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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 15-07-2014 20:49)
Joined: 19 Nov 2013
Posts: 21, Topics: 11
Location: Romania

Reputation: 73.7
Votes: 2

Post Posted: 29-03-2014, 15:09:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Tournament 1vs1 Group + Kickout ( 1win=1 punct ,cel care are cele mai multe puncte castiga grupa ) 29 martie


Nr. participanti: 52

Premiul ptr Locul 1 : Arma Madness of Deathwing ==Arma Elite == Trinket + 20 rp

Premiul ptr Locul 2 : 100 k Gold + 10 rp

Group 1:





Group 2:





Group 3:





Group 4:





Group 5:





Group 6:





Group 7:





Group 8:





Group 9:





Group 10:





Group 11:





Group: 12





Group 13:







Group 1:\\\\\\29 martie 2014///////


-Speqt vs Pki ------------------1-0----------------------------

-Kakarroto vs Pker ------------0-1---------------------------

-Speqt vs Pker ----------------1-0--------------------------

-Pki vs Kakarroto -------------1-0--------------------------

-Speqt vs Kakarroto ----------1-0--------------------------

-Pki vs Pker -------------------1-0-------------------------

Clasament< Gr. 1>:

-Speqt (3p)

-Pki (2p)

-Pker (1p)

-Kakarroto (0p)

Group 2:\\\\\\30 martie 2014///////


-Pepssim vs Bllocky------------1-0--------------

-Sturin vs Scher -------------------------1-0-------------

-Pepssim vs Sturin----------------------0-1-------------

-Scher vs Bllocky------------------------0-1-------------

-Sturin vs Bllocky------------------------0-1------------

-Scher vs Pepssim ----------------------0-1------------

Clasament< Gr. 2>:

-Pepssim (2p)

-Sturin (2p)

-Bllocky (2p)

-Scher (0p)


Group 3:\\\\\\31 martie 2014///////


-Mustaciila vs BestialDK-------1-0----------

Clasament< Gr. 3>:

-Mustaciila (3p)

-BestialDK (2p)

-Magnifyco (0p)-NEPREZENTARE

-Jonsons (0p)-NEPREZENTARE


Group 4:\\\\\\1 aprilie 2014///////


-Nycromprime vs Andaryellupo-------0-1----------

-Msbig vs Deretos-------1-0--------

-Andaryellupo vs Msbig-----0-1-------

-Nycromprime vs Deretos-----1-0------

-Msbig vs Nycromprime-----1-0-------

-Andaryellupo vs Deretos-----1-0-----

Clasament< Gr. 4>:

-Msbig (3p)

-Andaryellupo (2p)


-Deretos (0p)


Group 5:\\\\\\2 aprilie 2014///////

Clasament< Gr. 5>:

-Dunno (3p)

-Raiseofdeath (0p)-NEPREZENTARE


- Rainfalls (0p)-NEPREZENTARE


Group 6:\\\\\\3 aprilie 2014///////


-Kickyourbut vs Alintragedia-------1-0--------

-Ancientzewx vs Kickyourbut-----1-0-------

-Alintyragedia vs Ancientzewx-----1-0------

Clasament< Gr. 6>:

-Kickyourbut (2 p)

-Ancientzewx (2 p )

-Alintragedia (2 p)

-Violcustill (0 p )-NEPREZENTARE


Group 7:\\\\\\4 aprilie 2014///////


-Zeke vs Eyeles-------0-1---------

-Zeke vs Waldeney----1-0-------

-Eyeles vs Waldeney----1-0------

Clasament< Gr. 7>:

-Eyeles (3 p)

-Zeke (2 p )

-Waldeney (0 p)

-Kanajambe (0 p )-NEPREZENTARE


Group 8:\\\\\\5 aprilie 2014///////


-Profsange vs Palpadius-------1-0---------

Clasament< Gr. 8>:

-Profsange (3 p)

-Palpadius (2 p )

-Claxon (0 p)-NEPREZENTARE

-Preputzica (0 p )-NEPREZENTARE


Group 9:\\\\\\6 aprilie 2014///////


Clasament< Gr. 9>:

-Norules (0 p)-NEPREZENTARE

-Cavanii (3 p)

-Dragunov (0 p)-NEPREZENTARE

-Vitaminx (0 p)-NEPREZENTARE


Group 10:\\\\\\7 aprilie 2014///////


Clasament< Gr. 10>:

-Pathelas (0 p)-NEPREZENTARE

-Ywannabehigh (0 p)-NEPREZENTARE

-Kikker ( 3 p)-NEPREZENTARE

-Enchantdmg (0 p)-NEPREZENTARE


Group 11:\\\\\\8 aprilie 2014///////


-Cuadalahara vs Rashesim-----0-1--------

Clasament< Gr. 11>:

-Rashesim (3 p)

-Cuadalahara (2 p)


-Perfectstyls (0 p)-NEPREZENTARE


Group 12:\\\\\\9 aprilie 2014///////


Clasament< Gr. 12>:

-Angelmage (0 p)-NEPREZENTARE

-Sapphire (0 p)-NEPREZENTARE


-Xblack (0 p)-NEPREZENTARE


Group 12:\\\\\\10 aprilie 2014///////


Clasament< Gr. 13>:

-Shaokann (3 p)

-Zaraki (0 p)-NEPREZENTARE

-Huntery( 0 p)-NEPREZENTARE

-Sequonnix (0 p)-NEPREZENTARE


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