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Posted: 14-06-2014, 04:02:34
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Am o situație foarte proastã la englezã, cu toate cã sunt printre cei mai buni din clasã, mi-am bãtut joc de profã și am lipsit, și mi-a pus 3 unu' dupã altul.Acum mi-a cerut sã-i vorbesc 2 minute în englezã, și sã o impresionez.Pe ea o sã o intereseze foarte mult tema discuției si felul în care mã exprim.
Ce trebuie sã faceți ? Sã scrieți 15 rînduri care sã le învãț și sã îl învãț și sã îl spun ei.
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Multumesc !
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Posted: 14-06-2014, 13:54:11
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The theme of the essay is the family.
My family consists of four members: MOM, Dad, my sister and I. Together we form a happy family.
My mother is a teacher of German language at the Lyceum Mihai Viteazu in Bucharest. They really like to work with children, and children love it because it is a good teacher and not customary to give low grades.My mother is a good housewife, especially on the part of sweets. Make some delicious cakes!
My father is an engineer for a construction firm. He works a lot, from morning to evening, which is why I don't get home early. I spend time with him, especially at the end of the week. Then go together to the fishing on the Lake near the city, go to the stadium to the football matches of the team.
My sister is younger than me and a pupil of the II. I often returns to help her to lessons. I'm not upset for this and whenever I ask for help are with her and I try to help her. Sometimes I think it would have been if I had myself an elder brother to be with me all the time.As in the parent-child relationship, and the teacher-student relationship has to exist a relationship of friendship.The teacher must pay more attention to the student, to work in a pleasant way with it, because only this way will inchega a beautiful relationship of student-teacher type.The teacher must be sometimes do not notice some childish mistakes of his pupil, to forgive, to have patience with the pupil, pedagogical qualities of the teacher, the teacher's to grow relentlessly in the eyes of the students.Trusting a student you cause it to rise to a higher level than that which it has, thus, the student learning not to fear, or notes of a teacher, but from common sense and respect for the teacher.
All four family members form a close-knit family and try to enjoy the time spent together. Especially in weekends we are inseparable. Depending on the season, go along on trips to the mountains, the sea or the countryside to grandparents. I was even abroad.I am very proud of my family and I wish all to have such a family.
Many years ago, I met a friend, who happened to be the best friend I could have ever imagined. Even though at times he would be too lively, or misbehave, I loved him so much, and we would spend a lot of time together. Many times I had to get him back on the right track, many times he was the only one that could make me laugh when I was sad. Unfortunately, on the very day of my birthday, he disappeared and never returned. The hero of my story is a dachshund, my beloved dog. You can only imagine how devastated I felt after I realized that I would never see him again. I was wandering about aimlessly cleaning up his toys and bedding, and I found a piece of his hair. After six years, I still have this hair and I still cannot forget my best friend. I would give anything to anyone to get him back. Imagine a situation in which I was given an opportunity to clone him. Would I take the chance? I would not hesitate!
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Posted: 14-06-2014, 19:34:46
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Valentyno, mersi frumos. Imi place foarte mult ceea cu familia, si pe aia o sa o scriu.Insa as vrea ca, compunerea sa fie legata de viata reala, profa o sa creada ca am copiat o. Pot sa dai edit si sa spui ca mama acum e om de afaceri si inainte lucra ca director la bcr, iar acolo facea trening cu studentii si era foarte aprecieta, si tata la fel. Cat despre sora mea are 12 ani, daca pui astea intr un context calumea si dai edit iti dau multa rep.
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Posted: 14-06-2014, 19:39:51
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@enzo_98:da,o sa ti-o fac in maxim 10-15 minute.
The theme of the essay is the family.
My family consists of four members: Mom, Dad, my sister and I. Together we form a very happy family.
My mother is currently a business woman,In the past she worked as a Director at BCR and there was training with the students and was very appreciated by those around.My mother is a good housewife, especially on the part of sweets. Make some delicious cakes!
My father is a good man and I love him so much for what hi do for me and my family.He works a lot, from morning to evening, which is why I don't get home early. I spend time with him, especially at the end of the week. Then go together to the fishing on the Lake near the city, go to the stadium to the football matches of the team.
About my sister can't say she has 12 years and I understand very well with it.Usually when I come from the school I help my sister to do homework together.My mom and Dad they want the best for me and my sister and they want to see us at a very important faculty from Bucharest after we finishing high school.The family is the most important group of all social groups because it influences and shapes the human person.
All four family members form a close-knit family and try to enjoy the time spent together. Especially in weekends we are inseparable. Depending on the season, go along on trips to the mountains, the sea or the countryside to grandparents. I was even abroad.I am very proud of my family and I wish all to have such a family.
@Ti-am facut ceva mai simplu si direct la subiect,daca nu sti ce inseamna unele cuvinte ma poti intreba.
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Posted: 17-06-2014, 14:10:16
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W : Valentyno, se poate da T/C.
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