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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-07-2014, 11:33:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Pai la asta ma refer. Primesc rename automat. Rename care mai adauga o litera la finalul numelui anterior. Gen din "Dragos" il face "Dragosa". Si daca vreau sa il fac altfel ca asa suna teribil, trebuie cheltuiti 100 vp pt rename. La asta ma refer eu.
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[Mentally unStable]

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Post Posted: 09-07-2014, 11:37:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nu, de fapt vei primi rename iar noul nume o sa ti-l alegi tu personal înainte sa te loghezi prima data pe caracter. Deci nu o sa iti aduce automat o litera ca in exemplul in care l-ai dat tu.

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[Future World]

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Post Posted: 09-07-2014, 11:54:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Exodus will no longer exist:

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-07-2014, 12:56:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
In case of a name collision the most significant character will keep his name (significance will be based on level, played time, last login).

define the priority order.

what if someone is level 85, but has played less than a level 70 char with the same name?
what if 2 chars have the same level, similar played time(a difference no greater than a couple of hours), but one has a considerably higher item level? would you rename the char that made more progress just because the other might have a few more hours played or has logged in more recently?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-07-2014, 14:58:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

O sa fiu inactiv in jur de o saptamana, asta inseamna ca daca uniti realmurile imi veti sterge caracterul de 85 daca altcineva are acelasi nume ca al meu pe celalalt realm ?
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[Bad Kitty]

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Post Posted: 09-07-2014, 15:02:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Omg, ai citit macar primul post? Sau limba romana e atat de complicata incat nu poti intelege o intreaga fraza?

Nu se sterge nimic, daca are acelasi nume ca tine si e prioritar o sa primesti name change gratis. Nimic nu se sterge, nimic nu se pierde.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-07-2014, 15:06:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

"(importanta va fi data de level, played time, last login)"
Lasa loc de interpretare anuntul vostru. Ma refeream care dintre playeri va ramane cu numele. O sa fiu inactiv pentru o saptaman si nu voi avea posibilitatea sa intru asa ca din moment ce omologul meu de pe Exodus va intra, adica last loginul lui va fi mult mai recent ca al meu (maxim 10-12 zile) si orele vor fi mai multe, cine va ramane cu numele ?

#Decizia e finala! - parca voi stiati ce doreste player-ul; unii nu isi doresc unirea realmurilor. Inteleapta decizie.
@mistique. - acum inteleg de ce joci LoL.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-07-2014, 15:09:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

rockhard wrote:
Shocker wrote:
In case of a name collision the most significant character will keep his name (significance will be based on level, played time, last login).

define the priority order.

what if someone is level 85, but has played less than a level 70 char with the same name?
what if 2 chars have the same level, similar played time(a difference no greater than a couple of hours), but one has a considerably higher item level? would you rename the char that made more progress just because the other might have a few more hours played or has logged in more recently?

You really have a point here...

I am in the same situation... I played on a char with a nick, than I changed my nick and started to play with the first nick on other char.
On Exodus is a player with the same nick, it has more ilvl and probably more hours played... I don't know if he is still playing.
Now you will make me change my nick?
This doens't seem fair to me...

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-07-2014, 15:26:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Xelyon wrote:
rockhard wrote:
Shocker wrote:
In case of a name collision the most significant character will keep his name (significance will be based on level, played time, last login).

define the priority order.

what if someone is level 85, but has played less than a level 70 char with the same name?
what if 2 chars have the same level, similar played time(a difference no greater than a couple of hours), but one has a considerably higher item level? would you rename the char that made more progress just because the other might have a few more hours played or has logged in more recently?

You really have a point here...

I am in the same situation... I played on a char with a nick, than I changed my nick and started to play with the first nick on other char.
On Exodus is a player with the same nick, it has more ilvl and probably more hours played... I don't know if he is still playing.
Now you will make me change my nick?
This doens't seem fair to me...

Don't expect, guys, that Shocker (or anyone else responsible for merging dbs) will put into manual consideration every single case with name collision. And, if i got it right, that's what you want to happen. It will all be done automaticaly and cruel numbers will crush your beloved names -

But, as for the priorities, if i may suggest anything, the most valuable is current, active player. So even lvl 70 quite fresh (with low /played) twink should be put before lvl 85 403 toon with last logged 1 year ago. But it still cant be solid priorities, it should be more smooth (something like: "if last logged diff is less than X and max(last logged toon 1, last logged toon 2) is less than Y then if played diff is less then Z ... else last log priority").

Besides, wtb priorities over all for donators ! -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-07-2014, 15:33:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Rainek wrote:
Xelyon wrote:
rockhard wrote:
Shocker wrote:
In case of a name collision the most significant character will keep his name (significance will be based on level, played time, last login).

define the priority order.

what if someone is level 85, but has played less than a level 70 char with the same name?
what if 2 chars have the same level, similar played time(a difference no greater than a couple of hours), but one has a considerably higher item level? would you rename the char that made more progress just because the other might have a few more hours played or has logged in more recently?

You really have a point here...

I am in the same situation... I played on a char with a nick, than I changed my nick and started to play with the first nick on other char.
On Exodus is a player with the same nick, it has more ilvl and probably more hours played... I don't know if he is still playing.
Now you will make me change my nick?
This doens't seem fair to me...

Don't expect, guys, that Shocker (or anyone else responsible for merging dbs) will put into manual consideration every single case with name collision. And, if i got it right, that's what you want to happen. It will all be done automaticaly and cruel numbers will crush your beloved names -

But, as for the priorities, if i may suggest anything, the most valuable is current, active player. So even lvl 70 quite fresh (with low /played) twink should be put before lvl 85 403 toon with last logged 1 year ago. But it still cant be solid priorities, it should be more smooth (something like: "if last logged diff is less than X and max(last logged toon 1, last logged toon 2) is less than Y then if played diff is less then Z ... else last log priority").

Besides, wtb priorities over all for donators ! -

I am not saying that I want priority here but is unfair for me.
And now I can't log in, I'm out of town, what will happen?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-07-2014, 16:15:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Xelyon wrote:

I am not saying that I want priority here but is unfair for me.
And now I can't log in, I'm out of town, what will happen?

That's what i wrote. Smooth priorities with a margin for every condition to check.

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Post Posted: 09-07-2014, 16:47:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Rainek wrote:

Besides, wtb priorities over all for donators ! -

Yeah, we are not that kind of people.

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[Mentally Stable]

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        Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 09-07-2014, 18:36:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

In acea zi sa va da presupun si ROLLBack ?

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[Pastor Penticostal]

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Post Posted: 09-07-2014, 18:51:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Reci wrote:
In acea zi sa va da presupun si ROLLBack ?

presupun ca se va opri serverul de tot o zi si se va face merging-ul

୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ WE ARE CYCLONE ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-07-2014, 19:19:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Xelyon wrote:
rockhard wrote:
Shocker wrote:
In case of a name collision the most significant character will keep his name (significance will be based on level, played time, last login).

define the priority order.

what if someone is level 85, but has played less than a level 70 char with the same name?
what if 2 chars have the same level, similar played time(a difference no greater than a couple of hours), but one has a considerably higher item level? would you rename the char that made more progress just because the other might have a few more hours played or has logged in more recently?

You really have a point here...

I am in the same situation... I played on a char with a nick, than I changed my nick and started to play with the first nick on other char.
On Exodus is a player with the same nick, it has more ilvl and probably more hours played... I don't know if he is still playing.
Now you will make me change my nick?
This doens't seem fair to me...

Same with me. I changed my main nick from half year old toon to my new char(lvl 60 now) and some1 will take my nick only cause he is 85 lvl and has more playtime. Not fair. This whole thing is nonsense.... Yawn

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