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[The Dictator]

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Post Posted: 13-02-2014, 14:34:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

mariannaruto wrote:
1. Prenume: Marian
2. Varsta (minim 16): 16 (fac 17 in aprilie)
3. Localitate: Focsani, Vrancea
4. Nume In - Game: Obbitto
5. Clasa / Rasa: Night elf-Death Knight
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): blood 406 / unholy 400
8. Profesii: Jewlcrafting, Mining
9. Microfon + ts3: da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: mastery-pentru ca imi da scut si self-heal
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment? Stiu la toti bossi scriptati momentan
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)? ultraxion(la inceput) ma incurca debuff-ul fanding light
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): Old Gang-sa defiintat, Sublime-am primit kick deoarece nu intelegeau faptul ca la 22-22:30 trebuie sa ies
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada:
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask): main spec sunt tank, daca vreti sa vedeti dmg-ul facem test in-game

/w Adar , Gogonel , Nytrox pentru test

Unstoppable vs. Spine of Deathwing 25h

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-02-2014, 21:55:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume: Liviu
2. Varsta (minim 16): 16
3. Localitate: Gaesti
4. Nume In - Game: Cocon
5. Clasa / Rasa: Warlock/Human
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): Aff/Destruction 399
8. Profesii: Tailorintg+ench

9. Microfon + ts3: Da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: Joc la hit cap/haste 26.66% si apoi mastery -crit dece joce la mastery pt ca crit iau din raid

11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment? blackhorn spine madness pe hc>

12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)? Warlord pe hc nu prea pic asa repede ochiul
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): am dat leav pt ca nu ma luau la 10hc
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada: macro 1 am decat > si nu folosesc addonuri multe...

15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask)destro 31k/aff26k daca e ma testezi in game> numai stau sa pun screen

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[The Dictator]

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Post Posted: 16-02-2014, 22:48:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

luat wrote:
1. Prenume: Liviu
2. Varsta (minim 16): 16
3. Localitate: Gaesti
4. Nume In - Game: Cocon
5. Clasa / Rasa: Warlock/Human
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): Aff/Destruction 399
8. Profesii: Tailorintg+ench

9. Microfon + ts3: Da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: Joc la hit cap/haste 26.66% si apoi mastery -crit dece joce la mastery pt ca crit iau din raid

11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment? blackhorn spine madness pe hc>

12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)? Warlord pe hc nu prea pic asa repede ochiul
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): am dat leav pt ca nu ma luau la 10hc
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada: macro 1 am decat > si nu folosesc addonuri multe...

15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask)destro 31k/aff26k daca e ma testezi in game> numai stau sa pun screen

Nu stai sa pui poza? Respins!

Unstoppable vs. Spine of Deathwing 25h

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[The Godfather]

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Post Posted: 16-02-2014, 22:48:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

luat wrote:
1. Prenume: Liviu
2. Varsta (minim 16): 16
3. Localitate: Gaesti
4. Nume In - Game: Cocon
5. Clasa / Rasa: Warlock/Human
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): Aff/Destruction 399
8. Profesii: Tailorintg+ench

9. Microfon + ts3: Da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: Joc la hit cap/haste 26.66% si apoi mastery -crit dece joce la mastery pt ca crit iau din raid

11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment? blackhorn spine madness pe hc>

12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)? Warlord pe hc nu prea pic asa repede ochiul
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): am dat leav pt ca nu ma luau la 10hc
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada: macro 1 am decat > si nu folosesc addonuri multe...

15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask)destro 31k/aff26k daca e ma testezi in game> numai stau sa pun screen

Cauta in alta parte si stii de ce!! RESPINS!!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-02-2014, 15:22:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume: Raul
2. Varsta (minim 16): 21
3. Localitate: Targu-Mures
4. Nume In - Game: Pepsiko
5. Clasa / Rasa: Human-mage
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): 395 fire
8. Profesii: Herb+Alchemy
9. Microfon + ts3: Da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: Crit -> hot streak-> more pyros= more dmg
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment? Stiu script Ds integral
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)? Nici unul.
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): Sublime, probleme personale cu anumiti membri.
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada:
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask): am dat test cu nytrox

scuze! n a fost cu intentie, a fost cu piciorul.
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[The Dictator]

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Post Posted: 20-02-2014, 00:46:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

farcasfarcas wrote:
1. Prenume: Raul
2. Varsta (minim 16): 21
3. Localitate: Targu-Mures
4. Nume In - Game: Pepsiko
5. Clasa / Rasa: Human-mage
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): 395 fire
8. Profesii: Herb+Alchemy
9. Microfon + ts3: Da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: Crit -> hot streak-> more pyros= more dmg
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment? Stiu script Ds integral
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)? Nici unul.
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): Sublime, probleme personale cu anumiti membri.
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada:
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask): am dat test cu nytrox

/w Fhuur pentru test!

Unstoppable vs. Spine of Deathwing 25h

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[The Dictator]

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(since 07-09-2020 05:56)
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Post Posted: 24-02-2014, 02:18:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Recrutam in special:

1x Hunter
1x Priest Shadow
2x war arms/fury
1 dk unholy/frost
1x paladin holy
2x warlock
1x Druid Resto/Balance/2x feral

Recrutam si alte clase care au peste 400 ilvl si peste 20 days played.Cu full achiv din ds @ hc.

Minim 395 ilvl - Full Achiv Hc @ Ds - Peste 10 days played - Minim 16 anisori

Atunci cand faci cererea: Nu incerca glume proaste , completeaza raspunsurile de la intrebari altfel vei primi respins direct, nu face pe desteptul,si nu incerca sa pari interesant.

1. Prenume:
2. Varsta (minim 16):
3. Localitate:
4. Nume In - Game:
5. Clasa / Rasa:
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL):
8. Profesii:
9. Microfon + ts3:
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!:
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment?
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)?
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave):
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada:
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask):

Unstoppable vs. Spine of Deathwing 25h

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[The Dictator]

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(since 07-09-2020 05:56)
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Post Posted: 27-02-2014, 00:48:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

si dk blood si shaman resto

Unstoppable vs. Spine of Deathwing 25h

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-03-2014, 11:30:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume: Alex
2. Varsta (minim 16): 21
3. Localitate: Bucuresti
4. Nume In - Game: Alies
5. Clasa / Rasa: Worgan/Death Knight
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): 404 unholy/402 blood
8. Profesii: Blacksmitting / Minning
9. Microfon + ts3: Da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: Hit 8%>Haste>Mastery>Crit> Mastery deoarece am Gurthalack si imi mareste dmg la proc
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment? Nu stiu perfect la ultraxion pe hc , trebuie sa ma mai uit mai cu atentie la video
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)? Prima data cand am facut ultraxion cand nu stiam faza cu debuffu:))dar acum pe normal nu imi mai face probleme deloc
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): Realness , The Betrayers , nu erau capabile de hc
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada:
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask):

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[The Dictator]

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(since 07-09-2020 05:56)
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Post Posted: 04-03-2014, 12:06:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

DeathKnigst wrote:
1. Prenume: Alex
2. Varsta (minim 16): 21
3. Localitate: Bucuresti
4. Nume In - Game: Alies
5. Clasa / Rasa: Worgan/Death Knight
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): 404 unholy/402 blood
8. Profesii: Blacksmitting / Minning
9. Microfon + ts3: Da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: Hit 8%>Haste>Mastery>Crit> Mastery deoarece am Gurthalack si imi mareste dmg la proc
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment? Nu stiu perfect la ultraxion pe hc , trebuie sa ma mai uit mai cu atentie la video
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)? Prima data cand am facut ultraxion cand nu stiam faza cu debuffu:))dar acum pe normal nu imi mai face probleme deloc
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): Realness , The Betrayers , nu erau capabile de hc
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada:
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask):

Acceptat! /w Adar , Gogonel , Nytrox

Unstoppable vs. Spine of Deathwing 25h

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 30-03-2014 11:32)
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Post Posted: 04-03-2014, 20:06:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume: Tiberiu
2. Varsta (minim 16): 16 ani fara cateva zile
3. Localitate: Ploiesti
4. Nume In - Game: Marthon
5. Clasa / Rasa: human paladin
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): Holy 391 pve / off spec am retri 392 pvp
8. Profesii: tailoring full si fishing full
9. Microfon + ts3: am si microfon si ts3 in calculator
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: spirit si haste (ca sa obtin 4 ticks la holy radiance si sa il spamez, acesta fiind pricipalul meu spell de heal aoe)
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment? cunosc scripturile in afara de ultrax/zon/hagara pe hc deoarece nu am facut
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)? cel mai greu boss din punctul meu de vedere ca healer este yor in purple faze deoarece healul este foarte limitat
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): am fost in anonymus si am primit kick deoarece am fost inactiv cateva zile(din motive medicale), apoi in pvp si am dat leave deoarece cred ca pve este mai distractiv.
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada: joc cu healbot si nu am nevoie de atat de multe binds
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask): am pus recountu la heal dintrun fl 25n ca sa va faceti o idee

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-03-2014, 19:26:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume: George
2. Varsta (minim 16): 31
3. Localitate: Brasov
4. Nume In - Game: Blueblaze
5. Clasa / Rasa: Sham/draenei
6. Link armory: Click
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): resto 403 / enha 397
8. Profesii: alchemy,ench
9. Microfon + ts3: y
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: mastery ftw,lucreaza destul de bine mastery pe srv,pacat de DR.
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment? nu am probleme la niciunul.
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)? niciunul.
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): cateva conflicte cu un ofiter
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada: Click
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask): -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-03-2014, 20:13:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume: Madalin
2. Varsta (minim 16): 22
3. Localitate: Bucuresti
4. Nume In - Game: Hanrry
5. Clasa / Rasa: Mage/Human
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): 397 fire
8. Profesii: Altchemy+Engi
9. Microfon + ts3: Da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: Crit-crește șansa de a lovi la rândul sãu, crește șansele de Hot Strike pyro
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment? La niciunul
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)?Niciunul
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): Sublime Inactivitate (Dar ma reaapuc)
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada:
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask): Incerc in-game din nou daca e nevoie

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[The Godfather]

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Post Posted: 09-03-2014, 21:05:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

hanrry wrote:
1. Prenume: Madalin
2. Varsta (minim 16): 22
3. Localitate: Bucuresti
4. Nume In - Game: Hanrry
5. Clasa / Rasa: Mage/Human
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): 397 fire
8. Profesii: Altchemy+Engi
9. Microfon + ts3: Da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: Crit-crește șansa de a lovi la rândul sãu, crește șansele de Hot Strike pyro
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment? La niciunul
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)?Niciunul
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): Sublime Inactivitate (Dar ma reaapuc)
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada:
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask): Incerc in-game din nou daca e nevoie

/w cauta-ma pe Gogonel/ Gogonica in game

testat, doar pt normale

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Post Posted: 10-03-2014, 20:15:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Last edited by casmet on 18-03-2014, 19:19:43; edited 1 time in total
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