
[LEGENDS] Model cerere admin !

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 11-08-2021 06:21)
Joined: 27 May 2014
Posts: 22, Topics: 8
Location: Oradea

Reputation: 13.9
Votes: 4

Post Posted: 25-06-2014, 14:49:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Experienta Admin :
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Intre ce ore poti admina?:

ATENTIE !!! Daca faci cerere , topicul se va numi [LEGENDS] Cerere admin <nume> . Cine face cerere admin de noapte va preciza si va avea admi automat . De asemenea adminul se poate obtine prin donatii cum ar fii boostul . Un boost pe zi = admin , pana la gradul de OWNER . Founder se da pentru donatie de 10 euro / luna sau 12 permanent . Preturile si orele sunt afisate mai jos :

1.Founder -> 10 euro / luna , OFERTA 12 permanent , 100 ore
2.Owner -> 9 euro / luna , 12 permanent , 90 ore
3.God -> 8 euro / luna , 11 permanent , 80 ore
4.Semi-God -> 7 euro / luna , 10 permanent , 70 ore
5.Angel -> 6 euro / luna , 9 permanent , 60 ore
6.Administrator -> 5 euro / luna , 8 permanent , 50 ore
7.Moderator -> 4 euro / luna , 7 permanent , 40 ore
8.Admin -> 3 euro / luna , 6 permanent , 30 ore
9.Helper -> 2 euro / luna , 5 permanent , 20 ore
10.V.I.P -> 1 euro / luna , 4 permanent , 10 ore

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