
[DUPLICATE] Dragon Soul: Warmaster Blackhorn
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Post Posted: 27-04-2014, 17:46:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Apropo nu au mers model ids alea pe care ti le-am trimis pe PM? Sau nu ai apucat sa le bagi? Ma refer la arma si scutul de pe warmaster.
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Post Posted: 27-04-2014, 17:56:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ti-am dat si rep pt ele, vad doar ca nu le-a bagat nimeni inca. O sa fie bagate.
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Post Posted: 27-04-2014, 19:36:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Another bug that I dunno if mentioned already:

- When players ENTER THE WARMASTER PORTAL ACCIDENTALLY - without killing Ultraxion first -

~then the Aspects disappear for the Ultraxion fight~

The NPCs are there before the pull, but once you start the script, they disappear immediately.
Therefore = no healing buff crystals.

I'm guessing this is probably due to the actual progress of the raid -> Ultraxion needs to die first before reaching Warmaster.

So if a player reaches Warmaster by mistake, the script would think that "Hey, Ultrax is dead? So that means the aspects should not be there anymore"

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Post Posted: 27-04-2014, 19:54:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

3 questions in order to know if some things should be fixed.

1. On 10h, twilight barrages is 1 hitting someone if soaking alone. Is it supposed to be hitting that hard?

2. When goriona lands, she's supposed to stop casting twilight flames. I dunno if it was only bugged for us, but she kept spawning those until she was dead (flies away).

3. What's the real cast time for shockwave. It seemed really short. If the cast duration is correct, then maybe something is wrong with the animation. The size of the wave seemed ok.

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Post Posted: 27-04-2014, 20:39:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Powerman wrote:
Another bug that I dunno if mentioned already:

- When players ENTER THE WARMASTER PORTAL ACCIDENTALLY - without killing Ultraxion first -

~then the Aspects disappear for the Ultraxion fight~

The NPCs are there before the pull, but once you start the script, they disappear immediately.
Therefore = no healing buff crystals.

I'm guessing this is probably due to the actual progress of the raid -> Ultraxion needs to die first before reaching Warmaster.

So if a player reaches Warmaster by mistake, the script would think that "Hey, Ultrax is dead? So that means the aspects should not be there anymore"

If this is true, you are somewhat of a genius

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Post Posted: 27-04-2014, 20:52:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zohlomg wrote:
Powerman wrote:
Another bug that I dunno if mentioned already:

- When players ENTER THE WARMASTER PORTAL ACCIDENTALLY - without killing Ultraxion first -

~then the Aspects disappear for the Ultraxion fight~

The NPCs are there before the pull, but once you start the script, they disappear immediately.
Therefore = no healing buff crystals.

I'm guessing this is probably due to the actual progress of the raid -> Ultraxion needs to die first before reaching Warmaster.

So if a player reaches Warmaster by mistake, the script would think that "Hey, Ultrax is dead? So that means the aspects should not be there anymore"

If this is true, you are somewhat of a genius

Nu are nici o treaba.
Ca sa nu tinem pentru noi:
-Incepi ultraxionul il duci la 50% fara buffuri. (wipe it )
-Reveniti toti, unu din raid se duce la warmaster ( o sa apara toate buffurile )
-Nu apasati pe buffuri.
-Incepeti ultraxion si puneti healerii sa apese pe ele(it works)
-problema e ca inainte de enrage ( cu un 1 mai exact) bossul da cam 40-50k la secunda= wipe in 10 sec max, nu va tin nici cu double tranquil/hym.(deci go dps all out +2healers)

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Post Posted: 27-04-2014, 21:01:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zohlomg wrote:
Powerman wrote:
Another bug that I dunno if mentioned already:

- When players ENTER THE WARMASTER PORTAL ACCIDENTALLY - without killing Ultraxion first -

~then the Aspects disappear for the Ultraxion fight~

The NPCs are there before the pull, but once you start the script, they disappear immediately.
Therefore = no healing buff crystals.

I'm guessing this is probably due to the actual progress of the raid -> Ultraxion needs to die first before reaching Warmaster.

So if a player reaches Warmaster by mistake, the script would think that "Hey, Ultrax is dead? So that means the aspects should not be there anymore"

If this is true, you are somewhat of a genius

8/10 not true, because the buffs actually spawn, but in the other realm (the button realm). Worth mentioning, though.

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Post Posted: 27-04-2014, 21:29:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Victoor wrote:
Zohlomg wrote:
Powerman wrote:
Another bug that I dunno if mentioned already:

- When players ENTER THE WARMASTER PORTAL ACCIDENTALLY - without killing Ultraxion first -

~then the Aspects disappear for the Ultraxion fight~

The NPCs are there before the pull, but once you start the script, they disappear immediately.
Therefore = no healing buff crystals.

I'm guessing this is probably due to the actual progress of the raid -> Ultraxion needs to die first before reaching Warmaster.

So if a player reaches Warmaster by mistake, the script would think that "Hey, Ultrax is dead? So that means the aspects should not be there anymore"

If this is true, you are somewhat of a genius

8/10 not true, because the buffs actually spawn, but in the other realm (the button realm). Worth mentioning, though.

As far as I know, in the other (normal) realm, you can't do anything, much less click on the healing buff crystal.
@Everyone (kinda) off-topic - English please.

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Post Posted: 27-04-2014, 21:49:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Allybetrayer wrote:

Nu are nici o treaba.
Ca sa nu tinem pentru noi:
-Incepi ultraxionul il duci la 50% fara buffuri. (wipe it )
-Reveniti toti, unu din raid se duce la warmaster ( o sa apara toate buffurile )
-Nu apasati pe buffuri.
-Incepeti ultraxion si puneti healerii sa apese pe ele(it works)
-problema e ca inainte de enrage ( cu un 1 mai exact) bossul da cam 40-50k la secunda= wipe in 10 sec max, nu va tin nici cu double tranquil/hym.(deci go dps all out +2healers)

- Start Ultraxion and bring it to 50% HP with no buffs. (wipe it)
- Before starting Ultraxion again one raid memeber should enter the portal for Warmaster ( all buffs should appear)
- No one takes the buffs.
- Start the encounter and tell your healers to take the buffs. (it works)

Currently this is the best course of action to bypass the current issue/problem.

" you are "

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Post Posted: 27-04-2014, 21:49:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Confirm e de la portalul de la warmaster. Cat timp nimeni nu l a apasat crystalele au aparut.

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Post Posted: 27-04-2014, 22:00:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nerolol wrote:
Allybetrayer wrote:

Nu are nici o treaba.
Ca sa nu tinem pentru noi:
-Incepi ultraxionul il duci la 50% fara buffuri. (wipe it )
-Reveniti toti, unu din raid se duce la warmaster ( o sa apara toate buffurile )
-Nu apasati pe buffuri.
-Incepeti ultraxion si puneti healerii sa apese pe ele(it works)
-problema e ca inainte de enrage ( cu un 1 mai exact) bossul da cam 40-50k la secunda= wipe in 10 sec max, nu va tin nici cu double tranquil/hym.(deci go dps all out +2healers)

- Start Ultraxion and bring it to 50% HP with no buffs. (wipe it)
- Before starting Ultraxion again one raid memeber should enter the portal for Warmaster ( all buffs should appear)
- No one takes the buffs.
- Start the encounter and tell your healers to take the buffs. (it works)

Currently this is the best course of action to bypass the current issue/problem.

And people tell me it's bad to exploit... Can I report you for exploiting?

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Post Posted: 27-04-2014, 22:14:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nerolol wrote:

- Start Ultraxion and bring it to 50% HP with no buffs. (wipe it)
- Before starting Ultraxion again one raid memeber should enter the portal for Warmaster ( all buffs should appear)
- No one takes the buffs.
- Start the encounter and tell your healers to take the buffs. (it works)

Currently this is the best course of action to bypass the current issue/problem.

How 'bout simply killing Ultraxion 1st as it should be?
Good idea would be making the WM portal available only after Ultraxion is dead.


I don't know if this has been mentioned with all the romanian around but pet's avoidance isn't working at WM, they 1st die from the fire, 2nd they die from the healing debuff's dmg.
Also Twilight's barage isn't doin any dmg to the ship on HC (maybe even on normal but I haven't watched for it there). We completely ignored that part of the encounter and the ship still had over 3 milion HP at the end of the fight. Maybe it just doesn't deal dmg when there is no players inside (a wild guess).

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Post Posted: 27-04-2014, 22:15:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Macedo931 wrote:
nerolol wrote:
Allybetrayer wrote:

Nu are nici o treaba.
Ca sa nu tinem pentru noi:
-Incepi ultraxionul il duci la 50% fara buffuri. (wipe it )
-Reveniti toti, unu din raid se duce la warmaster ( o sa apara toate buffurile )
-Nu apasati pe buffuri.
-Incepeti ultraxion si puneti healerii sa apese pe ele(it works)
-problema e ca inainte de enrage ( cu un 1 mai exact) bossul da cam 40-50k la secunda= wipe in 10 sec max, nu va tin nici cu double tranquil/hym.(deci go dps all out +2healers)

- Start Ultraxion and bring it to 50% HP with no buffs. (wipe it)
- Before starting Ultraxion again one raid memeber should enter the portal for Warmaster ( all buffs should appear)
- No one takes the buffs.
- Start the encounter and tell your healers to take the buffs. (it works)

Currently this is the best course of action to bypass the current issue/problem.

And people tell me it's bad to exploit... Can I report you for exploiting?

Trust me even with this its harder then before, when the boss hits 1 min until enrage its gonna hit for 60-70k per tick/sec - wipe in max 10 sec. (it wasn't like this before, the dmg is insane when the boss hits 1 min enrage)

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Post Posted: 27-04-2014, 22:27:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Macedo931 wrote:
And people tell me it's bad to exploit... Can I report you for exploiting?

Go ahead please, next you want a translation for something that can help you get passed a gamebreaking bug i'll just lol and have some popcorn.

" you are "

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Post Posted: 28-04-2014, 09:17:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Didn't get any answer on this, so I'll repost.

3 questions in order to know if some things should be fixed.

1. On 10h, twilight barrages is 1 hitting someone if soaking alone. Is it supposed to be hitting that hard?

2. When goriona lands, she's supposed to stop casting twilight flames. I dunno if it was only bugged for us, but she kept spawning those until she was dead (flies away).

3. What's the real cast time for shockwave. It seemed really short. If the cast duration is correct, then maybe something is wrong with the animation. The size of the wave seemed ok.

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