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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 19-04-2016 14:57)
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Post Posted: 09-03-2014, 02:49:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Nick-ul meu :BRAILA1987
2. Nick-ul celui reclamat :ANGRY
3. IP-ul reclamatului :
4. Motiv :ABUZ
5. Dovada : nu este inca dar sunt martori

am primit ban 120 de min pe motivul retry dupa infectie eu nu am dat retry dar cand am fost infectat am zis cazemata legat nu aveam de unde sa stiu ca voi fi dat afara si am reintrat iar angry mia dat ban dar la dat abia dupa 2 runde si doar ce explicasem mai devreme de ce am fost dat afara deci nu ca as vrea sa fie sanctionat dar nu cred ca ar fi trebuit sa fiu banat as ruga daca acum este cineva sa scoata banul

va multumesc,

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[Screwed Freak]

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(since 06-05-2019 18:05)
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Post Posted: 09-03-2014, 03:20:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Iertati-l va rog, a gresit serverul, il cam bate forumul.

Casuta vocala: aNgRy!

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