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[The Dictator]

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Post Posted: 17-08-2014, 11:43:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Enlight wrote:
1. Prenume: Cosmin (Pyy)
2. Varsta (minim 16): 23
3. Localitate: Bucuresti
4. Nume In - Game: Enlight
5. Clasa / Rasa: Shadow Priest/ Night Elf
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL):Shadow(408)/Discipline(409)
8. Profesii: Tailoring/Enchanting
9. Microfon + ts3: Da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: Hitcap Intelect Haste Mastery
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment? :Nici unu momentan
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)? :Sincer nici unul invat destul de repede scriptul
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): Ascension (Nu prea mai se faceau raiduri)
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada:
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask):

/w Adar , Nytrox , Gogonel!

Unstoppable vs. Spine of Deathwing 25h

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-08-2014, 12:21:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume: Armando
2. Varsta (minim 16): 18
3. Localitate: -
4. Nume In - Game: Danbilzerian
5. Clasa / Rasa: Shaman / Dwarf
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): Enhancement 394 / -
8. Profesii: Leatherworking in progress.
9. Microfon + ts3: Da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: Agility>Spellhit>Expertise>Mastery>Crit>Haste.
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment? Pe Normal stiu script la toti bossi. Pe Heroic stiu script doar la Morchok & Yor'saj
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)? -
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): Nu prea am stat in guilda pana in momentul de fata.
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada: -
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask):

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-08-2014, 09:41:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Name: Faruk
2. Age: 23
3. Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina
4. Name In-Game: Necrosisi
5. Class/Race: Warlock Worgen
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (ilvl) / Offspec (ilvl): Affliction 397 / Demo (Destro depends on encounter) 398
8. Professions: Herb + Alchemy
9. Microphone + TS3: dont have mic but i do have ts/rc/skype/vent
10. What stats play (explain why) !: for every caster 17% hit is most important stat. For affliction Hit (17%)>Haste>Crit>Mastery. Currently i have somewhere around 43% haste rating buffed, which means. Why those stats? Well haste reduceds time between each tick for dots, and affliction warlock is all about dots, more haste = more ticks = more dps
11. What bosses do not know the script at the moment?: Hmm that would be most likely Warmaster and Deathwing Spine Heroic.
12. What is The boss that you created problems so far (why)?: meh Zon heroic was problem untill i fixed my pet (i couldnt stop him target switching), but atm hagara is the biggest problems for affly. Why? well i got my trinket proc + Erdication + Demon Soul, re apply dots and all that...than suddenly shes immune to all dmg, and my dots fall off same with the dmg %multiplier, and my i cant get those procs again, so most likely demo or even better Destro spec is best there.
13. Former guilds (why you got kicked or given leave): Ominence, got kicked out beause of server dcs (whole town had powercut) didnt had oportunity to explain neiter did they care..meh :/
14. Picture Interface (macros + Bindura) to see:
15 Screenshot 3 million damage done (Self buffed - no food, no flask): (w/o pots/flask neither with doomguard and couldnt use my drain soul for execute)

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[The Godfather]

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Post Posted: 27-08-2014, 12:30:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Danbilzerian wrote:
1. Prenume: Armando
2. Varsta (minim 16): 18
3. Localitate: -
4. Nume In - Game: Danbilzerian
5. Clasa / Rasa: Shaman / Dwarf
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): Enhancement 394 / -
8. Profesii: Leatherworking in progress.
9. Microfon + ts3: Da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: Agility>Spellhit>Expertise>Mastery>Crit>Haste.
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment? Pe Normal stiu script la toti bossi. Pe Heroic stiu script doar la Morchok & Yor'saj
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)? -
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): Nu prea am stat in guilda pana in momentul de fata.
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada: -
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask):

/w Gogonel pentru teste ca nu cred dpsul tau -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-08-2014, 20:36:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume: Vladutzzzzzzzzzz
2. Varsta (minim 16): 17
3. Localitate: brasov
4. Nume In - Game: KILLERMASTER
5. Clasa / Rasa: dreanei paladin
6. Link armory: killermaster
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): retri 405, prot 400
8. Profesii: tailoring, engineering, cooking, fishing.
9. Microfon + ts3: Da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: hit+expertise cap > mastery > haste > crit
11. La ce bossi nu stii script in acest moment?: madness
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)?: spine atm, doar 10 heroic.
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): doesn't matter
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada:
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask):

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[The Godfather]

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Post Posted: 31-08-2014, 21:24:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Emylol wrote:
1. Prenume: Vladutzzzzzzzzzz
2. Varsta (minim 16): 17
3. Localitate: brasov
4. Nume In - Game: KILLERMASTER
5. Clasa / Rasa: dreanei paladin
6. Link armory: killermaster
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): retri 405, prot 400
8. Profesii: tailoring, engineering, cooking, fishing.
9. Microfon + ts3: Da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: hit+expertise cap > mastery > haste > crit
11. La ce bossi nu stii script in acest moment?: madness
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)?: spine atm, doar 10 heroic.
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): doesn't matter
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada:
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask):

Acceptat /w gogonel

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[Banned user]


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Post Posted: 01-09-2014, 14:53:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume:Iuli
2. Varsta (minim 16):17
3. Localitate:Berceni
4. Nume In - Game:Brakurage
5. Clasa / Rasa: Priest Dwarf
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): Main Disci 402/Holy 402 si off off spec shadow 400
8. Profesii: Inscription
9. Microfon + ts3: Da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!:haste<mastery,deaorece pristu disci se joaca la absorb iar mastery confera o sansa mai mare de a pune un absorb din ce in ce mai mare pe 1 player
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment?:Stiu scriptul la toti
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)?:Pai niciunul
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave):Urban Elite am dat leave din dorinta de progres
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada:
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask): Sunt healer -

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Post Posted: 01-09-2014, 15:50:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Morphinne wrote:
1. Prenume:Iuli
2. Varsta (minim 16):17
3. Localitate:Berceni
4. Nume In - Game:Brakurage
5. Clasa / Rasa: Priest Dwarf
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): Main Disci 402/Holy 402 si off off spec shadow 400
8. Profesii: Inscription
9. Microfon + ts3: Da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!:haste<mastery,deaorece pristu disci se joaca la absorb iar mastery confera o sansa mai mare de a pune un absorb din ce in ce mai mare pe 1 player
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment?:Stiu scriptul la toti
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)?:Pai niciunul
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave):Urban Elite am dat leave din dorinta de progres
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada:
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask): Sunt healer -

/w Nytrox.Vreau sa iti mai pun cateva intreabri.

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[Odysei R1 Elemental ]

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Post Posted: 13-09-2014, 10:20:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume:Raul
2. Varsta (minim 16): 19
3. Localitate: Austria ( Vienna)
4. Nume In - Game: Odyseik
5. Clasa / Rasa: Elemental Shaman / Dranei
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): Elemental ( 402) / Off-Specc ( elemetnal PVP)
8. Profesii: Full Tailoring / Full egeneering
9. Microfon + ts3: Da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: 17%Hit cap ( spell)>Haste>Maastery-<crit
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment: FULL hc achievment
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)? : No problems -
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): Opus Dei
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada: ( No Binds needed)
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask, No potion):

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[The Godfather]

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Post Posted: 13-09-2014, 18:41:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

UnbannmeplsxD wrote:
1. Prenume:Raul
2. Varsta (minim 16): 19
3. Localitate: Austria ( Vienna)
4. Nume In - Game: Odyseik
5. Clasa / Rasa: Elemental Shaman / Dranei
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): Elemental ( 402) / Off-Specc ( elemetnal PVP)
8. Profesii: Full Tailoring / Full egeneering
9. Microfon + ts3: Da
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: 17%Hit cap ( spell)>Haste>Maastery-<crit
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment: FULL hc achievment
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)? : No problems -
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): Opus Dei
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada: ( No Binds needed)
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask, No potion):

De cate ori ai mai fost prin guilda?

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[resto trainer]

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Post Posted: 16-09-2014, 13:04:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume: Alexandru
2. Varsta (minim 16): 20
3. Localitate: Constanta
4. Nume In - Game: Diz
5. Clasa / Rasa: Druid / Night elf
6. Link armory: Click
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): 401 resto / 401 balance
8. Profesii: Inscription + tailoring
9. Microfon + ts3: Dap
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: 2005 haste ( 9 ticks la WG si Eflorescence ) > mastery ( increase % la hots )
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment? Stiu scriptul la toti
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)? Pana acum nu mi-a creat niciun boss probleme
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): Madness , Ascension ( inactivitate , m-am lasat de wow 8 luni si acum am revenit )
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada: Click
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask): -

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Post Posted: 16-09-2014, 17:57:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zhin wrote:
1. Prenume: Alexandru
2. Varsta (minim 16): 20
3. Localitate: Constanta
4. Nume In - Game: Diz
5. Clasa / Rasa: Druid / Night elf
6. Link armory: Click
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): 401 resto / 401 balance
8. Profesii: Inscription + tailoring
9. Microfon + ts3: Dap
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: 2005 haste ( 9 ticks la WG si Eflorescence ) > mastery ( increase % la hots )
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment? Stiu scriptul la toti
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce)? Pana acum nu mi-a creat niciun boss probleme
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): Madness , Ascension ( inactivitate , m-am lasat de wow 8 luni si acum am revenit )
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada: Click
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask): -

/w Nytrox/Gogonel.

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[Owner of something ]

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Post Posted: 18-09-2014, 00:20:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Prenume: Alex
2. Varsta (minim 16): 19
3. Localitate: Buzau
4. Nume In - Game: Alexrz
5. Clasa / Rasa: Dk / Worgen
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): 404 Frost / Unholy sau Blood depinde de necesitate .
8. Profesii: Blacksmithing si Engineering
9. Microfon + ts3: Yep
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: Mastery 2330/ haste 1818 rating / hit 8.98 % sa nu dau miss cu Howling Blast , 18 expertise e de ajuns dupa parerea mea . Critical cat mai putin . Daca as putea sa mai scot critical si sa bag in haste pentru un plus de procuri de Killing Machine .
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment ? Pai stiu toate script cu toate ca nu am intrat la Warmaster si la Spine pe Hc , nu prea am avut timp + si nici raiduri .
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce) ? Pai niciunul pana acum, probabil ca au fost probleme din cauza unui FPS drop sau un delay , vorbesc in general .
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): Madness , playeri au alte preocupari acum .
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada:
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask): Frost DPS, pe dummy da putin pentru ca se bazeaza mai mult pe direct dmg , nu pe dots / shadow dmg ca la unholy . Aici DPS pe unholy
Extra :Ultraxion Cred ca tineam constant 44-45k pana la final , daca nu eram cu global . mno , defensive , mai un ress , mai un taunt ca moare tank ... Eu sunt multumit . + delayul asta din ultimele saptamani strica tot . // Magul acela Sikoo este full hc 407 -

Workshop Semnaturi !

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[The Godfather]

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Post Posted: 18-09-2014, 08:51:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Alex_x wrote:
1. Prenume: Alex
2. Varsta (minim 16): 19
3. Localitate: Buzau
4. Nume In - Game: Alexrz
5. Clasa / Rasa: Dk / Worgen
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): 404 Frost / Unholy sau Blood depinde de necesitate .
8. Profesii: Blacksmithing si Engineering
9. Microfon + ts3: Yep
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: Mastery 2330/ haste 1818 rating / hit 8.98 % sa nu dau miss cu Howling Blast , 18 expertise e de ajuns dupa parerea mea . Critical cat mai putin . Daca as putea sa mai scot critical si sa bag in haste pentru un plus de procuri de Killing Machine .
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment ? Pai stiu toate script cu toate ca nu am intrat la Warmaster si la Spine pe Hc , nu prea am avut timp + si nici raiduri .
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce) ? Pai niciunul pana acum, probabil ca au fost probleme din cauza unui FPS drop sau un delay , vorbesc in general .
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): Madness , playeri au alte preocupari acum .
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada:
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask): Frost DPS, pe dummy da putin pentru ca se bazeaza mai mult pe direct dmg , nu pe dots / shadow dmg ca la unholy . Aici DPS pe unholy
Extra :Ultraxion Cred ca tineam constant 44-45k pana la final , daca nu eram cu global . mno , defensive , mai un ress , mai un taunt ca moare tank ... Eu sunt multumit . + delayul asta din ultimele saptamani strica tot . // Magul acela Sikoo este full hc 407 -

De cate ori ai mai fost in guilda? Si de cate ori ne-ai injurat prin sw/global?

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[Owner of something ]

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Post Posted: 18-09-2014, 11:34:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

razervlad wrote:
Alex_x wrote:
1. Prenume: Alex
2. Varsta (minim 16): 19
3. Localitate: Buzau
4. Nume In - Game: Alexrz
5. Clasa / Rasa: Dk / Worgen
6. Link armory:
7. Main spec (iLVL) / Offspec (iLVL): 404 Frost / Unholy sau Blood depinde de necesitate .
8. Profesii: Blacksmithing si Engineering
9. Microfon + ts3: Yep
10. La ce stats joci (explica de ce)!: Mastery 2330/ haste 1818 rating / hit 8.98 % sa nu dau miss cu Howling Blast , 18 expertise e de ajuns dupa parerea mea . Critical cat mai putin . Daca as putea sa mai scot critical si sa bag in haste pentru un plus de procuri de Killing Machine .
11. La ce bossi nu sti script in acest moment ? Pai stiu toate script cu toate ca nu am intrat la Warmaster si la Spine pe Hc , nu prea am avut timp + si nici raiduri .
12. Care este Bossul care ti-a creat probleme pana acum (de ce) ? Pai niciunul pana acum, probabil ca au fost probleme din cauza unui FPS drop sau un delay , vorbesc in general .
13. Foste guilde (de ce ai primit kick sau ai dat leave): Madness , playeri au alte preocupari acum .
14. Poza Interface (macrouri + binduri) sa se vada:
15. Screenshot la 3 mil damage done (Self buffed - no food , no flask): Frost DPS, pe dummy da putin pentru ca se bazeaza mai mult pe direct dmg , nu pe dots / shadow dmg ca la unholy . Aici DPS pe unholy
Extra :Ultraxion Cred ca tineam constant 44-45k pana la final , daca nu eram cu global . mno , defensive , mai un ress , mai un taunt ca moare tank ... Eu sunt multumit . + delayul asta din ultimele saptamani strica tot . // Magul acela Sikoo este full hc 407 -

De cate ori ai mai fost in guilda? Si de cate ori ne-ai injurat prin sw/global?

Am mai fost o datã la început de pach pe 4.3.4 sau pe 4.0.6 nu mai ºtiu exact pach.ul ºi nu te'am înjurat ca ultimul spart a fost mai mult aºa o ciondaneala , nu mai ºtiu sigur . In fine . Cum crezi -

Workshop Semnaturi !

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