[23:59:22] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[23:59:22] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[23:59:22] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[23:59:22] Suspect Emanuel has left the server. (Crash)
[23:59:22] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[23:59:22] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[23:59:22] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown
[23:59:22] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: Cheloo
[23:59:22] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[23:59:22] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[23:59:23] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[23:59:29] _______________________________________
[23:59:29] *** UPGRADES ***
[23:59:29] USAGE: /upgrade [upgradename] (2 upgrade points left)
[23:59:29] Level 5 Perks: Alcoholic, DrugAddict, Miser, Trader, PainKillers
[23:59:29] Extra Health: health
[23:59:29] _______________________________________
[23:59:30] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[23:59:35] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[23:59:36] New Upgrade: You Will Now Spawn With 95.00 Health (+5).
[23:59:37] New Upgrade: You Will Now Spawn With 100.00 Health (+5).
[23:59:39] You Have 0 Upgrade Points!
[23:59:41] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[23:59:44] * Admins Online *
[23:59:44] Head Admin: kiL. [5]
[23:59:44] eXtra Admin: LauRentiu. [7]
[23:59:44] Head Admin: AlexUnder [10]
[23:59:44] Head Admin: OmbLaDoN [20]
[23:59:44] Avanced Admin: Tzape [22]
[23:59:44] Avanced Admin: cHozeN [26]
[23:59:44] Owner: Cheloo [32]
[23:59:45] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[23:59:46] [Helper Info]: Helper futuRe. [ID:28] is now off duty.
[23:59:47] _______________________________________
[23:59:47] *** vLad.'s Stats
[23:59:47] Level:[7] Sex:[Barbat] Age:[18] Spawn:[LS] SpawnHealth:[100.0] Cash:[$201068] Bank:[$2733195]
[23:59:47] PhoneNumber:[9458] DonateRank:[V.I.P.] MarriedTo:[No-one] PlayingHours:[69] Job:[Detective]
[23:59:47] FishesCaught:[0] BiggestFish:[12] CrimesCommited:[24] TimesArrested:[2] WantedDeaths:[2]
[23:59:47] Kills:[75] Deaths:[67] NextLevel:[$250000] Respect:[14/32] WantedLevel:[0] Family:[None] LottoNr:[0]
[23:59:47] Drugs:[0] Crack:[0] Weed:[0] Team:[Officer] Disease:[None] Organisation:[None] Rank:[Cadet]
[23:59:47] Materials:[40000] Warns:[0/5] AdminLevel:[0] HelperLevel: [0]
[23:59:47] _______________________________________
[23:59:48] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[23:59:51] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[23:59:53] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:02:25] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown
[00:02:25] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: CODIX
[00:02:25] * The time is now 23:00 hours. Weather has been changed.
[00:02:25] |___ BANK STATMENT ___|
[00:02:25] Paycheck: $19728 Tax Money: -$2500
[00:02:25] Electricity Bill: -$1911
[00:02:25] Balance: $2730695
[00:02:25] Interest Rate: 0.3 percent
[00:02:25] Interest Gained $8190
[00:02:25] |--------------------------------------|
[00:02:25] New Balance: $2738885
[00:02:25] Rent: -$0
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:02:25] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown
[00:02:25] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: CODIX
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:02:25] << DeeJay has surrendered having wanted 9 >>
[00:02:25] HQ: All Units Officer DeeJay Has Completed Assignment
[00:02:25] HQ: DeeJay Has Been Processed, Got Arrested
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:02:25] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown
[00:02:25] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: futuRe.
[00:02:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:02:26] Skipper's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 0
[00:05:37] Suspect MoNNsterFTW has left the server. (Quit)
[00:05:37] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown
[00:05:37] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: CODIX
[00:05:37] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:05:37] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:05:37] [Helper Stefann: Ai nevoie de ajutor? De un job? /needhelp si te ajutam!]
[00:05:37] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:05:37] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:05:37] [Helper Stefann: Cei noi cititi /safezone, /db si /reguli]
[00:05:37] [INFO]: Ai nevoie de benzina sau de cineva sa iti repare masina? /service mechanic si vei fi ajutat.
[00:05:37] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:05:37] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown
[00:05:37] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: CODIX
[00:05:37] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown
[00:05:37] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: futuRe.
[00:05:37] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:05:37] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:05:37] * All unused cars respawned by AlexUnder.
[00:05:37] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:05:37] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:05:37] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:05:38] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:05:42] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:05:53] |__ Leaders Online __|
[00:05:53] Ballas Leader: kiL.
[00:05:53] Los Santos Vagos: AlexUnder
[00:05:53] Varrios Los Aztecas Leader: Florin.
[00:05:53] Mayor: Emanuel
[00:05:53] Ballas Leader: Cheloo
[00:05:53] Hitman Agency Leader: k1d0or.
[00:05:53] National Guard Leader: AdN
[00:05:53] FBI Leader: Marsu
[00:05:54] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:05:59] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:05:59] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:06:01] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] The first person who types F4rV3nPgY will win $1614!
[00:10:24] Emanuel's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 0
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] ** CbR has won the fast event and received $1614! **
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] Cheloo's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 0
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:10:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:21:21] CODIX's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 3
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] Admin Cheloo:{FFFF00} Kicking player 'wiLd.'. Reason: ..
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Administrator OmbLaDoN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] futuRe.'s Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 1
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown
[00:21:21] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: Fl3r
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] ** Director Marsu: Faci event?, over. **
[00:21:21] [INFO]: Pentru a vedea regulile serverului tasteaza /reguli.
[00:21:21] ** General AdN: Da, over. **
[00:21:21] ** Director Marsu: Unde?, over. **
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] ** Professional Staff Typhoon: Hai ca eu deja am parcat'o
, over. **
[00:21:21] ** General AdN: Pe samp
, over. **
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] ** Director Marsu: Race?, over. **
[00:21:21] << Fl3r has surrendered having wanted 1 >>
[00:21:21] HQ: All Units Officer Fl3r Has Completed Assignment
[00:21:21] HQ: Fl3r Has Been Processed, Got Arrested
[00:21:21] ** General AdN: Da, over. **
[00:21:21] News: CODIX a primit Kick pentru ca a lasat AFK cu Wanted.
[00:21:21] Suspect CODIX has left the server. (Kick/Ban)
[00:21:21] ** Professional Staff Typhoon: 12 locuri is, over. **
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] ** Professional Staff Typhoon: Defapt mai sunt 11, over. **
[00:21:21] ** General AdN: Sa mori tu ca le-ai numarat
), over. **
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] ** Professional Staff Typhoon: Da,am parcat'o aici si astept, over. **
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] ** General AdN: Ai dt/rrb, over. **
[00:21:21] ** General AdN: Ai de asteptat , over. **
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] (( OmbLaDoN: Nu dati /rrball va rog ))
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] << CODIX has surrendered having wanted 3 >>
[00:21:21] HQ: All Units Officer CODIX Has Completed Assignment
[00:21:21] HQ: CODIX Has Been Processed, Got Arrested
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [Helper Sika: Ai nevoie de ajutor,job,respawn ? /needhelp !]
[00:21:21] [Helper Sika: Cei noi cititi /db, /safezone, /reguli !]
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:21] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:21:56] ** Cadet vLad.: Adn ce faci cu rb?, over. **
[00:22:08] ** General AdN: Event , over. **
[00:22:11] ** Cadet vLad.: Race ?, over. **
[00:22:14] ** General AdN: Da, over. **
[00:22:29] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:22:32] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:22:33] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:22:44] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:22:50] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:22:56] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:23:05] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:23:05] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:23:11] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:23:11] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:23:11] * vLad. has left the vehicle.
[00:23:17] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:23:17] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:23:23] You must be Level 8 to purchase this!
[00:23:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:23:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:23:28] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:23:28] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:23:30] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:23:30] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:23:39] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:23:40] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:23:47] futuRe.'s Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 0
[00:23:52] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:23:53] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:23:53] |____Current Wanted List____|
[00:24:04] |____Current Wanted List____|
[00:24:07] People Jailed:
[00:24:07] Name: CODIX | ID: 12 | Jail Time: 167 sec
[00:24:07] Name: DeeJay | ID: 31 | Jail Time: 106 sec
[00:24:14] * vLad. has left the vehicle.
[00:24:27] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:24:28] |___ BANK STATMENT ___|
[00:24:28] Old Balance: $2738885
[00:24:28] Deposit: $200000
[00:24:28] |-----------------------------------------|
[00:24:28] New Balance: $2938885
[00:24:29] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:24:30] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:24:32] You Have Withdrawn $38885 from your account. Total: $2900000
[00:24:33] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:24:36] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:24:36] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:24:42] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:24:42] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:24:47] * Admins Online *
[00:24:47] Head Admin: kiL. [5]
[00:24:47] eXtra Admin: LauRentiu. [7]
[00:24:47] Head Admin: AlexUnder [10]
[00:24:47] Head Admin: OmbLaDoN [20]
[00:24:47] Avanced Admin: Tzape [22]
[00:24:47] Avanced Admin: cHozeN [26]
[00:24:47] Owner: Cheloo [32]
[00:25:06] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:25:06] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:25:06] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:25:06] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:25:06] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:25:06] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:25:06] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:25:06] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:25:06] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:25:06] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:25:06] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:25:06] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:25:06] [HQ]: Officer AdN has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:25:18] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:25:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:25:30] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:25:38] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:25:47] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:25:55] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:26:19] [INFO]: Drive-By este interzis! Pentru mai multe informatii tasteaza /db.
[00:26:20] [HQ]: Officer Marsu has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:26:24] [HQ]: Officer Marsu has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:26:28] [HQ]: Officer Marsu has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:27:10] [HQ]: Officer Marsu has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:27:23] AlexUnder has cleared the chat.
[00:27:28] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:27:36] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:18] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:18] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:18] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:18] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:18] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:18] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:28:18] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:18] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:18] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:18] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:18] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:18] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:18] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:18] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:20] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:21] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:21] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:21] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:21] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:28:28] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:28] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:28] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:29] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:33] _______________________________________
[00:28:33] *** vLad.'s Stats
[00:28:33] Level:[7] Sex:[Barbat] Age:[18] Spawn:[LS] SpawnHealth:[100.0] Cash:[$59481] Bank:[$2900000]
[00:28:33] PhoneNumber:[9458] DonateRank:[V.I.P.] MarriedTo:[No-one] PlayingHours:[70] Job:[Detective]
[00:28:33] FishesCaught:[0] BiggestFish:[12] CrimesCommited:[24] TimesArrested:[2] WantedDeaths:[2]
[00:28:33] Kills:[75] Deaths:[67] NextLevel:[$250000] Respect:[16/32] WantedLevel:[0] Family:[None] LottoNr:[0]
[00:28:33] Drugs:[0] Crack:[0] Weed:[0] Team:[Officer] Disease:[None] Organisation:[None] Rank:[Cadet]
[00:28:33] Materials:[40000] Warns:[0/5] AdminLevel:[0] HelperLevel: [0]
[00:28:33] _______________________________________
[00:28:33] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:28:45] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:28:51] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:28:59] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:29:05] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:29:05] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:29:08] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:29:12] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:29:13] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:29:15] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown
[00:29:15] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: Razvi.
[00:29:20] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:29:24] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:29:25] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:29:30] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:29:31] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:29:33] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:29:35] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:29:36] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:29:42] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.
[00:29:45] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:29:46] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:29:56] [HQ]: Officer Marsu has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:30:00] Family chat channel Disabled!
[00:30:00] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:30:00] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:30:01] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:30:02] Family chat channel Enabled!
[00:30:03] [HQ]: Officer Marsu has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:30:03] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:30:08] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:30:09] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:30:13] [HQ]: Officer Marsu has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:30:14] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:30:15] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:30:19] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:30:19] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:30:21] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:30:22] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:30:24] ** Cadet vLad.: Nu mai e comanda /togradio?
, over. **
[00:30:33] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:30:34] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:30:37] [HQ]: Officer Marsu has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:30:42] vLad. Says: togradio
[00:30:43] [HQ]: Officer Marsu has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:30:44] [HQ]: Officer Marsu has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:30:45] [HQ]: Officer Marsu has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:30:47] [HQ]: Officer Marsu has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:30:52] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:30:53] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:30:53] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:30:54] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:30:54] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:30:57] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:30:57] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:30:57] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:30:58] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:30:59] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:30:59] *** SERVER *** /forum /reguli /db /safezone /factions /leaders
[00:30:59] *** ACCOUNT *** /stats /buylevel /upgrade /newpass /1warn /titles
[00:30:59] *** GENERAL *** /pay /charity /time /buy /unrentcar /givekey /switchkey /id /drink /showlicenses
[00:30:59] *** GENERAL *** /clothes /resetupgrades(100k) /buygun /lock /skill /licenses /lotto /surrender
[00:30:59] *** GENERAL *** /report /gps /job /accept /eject /coin /usedrugs /fill /fillcar /service /togzones
[00:30:59] *** CHAT *** (/w)hisper (/o)oc (/s)hout (/c)lose (/l)ocal (/b) (/ad)vertise (/f)amily /me /togooc /tognews /togfam /toglc /togwhisper
[00:30:59] *** FACTIONS *** (/f)amily (/l)eaders(c)hat(Leader CMD) /cabinet /enter /exit /togfam /togfa
[00:30:59] *** NFS CLUB *** /nfsinvite /nfsuninvite /nfsmembers /nfsspawn /nfs /neon
[00:30:59] *** BANK *** /balance /withdraw /deposit /wiretransfer
[00:30:59] *** ANIMS *** /animlist
[00:30:59] JOB * /find (Find Player) /findh (Find Player's House)
[00:30:59] LSPD * /r (/d)epartments (/m)egaphone (/su)spect /mdc /arrest /duty /wanted /cuff /tazer
[00:30:59] LSPD * /rb /rrb /rrball /frisk /take /ticket (/gov)ernment /deliver /camera /ram /aswat /dswat /swat
[00:30:59] LSPD * /undercover /copuntie /backup /backupclear /jaillist /getincar /buyspikes /spikes
[00:30:59] *** OTHER *** /cellphonehelp /househelp /renthelp /businesshelp /leaderhelp /fishhelp /cookhelp /irchelp
[00:30:59] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:30:59] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:00] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:31:01] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:01] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:02] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:03] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:06] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:07] *** SERVER *** /forum /reguli /db /safezone /factions /leaders
[00:31:07] *** ACCOUNT *** /stats /buylevel /upgrade /newpass /1warn /titles
[00:31:07] *** GENERAL *** /pay /charity /time /buy /unrentcar /givekey /switchkey /id /drink /showlicenses
[00:31:07] *** GENERAL *** /clothes /resetupgrades(100k) /buygun /lock /skill /licenses /lotto /surrender
[00:31:07] *** GENERAL *** /report /gps /job /accept /eject /coin /usedrugs /fill /fillcar /service /togzones
[00:31:07] *** CHAT *** (/w)hisper (/o)oc (/s)hout (/c)lose (/l)ocal (/b) (/ad)vertise (/f)amily /me /togooc /tognews /togfam /toglc /togwhisper
[00:31:07] *** FACTIONS *** (/f)amily (/l)eaders(c)hat(Leader CMD) /cabinet /enter /exit /togfam /togfa
[00:31:07] *** NFS CLUB *** /nfsinvite /nfsuninvite /nfsmembers /nfsspawn /nfs /neon
[00:31:07] *** BANK *** /balance /withdraw /deposit /wiretransfer
[00:31:07] *** ANIMS *** /animlist
[00:31:07] JOB * /find (Find Player) /findh (Find Player's House)
[00:31:07] LSPD * /r (/d)epartments (/m)egaphone (/su)spect /mdc /arrest /duty /wanted /cuff /tazer
[00:31:07] LSPD * /rb /rrb /rrball /frisk /take /ticket (/gov)ernment /deliver /camera /ram /aswat /dswat /swat
[00:31:07] LSPD * /undercover /copuntie /backup /backupclear /jaillist /getincar /buyspikes /spikes
[00:31:07] *** OTHER *** /cellphonehelp /househelp /renthelp /businesshelp /leaderhelp /fishhelp /cookhelp /irchelp
[00:31:07] ** Director Marsu: Cate una frate nu 1000000000000000, over. **
[00:31:09] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:10] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:12] ** Director Marsu: Una, over. **
[00:31:12] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:13] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:31:13] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:16] ** Cadet vLad.: Mda, over. **
[00:31:20] ** General AdN: Lasa ma sa fie, over. **
[00:31:24] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:24] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:25] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:31:25] [HQ]: Officer Marsu has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:31:26] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:27] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:28] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:28] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:30] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:30] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:32] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:33] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:34] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:31:34] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:35] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:36] ** Director Marsu: Sa fie aiurea , over. **
[00:31:36] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:37] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:38] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:39] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:40] ** Cadet vLad.: SI faceti si spam urat., over. **
[00:31:41] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:41] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:31:41] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:31:42] ** Cadet vLad.:
, over. **
[00:31:50] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:31:55] [HQ]: Officer Marsu has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:31:57] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:32:02] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:32:12] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:32:23] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:32:24] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(2) at his position, over.
[00:32:25] [HQ]: Officer Tzape has removed a Roadblock, over.
[00:27:11] [HQ]: Officer AdN has placed a Roadblock(3) at his position, over.