
[Warrior][PvE] Unshackled Fury vs Unholy Frenzy

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[Nutella Lover]

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Post Posted: 16-02-2014, 15:01:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: Unshackled fury (wowhead link), Unholy Frenzy (wowhead link)
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Unholy Frenzy ar trebui sa fie afectat de mastery-ul de la warrior fury.La 15 mastery,ar fi trebuit sa primesc 5.6*15*20% +20=36% haste,in schimb primesc doar 20% haste.
Dovada / Proof: -->
Raid Utility: A good buff. Careful consideration is required to figure out how best to use it, though. First of all, the Fury warrior mastery [Unshackled Fury] increases the effect of all Enrage effects, including this one, so any available Fury warriors should be the first target for this.

Unholy Frenzy is an Enrage effect, and therefore benefits from this mastery. In fact, DKs should prioritize casting Unholy Frenzy on Fury warriors for that exact reason.
-->comment de pe wowhead

Unholy Frenzy & Gargoyle
Unholy Frenzy is a potent enrage that will give you a serious boost to DPS in exchange for a small expenditure of health. Cast UF early in a fight to see it cooldown for repeat uses or save it specially for a 'burn' phase.

The only exception to self-casting UF would be if you are feeling charitable and there is a talented fury warrior in your group. You could choose to give the buff to him/her instead because they honestly benefit from enrage more than we do through [Unshackled Fury].

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