
[REJECTED] [Warlock][Affli]Agony
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-05-2015, 19:35:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: Damage-ul nu este ca cel din tooltip . In tooltip scrie 57.200 la 10.305 SP , iar eu dau 33017.
Agony da damage la fiecare 2 secunde , implicit se mareste si stack-ul ( de la 2-3 , 4-5 s.a.m.d pana la 10 ).

20 - 2 stacks
18 - 3 stacks
16 - 4 stacks
14 - 5 stacks
12 - 6 stacks
10 - 7 stacks
8 - 8 stacks
6 - 9 stacks
4 - 10 stacks
2 - 10 stacks
0 - 10 stacks

In tooltip scrie ca dot-ul are durata de 24 de secunde si daca ar mai fi un tick in plus va rezulta valoarea de 33017 + 4403 = 37.420 , tot nu-i buna valoarea rezultata.
La sfarsit de clipping , la secunda 0 , nu da damage , nici la aplicare la secunda 22 deci 2 tick-uri pierdure in valoare de 8806 damage + tick-ul care ar fi trebuit sa existe daca agony-ul avea durata de 24 de secunde cand era aplicat adica 8806+4403=13209

Agony are first tick cand il pui cu, dar spre surprinderea mea are durata corecta , de 24 de secunde uneori 23 secunde ( wtf ) fata de durata pe care o are de 22 de secunde cand il aplici manual si fara tick initial. Nu stiu de ce cu functioneaza , in sensul ca are durata de 24 de secunde si face damage la aplicare , dar si aici se manifesta aceeasi chestie care exista la aplicarea manuala , la sfarsitul duratei , la secunda 0 nu face tick de damage. ACEEASI PROBLEMA ESTE LA ( NU ARE TICK DE DAMAGE INITIAL ,LA APLICARE , SI NICI LA SFARSITUL DURATEI! ( La aplicarea manuala nu da damage din prima si nu da damage la ultimul tick , dar la aplicarea cu are tick initial , dar tick-ul final nu exista.
Problema este generala cred !.

Proof: Aceasta cred ca este formula corecta [324(+ 30,6% of SP)*10] nu cea din tooltipul spell-ului care este inregistrat in baza de date a freakz-ului.
sursa : (wowhead link)

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Post Posted: 25-05-2015, 16:00:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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Post Posted: 28-05-2015, 22:38:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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Post Posted: 28-05-2015, 22:49:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

M-am uitat pe el. O sa analizez luni cum trebuie ca sunt plecat in week-end... revin cu edit.

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Post Posted: 04-06-2015, 17:23:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@shocker,daca se repara asta + bugul de la haunt,poate o sa fie cat de cat playable warlockul affliction,momentan da cam 50% din cat da destro.

Last edited by Nytrox on 05-06-2015, 01:36:06; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 05-06-2015, 00:46:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Trb sa repare si haste capurile plus pandemic

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Post Posted: 05-06-2015, 02:07:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ok m-am uitat peste Agony si avem asa:
Faza cu primul si ultimul tick lipsa este o aberatie. Nu ai dovada clara, la mine merge... vezi ss mai jos.
La treaba cu damage formula pe care o avem acuma pe freakz este asta:
(27 + 0.0255*sp)*n

n reprezinta numarul de tick-uri, iar formula este cat da un tick nu cat da agony in total.
In cazul meu avem asa:
  • No specialization, so no hidden increases.
  • 25867 spell power

Deci pentru mine Agony ar trebui sa dea urmatorul damage:
24-22 -> 1st tick: 686 (1 stack)
22-20 -> 2nd tick: 1373 (2 stacks)
20-18 -> 3rd tick: 2059 (3 stacks)
18-16 -> 4th tick: 2746 (4 stacks)
16-14 -> 5th tick: 3433 (5 stacks)
14-12 -> 6th tick: 4119 (6 stacks)
12-10 -> 7th tick: 4806 (7 stacks)
10-8 -> 8th tick: 5492 (8 stacks)
8-6 -> 9th tick: 6179 (9 stacks)
6-4 -> 10th tick: 6866 (10 stacks)
4-2 -> 11th tick: 6866 (10 stacks)
2-0 -> 12th tick: 6866 (10 stacks)

Tickul 4 si 5 au fost crituri dar sunt ok... 2746*2=5492 / 3433*2=6866
Damage-ul din tooltip nu stiu cum este calculat, iar formula pe care ai dat-o tu e ciudata... nu stiu daca ala e damage-ul total sau pe tick... 30.6% din spellpower e cam mult pentru tick, plus ca nici formula ta nu verifica valoarea din tooltip.

Daca aveti dovezi clare ca alta este formula aduceti-le si explicati cu lux de amanunte ca sa vedem ce si cum.

P.S. Mastery merge ok @ agony dupa formula [(27 + 0.0255*sp) + (27 + 0.0255*sp)*mastery%]*n
Ex: Am 44% mastery formula este [(27 + 0.0255*sp)*1.44]*n

P.S.2 Nu testati nimic pe dummies, go world creatures.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-06-2015, 08:52:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

am testat aseara in ToeS affliction si ceva nu este in regula cu damageul la doturi ( in special Agony / ar trebui sa fie pe pozitia 1 in dps, si e dupa UA si nici macar aproape ). Si fata de destruction momentan da dmg undeva la jumatate la acelasi ilvl, si reforgeul facut pentru fiecare spec in parte.
Am cautat de ieri formule si singurele care le-am gasit au fost din 5.4, stiu ca o sa imi zici sa iti dau de 5.4.8, dar m-am uitat pe patch notes si de la 5.4 la 5.4.8 nu scrie nicaieri ca s-ar reduce sau creste damage-ul la spelurile de afflliction.
Patch Note 5.4

[Corruption] damage has been increased by 10%.
Demonic Gateways are no longer attackable once more and no longer temporarily removes threat from the user. The debuff from using a Demonic Gateway has been increased to 60 seconds (up from 15 seconds).
[Fel Armor] no longer reduces all damage taken by 10%.
[Fel Flame] now deals 13% more damage, costs 2% less mana, and no longer increases the duration of damage-over-time spells.
[Immolate] damage has been increased by 10%.
[Rain of Fire] now has a reduced chance to generate Burning Embers.
[The Codex of Xerrath] now infuses additional spells with fel magic (green fire effect).
[Summon Felsteed], Summon Dreadsteed, [Summon Abyssal], [Demonic Fury], [Dark Apotheosis], and [Demonic Leap].
[Agony] damage has been increased by 16%.
[Drain Soul] no longer energizes Soul Shards from the pets and guardians of players, and now deals 34% less damage. If other periodic Affliction damage effects are triggered by Drain Soul, they now deal 60% of their normal damage (down from 100%).
[Haunt] now deals 50% more damage, and increases damage done by all of the Warlock's damage-over-time spells against the target by 45%.
[Malefic Grasp] now deals 34% less damage, and causes all of the Warlock's other periodic Affliction damage effects to instantly deal 30% of their normal periodic damage (down from 50%).
[Nightfall] now gives Corruption a 10% increased chance to generate a Soul Shard on the most recently applied Corruption.
[Soul Swap] no longer does any damage, and now copies damage-over-time effects instead of just moving them without needing a glyph. Copied effects now once again preserve their power and duration. Duration has been reduced to 3 seconds (down from 20 seconds).
[Unstable Affliction] damage has been increased by 21%.

Acestea ar fi schimbarile mari pt affliction in 5.4, am gasit si formule, care ar respecta schimbarile de 5.4 pe mmo doar ca scrie Unofficial Patch Notes 5.4

Agony Inflicts increasing agony on the target, causing up to [ 3,360 + 26% [ 3,840 + 30% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 24 sec. This damage is dealt slowly at first and builds up each time it deals damage. Warlock - Affliction Spec. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.
Drain Soul Drains the soul of the target, causing [ 417 + 37.5% [ 275 + 25.7% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage every 2 sec and energizing one Soul Shard after it deals damage twice. If the target dies and yields experience or honor, three Soul Shards are energized. Lasts 12 sec. If the target is at or below 20% health when Drain Soul deals damage, it deals 100% additional damage and causes all of your other periodic Affliction damage effects to instantly deal 100% 60% of their normal periodic damage. Warlock - Affliction Spec. 1.5% of Base Mana, plus 1.5% per sec. 40 yd range. Instant (Channeled).
Haunt You send a ghostly soul into the target, dealing [ 1,869 + 175% [ 2,804 + 262.5% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing all periodic damage done by your spells on the target by 30% 45% for 8 sec. Warlock - Affliction Spec. 1 Soul Shard. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
Malefic Grasp Binds the target in twilight, causing [ 856 + 20% [ 564 + 13.2% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 4 sec. Every 1 sec, when Malefic Grasp deals damage, it causes all of your other periodic Affliction damage effects to instantly deal 50% 30% of their normal periodic damage. Warlock - Affliction Spec. 1.5% of Base Mana, plus 1.5% per sec. 40 yd range. Instant (Channeled).
Nightfall Gives your Corruption spell a 5% chance Your most recently applied Corruption has a 10% chance when it deals damage to cause you to regain a Soul Shard. Warlock - Affliction Spec.
Seed of Corruption (Affliction) When the target takes [ 1,346 + 126% of Spell Power 1,346;] total damage from the caster or dies, the seed will inflict [ 972 + 91% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards of the target.
Seed of Corruption (Demonology, Destruction) When the target takes [ 1,346 + 126% of Spell Power 1,346;] total damage from the caster or dies, the seed will inflict [ 972 + 91% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards of the target.
Soul Swap (Affliction) You instantly deal [ 534 + 50% of Spell Power ] damage, and remove You copy your Shadow damage-over-time effects from the target. preserving their power and duration. For 20 For 3 sec afterwards, the next target you cast Soul Swap: Exhale on will be afflicted by the Shadow damage-over-time effects and suffer [ 534 + 50% of Spell Power ] damage. copied Shadow damage-over-time effects.
Soul Swap (Demonology, Destruction) You instantly deal [ 534 + 50% of Spell Power ] damage, and remove You copy your Shadow damage-over-time effects from the target. preserving their power and duration. For 20 For 3 sec afterwards, the next target you cast Soul Swap: Exhale on will be afflicted by the Shadow damage-over-time effects and suffer [ 534 + 50% of Spell Power ] damage. copied Shadow damage-over-time effects.
Soulburn: Soul Swap Grants the Soulburn empowerment to your Soul Swap. Soul Swap will instantly apply your Corruption, Unstable Affiction Affliction, and Agony to your current target without requiring them to be removed from a previous target. Warlock - Affliction Spec.
Unstable Affliction Shadow energy slowly destroys the target, causing [ 1,792 + 24% [ 2,170 + 29% of Spell Power ] damage over 14 sec. If the Unstable Affliction is dispelled it will cause [ 2,048 + 192% [ 2,480 + 232% of Spell Power ] damage to the dispeller and silence them for 4 sec. This damage always critically strikes. Warlock - Affliction Spec. 1.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.

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Post Posted: 05-06-2015, 13:05:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Vezi sa nu uiti in calcule de hotfixuri

Hotfix (2014-12-15): "Agony's damage has been increased by 20%."
Hotfix (2013-10-02): "Agony's damage has been reduced by 15%.


Formula de pe 5.3 este dintr-un video de la sparkuggz e putin mai mare dmg-ul in acel tooltip decat pe freakz pe agony

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Post Posted: 05-06-2015, 21:00:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cu DoT-uri e mai delicata situatia la formule... formulele pe care le gasim pe net din tooltip-uri iti zic cat au damage over x seconds. Pe server ele au formula cat trebuie sa dea fiecare tick. O sa fiu sincer si direct: Whyplashh singurul lucru bun de acolo e linkul acesta. Restul sunt foarte putin folositoare spre deloc si unele lucruri chiar scoase din context.
M-am uitat pe link si e ciudat:
Iau spre exemplu Agony unde zice la ei "causing up to [ 3,840 + 30% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 24 sec." Pai la 25867 sp ar veni 11600 dupa 24 sec. Ma gandesc ca ei acolo in tooltip au formula de la tick nu de la total damage insa cum pot 100% sigur? Dev's nu o sa schimbe formula la noi dupa ureche.
Cand vine vorba de Haunt(direct spell) se verifica formula... aia apare si la noi pe site decat ca in-game e gresita... asta se face usor.
Sincer si eu am vazut ca in-game da foarte putin affly mai ales la ce gear am aruncat eu random pe gm char si am facut 25k sp. Trebuie lucruri concrete si puneti mana si faceti si calculele, eu imi fac timp sa testez dar sa stau sa iau fiecare formula care mi se aduce sa stau sa calculez si sa vad daca e ok... chiar nu am timp in perioada asta de asa ceva.

EDIT: Look at this. Cred ca e ok formula de la noi.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-06-2015, 11:41:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

cu ce pot sa iti mai fiu de folos ca altceva nu mai gasesc pentru formule e acest link unde zice cat dmg face agony pe 5.4 dupa formulele respective :

At approximately 40k Spell Power, Agony's 10 stack will hit for about 28,000-30,000 damage. With procs, this gets even higher. For calculation purposes, let's assume 30,000 for non-crits. If you maintain a 10 stack for an entire random 10 tick duration, you'd do 30,000 x 10, or 300,000 damage. However, if you were to have let Agony fall off and had to rebuild during this same 10 tick cycle, your first tick would hit for 3,000, your 2nd for 6,000, etc. For emphasis, this is what you'd be losing:

Tick 1: 3,000 (-27,000)
Tick 2: 6,000 (-24,000)
Tick 3: 9,000 (-21,000)
Tick 9: 27,000 (-3,000)
Tick 10: 30,000 (-0)

Facand un calcul simplu la 25k spell power primul tick ar trebui sa dea 1875, si la tick 10 18750 . Dupa un refresh cand o sa dea 10 tickuri de 10 stacks ar face 187500 dmg. Acum da 1250 si la 10 stacks 125000. Ambele situatii fara crit. In principiu pierzi 60k dmg la fiecare 24 de secunde.

Am mai gasit chestia aceasta poate tu o sa intelegi mai multe din ea unde explica acest tabel

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-06-2015, 22:03:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

facand reforgeurile lui si chiar mai bune ca el are 487 eu 493 la acelasi dumy el scoate 100k ish burst si ramane pe la 80k eu scot 70ish burst si raman in 40k

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Post Posted: 07-06-2015, 00:21:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nu stiu daca se pun astea 3
Hotfix (2014-12-15): "Agony's damage has been increased by 20%."
Hotfix (2013-10-02): "Agony's damage has been reduced by 15%."
MoP Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): Damage has been increased by 16%.

La 25155 spellpower si 63 % mastery am 103385 12 tickuri cu un crit de 4482 care ar veni 101144 daca pui in considerare acele 3 lucruri de mai sus ar veni 122384 care tot nu e bine am observat ca unstable affliction corruption si agony pierd un tick la aplicare manuala fiecare dar cand le dai cu soulburn merg bine deci agony cu soulburn da 124161 13 tickuri cu 1 crit daca scad acel dmg ar veni 114665.5 daca pun acele 3 lucruri de mai sus vine 138745.255 tot lipsesc 3k de la 141440 cat am eu in tooltip dar daca folosesc formula asta (336+(0.026*sp))*mastery probabil s-ar pune acei 3k care lipsesc nu prea stiu cum sa testez exact. S-ar putea unele calcule sa fie gresite dar stiu sigur ca daca aplic ua/corr/agony manual pierzi un tick de fiecare data fata mi se pare ca l-a inceput.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-06-2015, 15:33:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

MindBreaker wrote:
Cu DoT-uri e mai delicata situatia la formule... formulele pe care le gasim pe net din tooltip-uri iti zic cat au damage over x seconds. Pe server ele au formula cat trebuie sa dea fiecare tick. O sa fiu sincer si direct: Whyplashh singurul lucru bun de acolo e linkul acesta. Restul sunt foarte putin folositoare spre deloc si unele lucruri chiar scoase din context.
M-am uitat pe link si e ciudat:
Iau spre exemplu Agony unde zice la ei "causing up to [ 3,840 + 30% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 24 sec." Pai la 25867 sp ar veni 11600 dupa 24 sec. Ma gandesc ca ei acolo in tooltip au formula de la tick nu de la total damage insa cum pot 100% sigur? Dev's nu o sa schimbe formula la noi dupa ureche.
Cand vine vorba de Haunt(direct spell) se verifica formula... aia apare si la noi pe site decat ca in-game e gresita... asta se face usor.
Sincer si eu am vazut ca in-game da foarte putin affly mai ales la ce gear am aruncat eu random pe gm char si am facut 25k sp. Trebuie lucruri concrete si puneti mana si faceti si calculele, eu imi fac timp sa testez dar sa stau sa iau fiecare formula care mi se aduce sa stau sa calculez si sa vad daca e ok... chiar nu am timp in perioada asta de asa ceva.

EDIT: Look at this. Cred ca e ok formula de la noi.

Filmuletzul nu e din patch 5.4 daca te uiti Kil'jaeden's Cunning e debuff ( in 5.4 il face pasiva ). Deci filmuletul e din 5.3, sunt alte formule.
Am postat mai sus un quote de la un affliction warlock guide de 5.4.8 unde autorul explica cum functioneaza Agony ( :
At approximately 40k Spell Power, Agony's 10 stack will hit for about 28,000-30,000 damage. With procs, this gets even higher. For calculation purposes, let's assume 30,000 for non-crits. If you maintain a 10 stack for an entire random 10 tick duration, you'd do 30,000 x 10, or 300,000 damage. However, if you were to have let Agony fall off and had to rebuild during this same 10 tick cycle, your first tick would hit for 3,000, your 2nd for 6,000, etc. For emphasis, this is what you'd be losing:

Tick 1: 3,000 (-27,000)
Tick 2: 6,000 (-24,000)
Tick 3: 9,000 (-21,000)
Tick 9: 27,000 (-3,000)
Tick 10: 30,000 (-0)

Facand un calcul simplu la 25k spell power primul tick ar trebui sa dea 1875, si la tick 10 18750 . Dupa un refresh cand o sa dea 10 tickuri de 10 stacks ar face 187500 dmg.
Singura diferenta dintre formula actuala de pe server si cea de pe patch notes : e faptul ca pe patch notes nu scrie de mastery , si cred ca e normal sa nu scrie pentru ca au schimbat doar partea din paranteze. si daca e sa aplici partea din paranteze cu multiplyerul de mastery, ar veni [3840 + 30% sp] + [3840 + 30% sp] * mastery% ( in cazul meu , avand 67% mastery ) = [3840 + 30% 25000 ] * 1.67 = 18937.8 deci 10 tickuri de 10 stackuri ar fi 189378 dmg. E un pic mai mult decat ar iesi mai sus, dar si acolo a dat o valoare aproximativa. Si momentan e singura formula ce ar da cel mai aproape. Stiu ca e complicat de gasit formula exacta, dar aceasta ar fi o alternativa rezonabila.

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Post Posted: 11-06-2015, 21:39:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

deci se poate lua o decizie in cazul acesta unii dorim sa jucam affliction iar eu unul deja nu mai pot cu destro, acum e si mai banal decat a fost pe 4.3
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