhiveaza din nou jocu pe disc, indiferent de partitie.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 01-11-2014 16:13)
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Post Posted: 09-02-2014, 12:04:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Daca va ajuta la cv poftim textul de la error :
World of WarCraft: Retail Build (build 15595)

Exe: D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
Time: Sep 30, 2013 4:42:04.912 AM
User: Emi
Computer: PC

This application has encountered a critical error:

ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal exception!

Program: D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
ProcessID: 3056
Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 0023:77463EA0

The instruction at "0x77463EA0" referenced memory at "0x00000014".
The memory could not be "written".

WoWBuild: 15595
Version: 4.3.4
Type: WoW
Platform: X86

Patch data download failed.
Error downloading patch data from server 'http://localhost' , error code : cannotConnectError
Manifest is valid.

SET locale "enUS"
SET realmlist ""
SET patchlist "localhost"
SET enterWorld "1"
SET hwDetect "0"
SET gxWindow "1"
SET videoOptionsVersion "4"
SET graphicsQuality "3"
SET playIntroMovie "4"
SET mouseSpeed "1"
SET Gamma "1.000000"
SET readTOS "1"
SET readEULA "1"
SET showToolsUI "1"
SET accounttype "CT"
SET Sound_EnableAllSound "0"
SET Sound_MusicVolume "0.40000000596046"
SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.60000002384186"
SET terrainMipLevel "0"
SET farclip "727"
SET particleDensity "60"
SET waterDetail "2"
SET rippleDetail "1"
SET reflectionMode "0"
SET sunShafts "1"
SET groundEffectDensity "64"
SET groundEffectDist "160"
SET projectedTextures "1"
SET shadowMode "1"
SET shadowTextureSize "2048"
SET textureFilteringMode "3"
SET componentTextureLevel "9"
SET weatherDensity "1"
SET realmName "Genesis - Romanian"
SET gameTip "42"
SET watchFrameWidth "1"
SET lastCharacterIndex "1"

GxApi: D3D9
Shader Model: 3_0
Vertex: vs_3_0
Pixel: ps_3_0
Adapter Count: 1

Adapter 0 (primary):
Driver: nvd3dum.dll
Version: 9.18.0013.1106
Description: NVIDIA GeForce GT 240
DeviceName: \\.\DISPLAY1


x86 Registers

EAX=00000000 EBX=00000000 ECX=FFFFFFFC EDX=00000000 ESI=00000000
EDI=34EFD62C EBP=0018F52C ESP=0018F4C8 EIP=77463EA0 FLG=00010213
CS =0023 DS =002B ES =002B SS =002B FS =0053 GS =002B

Stack Trace (Manual)

Address Frame Logical addr Module

Showing 24/24 threads...

--- Thread ID: 3952 [Current Thread] ---
77463EA0 0018F52C 0001:00022EA0 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
77463D7F 0018F558 0001:00022D7F C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
77463D9B 0018F564 0001:00022D9B C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
004BB427 0018F5B4 0001:000BA427 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
005500DF 0018F5DC 0001:0014F0DF D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00B02C9D 0018F5F8 0001:00701C9D D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00626908 0018F60C 0001:00225908 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
004D1C4A 0018FB24 0001:000D0C4A D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
0080035A 0018FB4C 0001:003FF35A D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00805F16 0018FB60 0001:00404F16 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00420B2C 0018FB7C 0001:0001FB2C D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00422FE7 0018FC08 0001:00021FE7 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00420E03 0018FC24 0001:0001FE03 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
0042CA46 0018FC38 0001:0002BA46 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00420153 0018FC94 0001:0001F153 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00420FF9 0018FCBC 0001:0001FFF9 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
0042CA9D 0018FCE8 0001:0002BA9D D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
0083DF39 0018FD1C 0001:0043CF39 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
0083E012 0018FD3C 0001:0043D012 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
005191F1 0018FD64 0001:001181F1 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
0051B8C6 0018FD74 0001:0011A8C6 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
004FF9EE 0018FDB0 0001:000FE9EE D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
008A3E09 0018FDE0 0001:004A2E09 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
008A2B93 0018FE04 0001:004A1B93 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
008A33B6 0018FE3C 0001:004A23B6 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
008A361F 0018FE64 0001:004A261F D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
008A1C7D 0018FE84 0001:004A0C7D D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
008A240A 0018FED8 0001:004A140A D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
008A2451 0018FEF0 0001:004A1451 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00408458 0018FF84 0001:00007458 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
770E850D 0018FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0018FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0018FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 5028 ---
770E850D 02B3FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 02B3FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 02B3FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 4740 ---
738C8599 0380FB38 0001:00007599 C:\Windows\system32\mswsock.dll
75D50CCF 0380FBD4 0001:0000FCCF C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WS2_32.dll
76203F72 0380FF7C 0001:00052F72 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WININET.dll
761DF367 0380FF84 0001:0002E367 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WININET.dll
770E850D 0380FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0380FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0380FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 788 ---
75E110B4 03F0FEF4 0001:000000B4 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
007DF69B 03F0FF2C 0001:003DE69B D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
007E393A 03F0FF40 0001:003E293A D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00A12A8E 03F0FF78 0001:00611A8E D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00A12B36 03F0FF84 0001:00611B36 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
770E850D 03F0FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 03F0FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 03F0FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 4452 ---
75E110B4 0404FEF4 0001:000000B4 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
007DF17F 0404FF2C 0001:003DE17F D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
007E393A 0404FF40 0001:003E293A D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00A12A8E 0404FF78 0001:00611A8E D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00A12B36 0404FF84 0001:00611B36 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
770E850D 0404FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0404FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0404FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 988 ---
75E110B4 0418FEF8 0001:000000B4 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
007DF569 0418FF2C 0001:003DE569 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
007E393A 0418FF40 0001:003E293A D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00A12A8E 0418FF78 0001:00611A8E D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00A12B36 0418FF84 0001:00611B36 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
770E850D 0418FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0418FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0418FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 4504 ---
75E1119C 0511FF10 0001:0000019C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
008755DD 0511FF1C 0001:004745DD D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
0053FDF4 0511FF5C 0001:0013EDF4 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
004B7819 0511FF84 0001:000B6819 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
770E850D 0511FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0511FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0511FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 4656 ---
75E1119C 0521FF10 0001:0000019C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
008755DD 0521FF1C 0001:004745DD D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
0053FDF4 0521FF5C 0001:0013EDF4 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
004B7819 0521FF84 0001:000B6819 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
770E850D 0521FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0521FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0521FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 3120 ---
75E110B4 053FF870 0001:000000B4 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
6CCB4DE4 053FF890 0001:005B3DE4 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CCB28C4 053FFF28 0001:005B18C4 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CCB0449 053FFF40 0001:005AF449 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CF00E1B 053FFF78 0001:007FFE1B C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CF00EA5 053FFF84 0001:007FFEA5 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
770E850D 053FFF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 053FFFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 053FFFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 2452 ---
75E1119C 05D8FF0C 0001:0000019C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
007C4814 05D8FF2C 0001:003C3814 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
007E393A 05D8FF40 0001:003E293A D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00A12A8E 05D8FF78 0001:00611A8E D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00A12B36 05D8FF84 0001:00611B36 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
770E850D 05D8FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 05D8FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 05D8FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 2760 ---
75E110B4 0866FF34 0001:000000B4 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
004BB4B0 0866FF44 0001:000BA4B0 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00812052 0866FF5C 0001:00411052 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
004B7819 0866FF84 0001:000B6819 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
770E850D 0866FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0866FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0866FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 3460 ---
770E850D 0915FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0915FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0915FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 4568 ---
75E1119C 0925FF64 0001:0000019C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
00A90F0D 0925FF70 0001:0068FF0D D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00A9136C 0925FF84 0001:0069036C D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
770E850D 0925FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0925FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0925FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 2768 ---
75E110B4 0A32FF28 0001:000000B4 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
004BB4B0 0A32FF38 0001:000BA4B0 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00550475 0A32FF50 0001:0014F475 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
005505E1 0A32FF5C 0001:0014F5E1 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
004B7819 0A32FF84 0001:000B6819 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
770E850D 0A32FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0A32FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0A32FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 1924 ---
770E6AB5 0A46FCF4 0001:00016AB5 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
00550C14 0A46FF50 0001:0014FC14 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
0055033E 0A46FF5C 0001:0014F33E D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
004B7819 0A46FF84 0001:000B6819 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
770E850D 0A46FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0A46FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0A46FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 4968 ---
75E110B4 0B03FF38 0001:000000B4 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
004BB4B0 0B03FF48 0001:000BA4B0 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
0070259A 0B03FF84 0001:0030159A D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
770E850D 0B03FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0B03FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0B03FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 3628 ---
75E110B4 0B31FF18 0001:000000B4 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
6CCCA42B 0B31FF34 0001:005C942B C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CCCA351 0B31FF40 0001:005C9351 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CF00E1B 0B31FF78 0001:007FFE1B C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CF00EA5 0B31FF84 0001:007FFEA5 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
770E850D 0B31FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0B31FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0B31FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 1288 ---
75E110B4 0B32FF18 0001:000000B4 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
6CCCA42B 0B32FF34 0001:005C942B C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CCCA351 0B32FF40 0001:005C9351 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CF00E1B 0B32FF78 0001:007FFE1B C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CF00EA5 0B32FF84 0001:007FFEA5 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
770E850D 0B32FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0B32FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0B32FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 784 ---
75E110B4 0CC4FF18 0001:000000B4 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
6CCCA42B 0CC4FF34 0001:005C942B C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CCCA351 0CC4FF40 0001:005C9351 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CF00E1B 0CC4FF78 0001:007FFE1B C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CF00EA5 0CC4FF84 0001:007FFEA5 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
770E850D 0CC4FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0CC4FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0CC4FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 3352 ---
75E110B4 0CFDFF18 0001:000000B4 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
6CCCA42B 0CFDFF34 0001:005C942B C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CCCA351 0CFDFF40 0001:005C9351 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CF00E1B 0CFDFF78 0001:007FFE1B C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CF00EA5 0CFDFF84 0001:007FFEA5 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
770E850D 0CFDFF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0CFDFFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0CFDFFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 1804 ---
75E110B4 0F0BFF18 0001:000000B4 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
6CCCA42B 0F0BFF34 0001:005C942B C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CCCA351 0F0BFF40 0001:005C9351 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CF00E1B 0F0BFF78 0001:007FFE1B C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
6CF00EA5 0F0BFF84 0001:007FFEA5 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
770E850D 0F0BFF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0F0BFFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0F0BFFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 592 ---
75E110B4 0E9CFF3C 0001:000000B4 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
004BB4B0 0E9CFF4C 0001:000BA4B0 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
00B05E56 0E9CFF5C 0001:00704E56 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
004B7819 0E9CFF84 0001:000B6819 D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe
770E850D 0E9CFF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0E9CFFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0E9CFFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 4404 ---
770E850D 03B0FF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 03B0FFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 03B0FFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

--- Thread ID: 2592 ---
770E850D 0E0AFF90 0001:0001850D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
7749BF39 0E0AFFD4 0001:0005AF39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
7749BF0C 0E0AFFEC 0001:0005AF0C C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

Stack Trace (Using DBGHELP.DLL)

Showing 24/24 threads...

--- Thread ID: 3952 [Current Thread] ---
77463EA0 ntdll.dll wcsspn+667 (00000004,34EFD62C,34EFD548,00C45CBC)
77463D7F ntdll.dll wcsspn+378 (34EFD62C,0018F5B4,004BB427,34EFD62C)
77463D9B ntdll.dll wcsspn+406 (34EFD62C,0054FFD3,34EFD548,34EFD5C8)
004BB427 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (032A0060,0B66DE30,00000000,00000000)
005500DF Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (032A0060,00000E8C,00001388,00EBB9B8)
00B02C9D Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+4855213 (032A0060,00B88CC3,00000050,0018FB24)
00626908 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (032A0060,00B88CC3,17D3FEEC,16BA869A)
004D1C4A Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00EBB9B8,17D3FEEC,00000003,00B874A4)
0080035A Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1698922 (16BA868C,17D3FEEC,292DC5F0,0018FB7C)
00805F16 Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1722406 (292DC5F0,00805ED0,00000000,2B60ACA0)
00420B2C Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00000050,2B60ACA0,00000000,00000000)
00422FE7 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (34EC8534,00000002,292DC5F0,0000013F)
00420E03 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (292DC5F0,2B60AC70,00000000,0018FC94)
0042CA46 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (292DC5F0,0018FCE0,292DC5F0,00000000)
00420153 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (292DC5F0,0042CA30,0018FCE0,00000000)
00420FF9 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (012DC5F0,0042CA30,0018FCE0,00000020)
0042CA9D Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (292DC5F0,00000001,00000000,FFFFFFFD)
0083DF39 Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1951817 (000000F2,1317F174,00000001,00000000)
0083E012 Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1952034 (1317F458,00000000,00000000,1317F174)
005191F1 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0D142268,1317F174,0018FDB0,004FF9EE)
0051B8C6 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0018FD8C,0472C558,0472C624,30EBEE20)
004FF9EE Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0018FDF4,0D1413D0,0018FE80,0018FE50)
008A3E09 Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+2369305 (0472C558,00000008,0018FDF4,00000201)
008A2B93 Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+2364579 (0472C558,00000001,0472C558,0018FE80)
008A33B6 Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+2366662 (0472C558,00EC2016,00000102,00000201)
008A361F Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+2367279 (00000007,0018FE80,FFFFFFFE,00000000)
008A1C7D Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+2360717 (00000000,3C343959,00000000,69676E45)
008A240A Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+2362650 (00000000,004083FF,00000001,00000001)
008A2451 Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+2362721 (0040E4D5,00400000,00000000,01541A6C)
00408458 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (FFFDF000,0018FFD4,7749BF39,FFFDF000)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (FFFDF000,9722CFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (00401190,FFFDF000,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (00401190,FFFDF000,00000000,78746341)

--- Thread ID: 5028 ---
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (01565248,9589CFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (774650A7,01565248,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (774650A7,01565248,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 4740 ---
738C8599 mswsock.dll Tcpip4_WSHGetWildcardSockaddr+3524 (00000001,0380FC38,0380FD40,0380FE48)
75D50CCF WS2_32.dll select+325 (00000001,0000001F,0380FD40,0380FE48)
76203F72 WININET.dll GetUrlCacheEntryInfoExA+3002 (0380FF90,770E850D,0155BE40,0380FFD4)
761DF367 WININET.dll HttpAddRequestHeadersW+6827 (0155BE40,0380FFD4,7749BF39,0155BE40)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (0155BE40,94BACFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (761DF35A,0155BE40,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (761DF35A,0155BE40,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 788 ---
75E110B4 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (000023B0,FFFFFFFF,033EA798,00000000)
007DF69B Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1564587 (033EA780,00000000,033EA798,03F0FF78)
007E393A Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1581642 (033E7F20,FA4F5B91,00000000,033EA798)
00A12A8E Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+3871646 (00000000,03F0FF90,770E850D,033EA798)
00A12B36 Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+3871814 (033EA798,03F0FFD4,7749BF39,033EA798)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (033EA798,94CACFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (00A12AB4,033EA798,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (00A12AB4,033EA798,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 4452 ---
75E110B4 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (00002388,FFFFFFFF,00000000,032D54F8)
007DF17F Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1563279 (00000000,00000000,0334E928,0404FF78)
007E393A Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1581642 (032D54F8,FDBB5B91,00000000,0334E928)
00A12A8E Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+3871646 (00000000,0404FF90,770E850D,0334E928)
00A12B36 Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+3871814 (0334E928,0404FFD4,7749BF39,0334E928)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (0334E928,933ECFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (00A12AB4,0334E928,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (00A12AB4,0334E928,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 988 ---
75E110B4 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (00000014,FFFFFFFF,00000000,032F8C98)
007DF569 Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1564281 (032B18E8,00000000,0334EB48,0418FF78)
007E393A Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1581642 (032F8C98,FDA75B91,00000000,0334EB48)
00A12A8E Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+3871646 (00000000,0418FF90,770E850D,0334EB48)
00A12B36 Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+3871814 (0334EB48,0418FFD4,7749BF39,0334EB48)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (0334EB48,9322CFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (00A12AB4,0334EB48,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (00A12AB4,0334EB48,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 4504 ---
75E1119C KERNELBASE.dll Sleep+15 (00000001,0511FF5C,0053FDF4,00000001)
008755DD Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+2178797 (00000001,0339EC50,00002528,00001198)
0053FDF4 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (046FB398,00000000,00000000,0339EC50)
004B7819 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00D9C538,0511FFD4,7749BF39,0339EC50)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (0339EC50,922BCFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (004B7780,0339EC50,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (004B7780,0339EC50,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 4656 ---
75E1119C KERNELBASE.dll Sleep+15 (00000001,0521FF5C,0053FDF4,00000001)
008755DD Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+2178797 (00000001,0339EC68,0000252C,00001230)
0053FDF4 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (046FB400,00000000,00000000,0339EC68)
004B7819 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00D9C558,0521FFD4,7749BF39,0339EC68)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (0339EC68,921BCFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (004B7780,0339EC68,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (004B7780,0339EC68,00000000,00000003)

--- Thread ID: 3120 ---
75E110B4 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (00002570,FFFFFFFF,0F358320,07ADD280)
6CCB4DE4 nvd3dum.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (00000000,07AA6700,07ADEE48,00000000)
6CCB28C4 nvd3dum.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (07ADD280,6CCC8459,00000000,00000000)
6CCB0449 nvd3dum.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (07AA6700,886F0D3C,00000000,00000000)
6CF00E1B nvd3dum.dll QueryOglResource+1624395 (00000000,053FFF90,770E850D,07ADEE48)
6CF00EA5 nvd3dum.dll QueryOglResource+1624533 (07ADEE48,053FFFD4,7749BF39,07ADEE48)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (07ADEE48,9205CFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (6CF00E41,07ADEE48,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (6CF00E41,07ADEE48,00000000,117C427B)

--- Thread ID: 2452 ---
75E1119C KERNELBASE.dll Sleep+15 (00000064,00000000,054601C0,05428518)
007C4814 Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1454372 (00000000,00000000,054601C0,05D8FF78)
007E393A Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1581642 (05428518,FC675B91,00000000,054601C0)
00A12A8E Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+3871646 (00000000,05D8FF90,770E850D,054601C0)
00A12B36 Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+3871814 (054601C0,05D8FFD4,7749BF39,054601C0)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (054601C0,92E2CFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (00A12AB4,054601C0,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (00A12AB4,054601C0,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 2760 ---
75E110B4 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (00000270,FFFFFFFF,0866FF5C,00812052)
004BB4B0 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (FFFFFFFF,000025AC,00000AC8,054827E0)
00812052 Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1771874 (00EBC4D0,00000000,00000000,054827E0)
004B7819 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00D9C578,0866FFD4,7749BF39,054827E0)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (054827E0,9F5CCFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (004B7780,054827E0,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (004B7780,054827E0,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 3460 ---
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (00000000,9E2FCFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (728B4053,00000000,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (728B4053,00000000,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 4568 ---
75E1119C KERNELBASE.dll Sleep+15 (0000000A,0925FF84,00A9136C,0000000A)
00A90F0D Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+4388893 (0000000A,00000000,000011D8,0925FF90)
00A9136C Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+4390012 (0569FC48,0925FFD4,7749BF39,0569FC48)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (0569FC48,9E1FCFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (00A912F0,0569FC48,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (00A912F0,0569FC48,00000000,117C427B)

--- Thread ID: 2768 ---
75E110B4 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (000027E8,000003E8,0A32FF50,00550475)
004BB4B0 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (000003E8,00000AD0,0579A370,00002874)
00550475 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00000000,0A32FF84,004B7819,057B3C08)
005505E1 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (057B3C08,00000000,00000000,0579A370)
004B7819 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00D9C598,0A32FFD4,7749BF39,0579A370)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (0579A370,9D08CFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (004B7780,0579A370,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (004B7780,0579A370,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 1924 ---
770E6AB5 KERNEL32.DLL WaitForMultipleObjects+25 (00000001,0A46FE18,00000000,000001F4)
00550C14 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0579A268,0A46FF84,004B7819,057B3BF8)
0055033E Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (057B3BF8,00000000,00000000,0579A268)
004B7819 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00D9C5B8,0A46FFD4,7749BF39,0579A268)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (0579A268,9D7CCFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (004B7780,0579A268,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (004B7780,0579A268,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 4968 ---
75E110B4 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (0000026C,FFFFFFFF,0B03FF84,0070259A)
004BB4B0 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (FFFFFFFF,00001368,09BAFB30,00002880)
0070259A Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+659114 (00D9C5D8,0B03FFD4,7749BF39,09BAFB30)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (09BAFB30,9C39CFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (004B7780,09BAFB30,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (004B7780,09BAFB30,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 3628 ---
75E110B4 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (000029FC,FFFFFFFF,00000000,00000000)
6CCCA42B nvd3dum.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (00000000,0B31FF78,6CF00E1B,052C4EBC)
6CCCA351 nvd3dum.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (052C4EBC,86610D3C,00000000,00000000)
6CF00E1B nvd3dum.dll QueryOglResource+1624395 (00000000,0B31FF90,770E850D,07AFABA8)
6CF00EA5 nvd3dum.dll QueryOglResource+1624533 (07AFABA8,0B31FFD4,7749BF39,07AFABA8)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (07AFABA8,9C0BCFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (6CF00E41,07AFABA8,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (6CF00E41,07AFABA8,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 1288 ---
75E110B4 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (000029FC,FFFFFFFF,00000000,00000000)
6CCCA42B nvd3dum.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (00000001,0B32FF78,6CF00E1B,052C4EC4)
6CCCA351 nvd3dum.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (052C4EC4,86620D3C,00000000,00000000)
6CF00E1B nvd3dum.dll QueryOglResource+1624395 (00000000,0B32FF90,770E850D,07AFADC8)
6CF00EA5 nvd3dum.dll QueryOglResource+1624533 (07AFADC8,0B32FFD4,7749BF39,07AFADC8)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (07AFADC8,9C08CFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (6CF00E41,07AFADC8,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (6CF00E41,07AFADC8,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 784 ---
75E110B4 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (00002A14,FFFFFFFF,00000000,00000000)
6CCCA42B nvd3dum.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (00000000,0CC4FF78,6CF00E1B,052C5144)
6CCCA351 nvd3dum.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (052C5144,81940D3C,00000000,00000000)
6CF00E1B nvd3dum.dll QueryOglResource+1624395 (00000000,0CC4FF90,770E850D,0F0E0A60)
6CF00EA5 nvd3dum.dll QueryOglResource+1624533 (0F0E0A60,0CC4FFD4,7749BF39,0F0E0A60)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (0F0E0A60,9BFECFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (6CF00E41,0F0E0A60,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (6CF00E41,0F0E0A60,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 3352 ---
75E110B4 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (00002A14,FFFFFFFF,00000000,00000000)
6CCCA42B nvd3dum.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (00000001,0CFDFF78,6CF00E1B,052C514C)
6CCCA351 nvd3dum.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (052C514C,81AD0D3C,00000000,00000000)
6CF00E1B nvd3dum.dll QueryOglResource+1624395 (00000000,0CFDFF90,770E850D,053AB668)
6CF00EA5 nvd3dum.dll QueryOglResource+1624533 (053AB668,0CFDFFD4,7749BF39,053AB668)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (053AB668,9BC7CFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (6CF00E41,053AB668,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (6CF00E41,053AB668,00000000,117C427B)

--- Thread ID: 1804 ---
75E110B4 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (0000299C,FFFFFFFF,00000000,00000000)
6CCCA42B nvd3dum.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (00000000,0F0BFF78,6CF00E1B,0532F0C8)
6CCCA351 nvd3dum.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (0532F0C8,825B0D3C,00000000,00000000)
6CF00E1B nvd3dum.dll QueryOglResource+1624395 (00000000,0F0BFF90,770E850D,053AB8C0)
6CF00EA5 nvd3dum.dll QueryOglResource+1624533 (053AB8C0,0F0BFFD4,7749BF39,053AB8C0)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (053AB8C0,9831CFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (6CF00E41,053AB8C0,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (6CF00E41,053AB8C0,00000000,0E9E713A)

--- Thread ID: 592 ---
75E110B4 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (000029C8,00000064,0E9CFF5C,00B05E56)
004BB4B0 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00000064,0BAEC870,0E9CFF84,004B7819)
00B05E56 Wow.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+4867942 (0B66DE88,00000000,00000000,0BAEC870)
004B7819 Wow.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00D9C5F8,0E9CFFD4,7749BF39,0BAEC870)
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (0BAEC870,99A6CFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (004B7780,0BAEC870,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (004B7780,0BAEC870,00000000,0E19DFE6)

--- Thread ID: 4404 ---
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (01570E20,948ACFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (774650A7,01570E20,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (774650A7,01570E20,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 2592 ---
770E850D KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+14 (32336F58,9930CFCE,00000000,00000000)
7749BF39 ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+133 (738C74E5,32336F58,FFFFFFFF,77511DF7)
7749BF0C ntdll.dll RtlInitializeExceptionChain+88 (738C74E5,32336F58,00000000,00000000)

Loaded Modules

DBG-MODULE<00320000 0000C000 "freakz.dll" "" 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000000000000000} 0 708992537>
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DBG-MODULE<75EC0000 000AE000 "ADVAPI32.dll" "advapi32.pdb" 0 {de98cb02-f0e5-43c6-ab86b0e9512e9c71} 2 1343269009>
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DBG-MODULE<76530000 00121000 "urlmon.dll" "urlmon.pdb" 0 {62a12f9a-fcbe-4e85-9a64f691017f447b} 2 1377042066>
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DBG-MODULE<76CF0000 00089000 "COMDLG32.dll" "comdlg32.pdb" 0 {e881db56-e9fa-4ca5-99c3fe58ec775307} 2 1343262317>
DBG-MODULE<76D80000 00012000 "MSASN1.dll" "msasn1.pdb" 0 {9a6887f5-ad04-49c9-bbb52774d31f1bca} 2 1343261585>
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DBG-MODULE<77030000 0008B000 "OLEAUT32.dll" "oleaut32.pdb" 0 {80b8eb7e-d7f2-4b6f-b4dc73b707a1f7ea} 2 1372808900>
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DBG-MODULE<77440000 00157000 "ntdll.dll" "wntdll.pdb" 0 {d9eef29b-9553-4621-a9f2010e4efb9c80} 2 1365224558>

Memory Dump

Code: 16 bytes starting at (EIP = 77463EA0)

77463EA0: FF 40 14 B9 82 03 FE 7F 80 39 00 BA 22 17 00 00 [email protected].."...

Stack: 1024 bytes starting at (ESP = 0018F4C8)

* = addr ** *
0018F4C0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0018F4D0: 00 00 00 00 CA 37 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 E0 FD FF .....7A.........
0018F4E0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 2C 00 00 18 2C 00 00 .........,...,..
0018F4F0: D8 F4 18 00 74 FF 18 00 B0 1B 41 00 4C 4F 47 49 ....t.....A.LOGI
0018F500: 4E 5F 53 45 52 56 45 52 5F 44 4F 57 4E 00 EF 34 N_SERVER_DOWN..4
0018F510: 48 D5 EF 34 48 D5 EF 34 BC 5C C4 00 88 44 7B 05 H..4H..4.\...D{.
0018F520: 3C F5 18 00 36 C5 22 97 05 00 00 00 58 F5 18 00 <...6.".....X...
0018F530: 7F 3D 46 77 04 00 00 00 2C D6 EF 34 48 D5 EF 34 .=Fw....,..4H..4
0018F540: BC 5C C4 00 0D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .\..............
0018F550: 04 00 00 00 00 E0 FD FF 64 F5 18 00 9B 3D 46 77 ........d....=Fw
0018F560: 2C D6 EF 34 B4 F5 18 00 27 B4 4B 00 2C D6 EF 34 ,..4....'.K.,..4
0018F570: D3 FF 54 00 48 D5 EF 34 C8 D5 EF 34 60 00 2A 03 ..T.H..4...4`.*.
0018F580: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B0 F5 18 00 0F 9D 87 00 ................
0018F590: 61 00 2A 03 A0 F5 18 00 48 D5 EF 34 C8 D5 EF 34 a.*.....H..4...4
0018F5A0: B0 F5 18 00 74 0D 55 00 DC F5 18 00 01 00 00 00 ....t.U.........
0018F5B0: 00 00 00 00 DC F5 18 00 DF 00 55 00 60 00 2A 03 ..........U.`.*.
0018F5C0: 30 DE 66 0B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0.f.............
0018F5D0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F8 F5 18 00 ................
0018F5E0: 9D 2C B0 00 60 00 2A 03 8C 0E 00 00 88 13 00 00 .,..`.*.........
0018F5F0: B8 B9 EB 00 B8 4F 2B 0C 0C F6 18 00 08 69 62 00 .....O+......ib.
0018F600: 60 00 2A 03 C3 8C B8 00 50 00 00 00 24 FB 18 00 `.*.....P...$...
0018F610: 4A 1C 4D 00 60 00 2A 03 C3 8C B8 00 EC FE D3 17 J.M.`.*.........
0018F620: 9A 86 BA 16 50 45 52 46 45 43 54 41 53 53 41 53 ....PERFECTASSAS
0018F630: 49 4E 00 41 00 00 88 41 00 00 78 42 00 00 80 3F IN.A...A..xB...?
0018F640: 4C F7 18 00 3C F7 18 00 6C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 L...<...l.......
0018F650: 00 00 31 40 01 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F D0 13 14 0D ..1@.......?....
0018F660: EC 68 14 16 01 00 00 00 42 E0 61 00 00 00 00 00 .h......B.a.....
0018F670: 00 10 7B 40 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..{@............
0018F680: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0018F690: 00 00 00 00 B0 F6 18 00 32 08 50 00 10 00 00 00 ........2.P.....
0018F6A0: 00 00 00 00 10 C6 50 00 EC 68 14 16 60 02 00 00 ......P..h..`...
0018F6B0: C8 F6 18 00 CE 22 50 00 10 C6 50 00 F0 C5 2D 29 ....."P...P...-)
0018F6C0: 60 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 E4 F6 18 00 4C 0B 42 00 `...........L.B.
0018F6D0: F0 C5 2D 29 D0 AE 60 2B 10 00 00 00 A0 AE 60 2B ..-)..`+......`+
0018F6E0: F0 C5 2D 29 00 00 00 00 70 F7 18 00 D3 36 42 00 ..-)....p....6B.
0018F6F0: F0 C5 2D 29 A0 AE 60 2B A8 00 00 00 F0 C5 2D 29 ..-)..`+......-)
0018F700: C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C1 15 00 00 00 00 ................
0018F710: 43 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 C7 FF FF 00 00 88 41 C..............A
0018F720: 00 00 80 3A C2 E1 A2 3C 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF ...:...<........
0018F730: 01 00 00 00 88 3F A0 0B 66 66 46 3D 05 00 00 00 .....?..ffF=....
0018F740: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 66 66 46 3D ............ffF=
0018F750: 6C F7 18 00 BF EB 52 00 00 00 00 00 BC 6C C2 16 l.....R......l..
0018F760: 00 00 00 00 A0 71 2D 17 E0 71 2D 17 A0 AE 60 2B .....q-..q-...`+
0018F770: 8C F7 18 00 03 0E 42 00 98 B8 E0 28 00 00 00 00 ......B....(....
0018F780: F0 C5 2D 29 CC CC 9F 3E CE CC F8 3E A0 F7 18 00 ..-)...>...>....
0018F790: 46 CA 42 00 F0 C5 2D 29 90 AE 60 2B 00 00 00 00 F.B...-)..`+....
0018F7A0: FC F7 18 00 53 01 42 00 F0 C5 2D 29 48 F8 18 00 ....S.B...-)H...
0018F7B0: F0 C5 2D 29 D0 F9 18 00 FC F7 18 00 C0 00 00 00 ..-)............
0018F7C0: A8 00 00 00 F0 C5 2D 29 A0 F7 18 00 41 01 42 00 ......-)....A.B.
0018F7D0: 74 FF 18 00 01 00 00 00 30 32 43 56 00 00 00 00 t.......02CV....
0018F7E0: E1 59 D4 16 BC 6C C2 16 63 8C 4F 00 6A 8C 4F 00 .Y...l..c.O.j.O.
0018F7F0: BC 6C C2 16 09 8F 4F 00 00 00 00 00 24 F8 18 00 .l....O.....$...
0018F800: F9 0F 42 00 F0 C5 2D 29 30 CA 42 00 48 F8 18 00 ..B...-)0.B.H...
0018F810: 00 00 00 00 F0 C5 2D 29 00 00 00 00 C0 00 00 00 ......-)........
0018F820: 02 00 00 00 50 F8 18 00 9D CA 42 00 F0 C5 2D 01 ....P.....B...-.
0018F830: 30 CA 42 00 48 F8 18 00 40 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 0.B.H...@.......
0018F840: 00 00 00 00 F0 C5 2D 29 90 AE 60 2B 00 00 00 00 ......-)..`+....
0018F850: 84 F8 18 00 39 DF 83 00 84 F8 18 00 91 DF 83 00 ....9...........
0018F860: F0 C5 2D 29 FF FF FF FF EC 68 14 16 00 00 00 00 ..-).....h......
0018F870: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0018F880: 02 00 00 00 A4 F8 18 00 12 E0 83 00 B3 78 00 00 .............x..
0018F890: EC 68 14 16 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 C5 2D 29 .h............-)
0018F8A0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 BC F8 18 00 D4 F8 18 00 ................
0018F8B0: C2 EE 52 00 F0 C5 2D 29 FE FF FF FF F0 C5 2D 29 ..R...-)......-)
0018F8C0: FF FF FF FF 54 5E 42 17 74 5E 42 17 E4 F8 18 00 ....T^B.t^B.....

Percent memory used: 63
Total physical memory: 4293447680
Free physical memory: 1548255232
Page file: 5031645184
Total virtual memory: 4294836224
Free virtual memory: 3407781888

List of running WoW processes:

Process: D:\Jocuri\WoW Freakz\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\Wow.exe; pid: 3056

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-02-2014, 12:06:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Si apropo, ce windows ai?

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 01-11-2014 16:13)
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Post Posted: 09-02-2014, 12:11:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Windows 8 . Aseara pe la ora 2 a.m. mergea caracterul si acum merge sa intru pe alt caracter de pe acelas cont . Am sters acum amandoua WoW-urile si il downloadez din nou .
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