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Author Message1819


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(since 15-10-2014 09:24)
Joined: 19 Oct 2011
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Post Posted: 13-05-2014, 13:11:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

cheeseburger wrote:
Sincer, performantele cam acum incep, o data ce guilda se mai leaga. Retineti ca nu avem nici macar 4 luni de cand ne-am infiintat(nu mai pun la socoteala timpul care ne-a luat sa ajungem la 25). Atata timp cat lasam aroganta si "barbatia" deoparte si respectam cu totii niste reguli de bun simt, nu vad de ce nu am avea o comunitate unita. Nu poti sa imparti nici capra si nici varza, dar intotdeauna gasesti o solutie de mijloc.

Thumbs up for Chesy! Applause Te sustin mai ales la faza cu ''arogasmele'' unora...Parerea mea fata de persoanele de genul :

Real eyes ! Realize real lies!!

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