
[Rezolvat]Reclamatie Nemo!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-04-2014, 23:06:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nemo is a good admin ! but he pretend be a owner ! teach everyone what to do ! Me , Andreea , etc... and restricted to change map and more... he's a arrogant person and he's cocky !!! like superficial... he think is better everyone... in this night i want vote because is 10 vs 9 on fy_snow_orange !!! and he sayd don't change it III , and speak so bad...i'm just say i don't want something.... i want change harti cuz Pamflet sayd me when are over 16 players don't let fy_snow ... lol !!! And the big boss " nemo " restricted me this !...
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Post Posted: 04-04-2014, 23:08:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Voting successful (got "9") (needed "1"). The result: nextmap - orange

Current map: fy_snow_orange
* Password accepted
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III connected

Time Left: 32:45
DonPablo killed mafia with awp
III : timeleft

(ALL) Message from admin III : Harti la vot /last mai intai
(ALL) Message from admin III : Harti la vot /last mai intai
(ALL) Message from admin III : Harti la vot /last mai intai
(ALL) Message from admin III : Harti la vot /last mai intai

nemo : ce faci ma ?
nemo : pentru ce harti la vot?

(ADMINS) nemo : do not change this map
(ADMINS) nemo : III
(ADMINS) III : why?
(ADMINS) III : cuz you said?
(ADMIN) SuguS : 31 mins
(ADMINS) III : so ?
(ADMINS) III : lol
(ADMINS) III : so?
(ADMINS) III : go reclamatii
(ADMINS) III : nemo who are you?
(ADMINS) nemo : you are not owner
(ADMINS) III : you are owner here?
(ADMINS) III : so... don't teach me and shut up
(ADMINS) III : i'm not and you are not
(ADMINS) III : so..
(ADMINS) nemo : are you kidding right?
(ADMINS) III : shut up i don't sayd you change or no...
(ADMINS) III : if you don't like what i do go reclamatii

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Unmor Cstrike

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Post Posted: 04-04-2014, 23:31:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

III wrote:
Nemo is a good admin ! but he pretend be a owner ! teach everyone what to do ! Me , Andreea , etc... and restricted to change map and more... he's a arrogant person and he's cocky !!! like superficial... he think is better everyone... in this night i want vote because is 10 vs 9 on fy_snow_orange !!! and he sayd don't change it III , and speak so bad...i'm just say i don't want something.... i want change harti cuz Pamflet sayd me when are over 16 players don't let fy_snow ... lol !!! And the big boss " nemo " restricted me this !...

First you'd haft to ask you'r mates that you haft to change the map, you are co-workers, not machines, soo in this case at time like 00:00 if you will change the map players that are on server will be gone after, they change it because on the map before was like 6v6 on a bigger map, so i think it was a good call not to let you do the change, try to speak with your mates and learn to accept other opinion in problems. In last don't think that you were wrong, noo it was good to change it but try to make some conections with the others.

Prea rapid, prea furios, eu merg cu dacia tu mergi pe jos -
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Post Posted: 04-04-2014, 23:55:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Treaba a fost in felul urmator :

Asa cum a spus Iuda mai sus harta a fost schimbata pentru ca erau 6 vs 6 pe harta precedenta. A fost schimbata prin vot [ 9 din 12 ],
Eram 3 admini: eu [nemo], sugus si tripluX + Iuda

Pe Snow orange a fost "organizat" un concurs de awp-uri pe mijlocul hartii. Toata lumea se distra si nu erau probleme chiar daca eram 8 vs 8, cred. Dupa 7 minute [ Time Left: 32:45 ] a intrat III si fara sa intrebe pe nimeni a dat anuntul cu harti a vot. Ce a urmat se regaseste in conversatia pusa de mine [ se poate verifica in log-uri] .

but he pretend be a owner -

Last edited by TIG on 05-04-2014, 00:56:21; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 04-04-2014, 23:58:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

"he's a arrogant person and he's cocky !!! like superficial... he think is better everyone... " 1st I think is the other way around after I've read the conversation between you and nemo and btw the normal thing to do in this situation is to ask the others admins on the server about changing the map before saying to all players about map proposals .

And 2nd to make a complaint about this is childish and silly there are lots more ways to resolve a problem you have with a coworker than this half-assed post in here.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-04-2014, 01:15:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

De cand am avut unele discutii cu arkan si pica incerc sa respect tot mai mult regulamentul asa ca :

1:Schimbarea hartii se face doar in cazul in care aceasta a fost supusa la vot prin comanda "amx_vote Votati harta1 harta2 harta3 harta4" si s-au scurs cel putin 25 de minute din harta curenta.
-Cand a vrut sa schimbe harta nu trecuse nici macar 10 min....

2: Inainte de a lua o decizie, consultati-va cu ceilalti admini de pe server pentru rezultate mai bune pe placul tuturor.
-Si chiar daca avea de gand sa schimbe harta ar fi trebuit sa vorbeasca cu noi si sa luam o decizie in privinta hartii, indiferent cati jucatori erau nu trebuia sa intre si sa schimbe harta asa de capul lui, daca am face toti asta nu ar fi foarte frumos.

Eu cred, ca regulamentul adminilor este destinat tuturor adminilor indiferet de grad.....

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Post Posted: 05-04-2014, 01:18:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

*Hai sa ne certam pe consiliu

I do not care about somebody's rank on the server because we all have to respect the same rules. I agree with the fact that smaller maps should be changed after a certain number of people join in (let it be 15,16 etc.) in order to avoid a ***.

The server was empty five minutes before this happened and we were trying to attract people into this competition that we created, called "AWP Battle". People were joining in and suddenly III called for a map change. We strongly disagreed with this decision of him which resulted in the argument posted above.

I am trying to have a good relationship with everybody on this server and in order to do so I reply to everyone's little question; a bunch of people wanted to play snow_orange so we gave them this opportunity and they were happy; I did not want to ruin their happines by changing the map after such a short period of time.

This is a lesson for all of us because we have to understand that being an admin doesn't make you special, you volunteered to make this place better and for God's sake do so.

Have a nice day and I'll see you on the server.

**Pe romana nu stiu sa vorbesc atat.

Ex ossibus ultor.

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Post Posted: 05-04-2014, 07:18:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Lucrurile astea se vorbesc la consiliu admini,nu AICI,aici tine de reclamatiile serverului ! Iar cand SNOW e super populata,e si normal sa se bage o harta mai mare,nu va mai certati ca niste copiii ce sunteti,ca toti aveti de invatat,incercati sa va respectati si sa va intelegeti !

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[Simply Normal]

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Post Posted: 05-04-2014, 10:22:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

A few weeks ago i told III to ask maps for vote(dosen't matter if are 30 minutes left) if it is snow or snow3 and are a lot of people(least 18) because snow or snow3 ar small maps and some people does not agree to play on small maps. If is night and over 22 when aren't many people on servers it's ok to play that map with 20-22 players.
Era vorba de hartile mici gen snow si snow3 cand se poate da vot chiar daca mai sunt 30 minute din harta, asta in cazul in care se umple(minim 18 persoane).
Incercati sa va intelegeti intre voi ca nu isi au rost certurile/ Try to communicate with other admins don't fight over a vote.

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