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[Pam Pam]

Status: Offline
(since 08-07-2018 04:33)
Joined: 25 Mar 2013
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Post Posted: 06-03-2015, 11:36:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Salut , am un cont de league of legends care e din sezonu 2 , sunt unranked decomdata dar eram silver 1 cu mmr de gold sezonu trecut. Am peste 250 skin-uri pe acest cont . Nu aveti in credere? Va dau dovezi pe skype-ul meu : onru1onru1. Putem face si scimb pentru iteme de cs go . Acest cont valoreaza mai mult de 1500 dollari. Astept oferte. Daca aveti o vechime mare si multe trade-uri in aceasta communitate atunci dau eu primu. Astea sunt skinurile de pe acest cont:
-Mecha Aatrox ,Stinger Akali,Crimson Akali,Nurse Akali,Silverfang Akali,Golden Alistar,Longhorn Alistar,Unchained Alistar,Infernal Alistar,Sweeper Alistar,Blackfrost Anivia,Annie in the wonderland ,Frankertibbers,Panda Annie,Frejlord ashe,Woad ashe,Heartseeker ashe,definitly not Blitzcrank , Iblitzcrank, Riot Blitzcrank,Apocalyptic Brand,Vandal Brand,Cryocore Brand, Zombie Brand,Artic warfare Caityln,Officer Caitlyn , Headhunter Caitlyn,Gentleman Chogath,Battlecast prime Chogath,Ice tobbagan Corki,red baron corki,fnatic corki,Lord darius,biorge darius,woadking darius,dunkmaster darius,corporate mundo,mundo mundo,executioner mundo,Gladiator draven,primetime draven,striker ezreal,Pulsefire ezreal,union jack fiddlestick [ pretty rare skin] ,bandito fiddlesticks,Fiddle me timbers , suprise party fiddlesticks,dark candy fiddlesticks,Royal guard Fiora,Nightraven fioara,Fisherman fizz , void fizz,Minuteman gangplank, Sultan gangplank,Sanguine garen,desert trooper garen , commando garen,dreadknight garen,steel region garen,dino gnar,hillybilly gragas,superfan gragas,Mafia graves, pool party graves , riot graves,tempest janna,forecast janna,commando jarvan , warring kingdoms jarvan,the mighty jax [pretty rare],angler jax, jaximum , nemesis jax , sk t1 jax,Full metal jayce , Debonair jayce,mafia jinx ,grim reaper karthus,Deep one kassadin , pre-void kassadin,bilgewater katarina,kitty cat katarina,sandstorm katarina,slay belle katarina,unmasked kayle,battleborn kayle,riot kayle,kennen m.d,deadly kennen,swamp master kennen,mecha kha zix , Guardian of sands kha zix,wicked le blanc , Prestigious le blanc,Mistletoe le blanc,Acolyte lee sin , Dragon fist lee sin , Pool party lee sin , Sk t1 Lee sin,Blade queen lissandra,hired gun lucian , stricker lucian,sorceress lux,spellthief lux,commando lux ,imperial lux , steel region lux, sheem rock malphite,coral reef malphite,marble malphite,glacial malphite,mecha malphite,overlord malzahar,Goalkeeper maokai,chosen master yi , ionia master yi , headhunter master yi ,dragon knight mordekaiser,pentakill mordekaiser , lord mordekaiser,pharoaf nasus,deadknight nasus,riot k-9 nasus, infernal nasus,abyssal nautilius,subterennean nautilius,astronautilius,leopard nidalee,french maid nidalee,pharoaf nidalee,headhunter nidalee,eternum nocturne,nunu bot , demolisher nunu , tpa nunu,forsaken olaf , glacial olaf,brolaf,mrymidon pantheon.,ruthless pantheon , persuos pantheon ,Full metal pantheon,glaive warrior pantheon , dragonslayer pantheon,lollipoppy,ragdoll poppy,full metal rammus,galactic renekton , bloodfurry renekton,scorched earth renekton,redeemed riven , crimson elite river ,battle bunny riven,tribal ryze, uncle ryze,professor,dark crystal ryze,darkrider sejuani,mad hatter shaco ,royal shaco ,nut cracko,workshop shaco,asylum shaco,frozen shen ,yellow jacket shen,surgeon shen,tpa shen,surfer signed,mad scientist signed,augmented signed,barbarian signed,lumberjack sion,bandit sivir,atlantean syndra,armor of the age fifth taric,recon teemo , badge teemo,astronaut teemo , super teemo,panda teemo,deep terror thresh , championshop thresh,firefighter tristana,rocket girl tristana,lil slugger trundle , traditional trundle,king tryndamere ,demonblade tryndamere , sultan tryndamere,warring kingdoms tryndamere,jack of hearts tf,tango tf,high noon tf,underworld tf,spirit guard udyr,giant enemy crabgot,vindicator vayne,aristrocat vayne,heartseeker vayne,leprechaun veigar,baron von veigar,bad santa veigar,final boss veigar,battlecast vel koz,officer vi , full machine viktor , creator viktor,vandal vladimir,soulstealer vladimir,runeguard volibear,tundra hunter ww,feral ww,firefang ww,scorched earth xerath,imperial xinzhao,viscero xin zhao,winged husar xin zhao,high noon yasuo , project yasuo,pentakill yorick,special weapon zac,skt t1 zed, shockblade zed,pool party ziggs,old saint zilean,shurima desert zilean
Pentru alte informatii un pm sau putem vorbii pe skype sau mess [ jokerkiller3251@Yahoo]
Pentru cs go , vreau cutite , arme care costa mult [ exemplu : ak 47 fire serpeant , vulcan ,awp asiimov , howl , si cutite de 250 dollari in sus ]

[ daca am probleme gramaticale , nu stiu romana prea bine ]

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[Pam Pam]

Status: Offline
(since 08-07-2018 04:33)
Joined: 25 Mar 2013
Posts: 1586, Topics: 105
Location: Romania

Reputation: 89.1
Votes: 46

Post Posted: 16-03-2015, 14:49:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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[Pam Pam]

Status: Offline
(since 08-07-2018 04:33)
Joined: 25 Mar 2013
Posts: 1586, Topics: 105
Location: Romania

Reputation: 89.1
Votes: 46

Post Posted: 29-03-2015, 22:10:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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