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Freakz Annual Competition - 2014
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Posted: 26-10-2014, 12:49:34
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Welcome back to another edition of Freakz Annual Competition, also known as "FAC"! This year's edition will delight its contestants with new and innovative challenges which will require various skills. Precision, swiftness and quality will be the main factors when judging the answers. All of these elements beside emotion, suspense and overwhelming moments will decide the winner for the grand prize, Very Important Person rank! Alongside a big amount of reputation, limited edition
t-shirts, and also for the first three winners there will be 3 video games (Batman Arkham Origins + Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition + Batman Arkham City GOTY). All these prizes will also bring the respect from the community and the forum's Staff. Thus, we wish you good luck. May the best win!
The mandatory condition for signing-up is to have at least 1 month from your register on the forum. Staff Members (Administrators, Super Moderators, Moderators, WoW GameMasters) and VIP Members + Helpers are not allowed to the competition;
Each contest you win will result in a major advantage: reputation + VIP points. After all 16 contests have ended, the participant with the most VIP points will win FAC;
For "VOTING" contests, the winner will be decided through votes from Administrators, Super Moderators and Moderators;
Every attempt or method of cheating, flame & off-topic will sanctioned severely;
The activity during the entire year will also play a role in the choosing the final winner. (Number of warns received, good writing and coherence from a grammatical point, and the help offered to other users);
There is a special discussion topic regarding everything about FAC
Freakz in Public
- takes place: 2/12/2014 - 19/12/2014 | choosing winner: 21/12/2014 | 6 VIP points;
- takes place: 2/12/2014 - 18/12/2014 | choosing winner: 20/12/2014 | 4 VIP points;
A Piece of Art
- takes place: 2/12/2014 - 20/12/2014 | choosing winner: 22/12/2014 | 5 VIP points;
Hegemonia bucatarilor
- takes place: 2/12/2014 - 18/12/2014 | choosing winner: 20/12/2014 | 7 VIP points;
FIFA 2007 Tournament
- takes place: 2/12/2014 - 14/12/2014 | choosing winner: 15/12/2014 | 6, 4, 2 VIP pints;
Mr. Freakz-a-Lot
- sign-ups: 3/12/2014 - 20/12/2014 | choosing winner: 22/12/2014 | 4 VIP points;
The Battle of Designers
- takes place: 3/12/2014 - 18/12/2014 | choosing winner: 20/12/2014 | 6 VIP points;
- takes place: 4/12/2014 - 11/12/2014 | choosing winner: 12/12/2014 | 4 VIP points;
Find the letters
- takes place: 4/12/2014 - 10/12/2014 | choosing winner: 11/12/2014 | 4 VIP points;
Viata ca la Cinema
- takes place: 4/12/2014 - 11/12/2014 | choosing winner: 12/12/2014 | 6 VIP points;
Touch the Vibe
- takes place: 4/12/2014 - 9/12/2014 | choosing winner: 10/12/2014 | 6 VIP points;
Recunoaste Jocul
- takes place: 5/12/2014 - 15/12/2014 | choosing winner: 6/12/2014 | 4 VIP points;
- takes place: 6/12/2014 - 16/12/2014 | choosing winner: 18/12/2014 | 6 VIP points;
Casa Pariurilor
- takes place: 7/12/2014 - 13/12/2014 | choosing winner: 14/12/2014 | 4 VIP points;
CS 1.6 - 1 vs. 1 Tournament
- sign-ups: 12/12/2014 - 14/12/2014 | choosing winner: 16/12/2014 | 6, 4, 2 VIP points;
Poker Tournament
- takes place: 20/12/2014, time: 21:00 | choosing winner: 21/12/2014 | 6, 4, 2 VIP points.
Bine v-am regasit la o noua editie de Freakz Annual Competition! Cunoscut si sub acronimul "FAC", editia de anul acesta va va aprinde gustul competitiei cu probe noi, ingenioase, dar solicitante in acelasi timp, care vor necesita din partea voastra multa indemanare. Se va puncta precizia, rapiditatea si calitatea raspunsurilor. Toate aceste elemente constructive pe langa suspans, emotie si combinatia de senzatii si momente coplesitoare vor forma calea voastra spre castigarea ravnitului premiu de Very Important Person! Plus o sumedenie de reputatie, tricouri marca
pentru primele 3 locuri, 3 jocuri (Batman Arkham Origins + Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition + Batman Arkham City GOTY), tot pentru primele 3 locuri si respect din partea competitorilor, implicit al staff-ului
Asadar, membrii staff-ului va ureaza sa aveti parte de multa bafta! Fie ca cel mai bun sa castige!
Conditia necesara pentru inscrierea voastra in competitie este aceea de a avea minim 1 luna vechime pe forum. Membrii staff-ului Freakz (Administrators, Super Moderators, Moderators, WoW GameMasters) si VIP Members + Helpers nu vor putea participa in aceasta competitie;
Fiecare concurs pe care il veti castiga, va va aduce un beneficiu major: reputatie + VIP points. Dupa terminarea celor 16 concursuri, participantul cu cel mai mare cumul de VIP points va castiga FAC-ul;
Pentru concursurile de tip "VOTING", castigatorul se va alege in urma voturilor din partea administratorilor, super moderatorilor si moderatorilor;
Orice metoda de trisare, implicit certurile, fie in concurs, fie in zona de discutii, vor fi sanctionate fara precedent;
Alegerea castigatorului final va depinde foarte mult si de implicarea sa totala pe forum de-a lungul anului. Aici se vor puncta numarul de avertizari primite, exprimarea corecta din punct de vedere gramatical si ajutorul oferit utilizatorilor;
Pentru zona de discutii privind intreaga competitie aveti un topic facut
Freakz in Public
- desfasurare: 2/12/2014 - 19/12/2014 | declararea castigatorului: 21/12/2014 | 6 puncte VIP;
- desfasurare: 2/12/2014 - 18/12/2014 | declararea castigatorului: 20/12/2014 | 4 puncte VIP;
A Piece of Art
- desfasurare: 2/12/2014 - 20/12/2014 | declararea castigatorului: 22/12/2014 | 5 puncte VIP;
Hegemonia bucatarilor
- desfasurare: 2/12/2014 - 18/12/2014 | declararea castigatorului: 20/12/2014 | 7 puncte VIP;
FIFA 2007 Tournament
- desfasurare: 2/12/2014 - 14/12/2014 | declararea castigatorului: 15/12/2014 | 6, 4, 2 puncte VIP;
Mr. Freakz-a-Lot
- inscrieri: 3/12/2014 - 20/12/2014 | declararea castigatorului: 22/12/2014 | 4 puncte VIP;
The Battle of Designers
- desfasurare: 3/12/2014 - 18/12/2014 | declararea castigatorului: 20/12/2014 | 6 puncte VIP;
- desfasurare: 4/12/2014 - 11/12/2014 | declararea castigatorului: 12/12/2014 | 4 puncte VIP;
Find the letters
- desfasurare: 4/12/2014 - 10/12/2014 | declararea castigatorului: 11/12/2014 | 4 puncte VIP;
Viata ca la Cinema
- desfasurare: 4/12/2014 - 11/12/2014 | declararea castigatorului: 12/12/2014 | 6 puncte VIP;
Touch the Vibe
- desfasurare: 4/12/2014 - 9/12/2014 | declararea castigatorului: 10/12/2014 | 6 puncte VIP;
Recunoaste Jocul
- desfasurare: 5/12/2014 - 15/12/2014 | declararea castigatorului: 6/12/2014 | 4 puncte VIP;
- desfasurare: 6/12/2014 - 16/12/2014 | declararea castigatorului: 18/12/2014 | 6 puncte VIP;
Casa Pariurilor
- desfasurare: 7/12/2014 - 13/12/2014 | declararea castigatorului: 14/12/2014 | 4 puncte VIP;
CS 1.6 - 1 vs. 1 Tournament
- inscrieri: 12/12/2014 - 14/12/2014 | declararea castigatorului: 16/12/2014 | 6, 4, 2 puncte VIP;
Poker Tournament
- desfasurare: 20/12/2014, ora 21:00 | declararea castigatorului: 21 decembrie 2014 | 6, 4, 2 puncte VIP.
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, 26 October 2014 10:49
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