
[FIXED] [Halls of Reflection] Escape from Arthas @AlesianDuke

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-07-2015, 20:03:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: Bossul nu este scriptat, stiu. Vreau doar sabia care pica pe normal ( Se poate face o metoda pentru a avea acces la loot? Daca vreti sa raspundeti cu "wow shop" sau "vote points" nu va mai obositi...

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Post Posted: 02-07-2015, 20:53:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nu, alta metoda nu e din moment ce nu merge script-ul.
La Vote Shop e 44 de puncte. Vreo 5 zile de voting daca nu ai deja cateva puncte acolo
Daca nu te descurci la Voting sa stii ca nu e asa greu. Ai aici un ghid

"wow shop" sau "vote points" nu va mai obositi...

Sa stii ca ar fi un gest frumos din partea tuturor macar sa voteze ca e gratis si nici nu mananca pe nimeni, plus ca ajuta comunitatea (care va ofera un loc gratis de jucat WoW)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-07-2015, 21:50:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ultimele 3 dati cand am incercat sa votez nu a mers. m-am lasat de votat dupa -
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Post Posted: 03-07-2015, 19:55:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nu sti tu cum sa votezi corect (vezi guide, pe site).
Legat de boss, stiu ca nu merge... am reparat inainte de LIVE MOP doar 1st encounter... al doilea, cand voi gasi timp.

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[WoW GameMaster]

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Post Posted: 18-07-2015, 17:27:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Made a few checks, fixed the event so it now starts (live at server restart) BUT the script is pure crap... yeah, pure crap... I will have to remove it, do a new script for both Jaina and Sylvannas (basically same script, just different spells and texts)... the script for LK I'll try to keep, will see about it... the issue are the walls, that won't disappear after the conditions are met (trash/adds dead)... also, will try fix the achievements too.

Also, need some feedback / piece of information regarding a "pushback" when trying to reach the General undead NPC , after the 1st encounter with the 2 lieutenants... do you get a small pushback / tp back when trying to pass through the open door ?

l.e.: kind of made the public script working, but has some issues (the adds disappear and they are essential for the Jaina / Sylvanas script... if another dev won't be able to help with the C++ script issue, I'll do it from the base up, from scratch... most likely next weekend).

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[WoW GameMaster]

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Post Posted: 26-07-2015, 17:27:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

FIXED: (live at server restart).

The script was made from scratch, it has all the retail mechanics (minus the wipe part... it may fail if you go yolo, because it's not a core script... it was extremely hard to make it work as it is, waypoints / movement of the NPCs and combat mode did not mix, so that's why it has some mechanics a bit modified, but still with the retail flavour, phases and all that stuff).

What I did, with tips etc...:
- after defeating the F. General, the door will open and you will find Jaina / Sylvannas and the Lich King... interact with your "girl" to start the Escape event... speak to her again at the exit of the Throne Room when you are ready.
- basically it will be just on retail: Jaina / Sylvannas run searching for an exit, the Lich King will follow... it is BEST for YOU to STAY BETWEEN THEM, so as not to be caught behind the walls
- when the walls spawn, you have to defeat all the trash npcs, as fast as possible... best at maximum 60 yards from Jaina or Sylvannas... otherwise the script may fail
- repeat this process for the other 3 walls... and when you reach the end it will be all over
- at the end the chest will be spawned, N or HC, Jaina / Sylvannas will do their final scripts, along with the Lich King... the Skybreaker couldn't be implemented, but it will make an appearance (sort of)
- the quest involved works, the achievement (N and HC) was fixed (the speed escape achievement does not work, I can't fix that one).

Basically this is it... have fun!

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