
[EN]Windwalker Monk PVP guide

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Post Posted: 21-05-2015, 13:04:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi my name It's Xuian and this is how i play Monk WW PVP

1. Stats
2. Reforging
3. Gems and enchants
4. Gear
5. Talents
6. Glyphs
7. Macros
8. Dual wield vs 2 hander
9. How to Burst
10. Closing

Let's start your training and your journey, there is a long road ahead


In order to understand the rest of this guide you need to know the stat priority for monks. Crit obviously makes you crit more with abilities (important because your burst revolves around Rising Sun Kick, and crits in general). Mastery makes you get double stacks occasionally (This is just RNG for extra stacks, not very necessary) Haste makes your energy regeneration better (Important for high sustained damage and stack generation. Indirectly increases stack generation also making it better than mastery by default) Expertise makes your stuff be dodged/parried less (important because your rotation revolves around Rising Sun Kick and if it does not hit your damage is crippled)

The generally accepted stat priority for Windwalker in 5.4 is:
3% hit > ~6%+ expertise > agility > crit > haste > mastery > PvPpower/resi

Expertise is tentative, take as much of it as you feel necessary. Most monks run with 6-6.5% expertise.


Reforge everything in accordance to the stat priority. Get 3% hit. then reforge everything to crit and reforge to haste if the item already has crit. Use as much expertise as you feel necessary.


Gems: Sorted by colour

Meta - Agile Primal Diamond
Red - Delicate Primordial Ruby
Orange - Deadly Vermilion Onyx
Blue - Assassin's Imperial Amethyst

Basically just follow this, the hit gems allow you to reforge more hit to crit on gear and utilizes gem bonuses. Always match the gem bonuses and use a 160 agi gem on the belt buckle gem.

Enchants: Just copy and paste these into your auction house

Shoulder - Greater Tiger Claw Inscription
Back - Enchant Cloak - Superior Critical Strike
Chest - Enchant Chest - Glorious Stats
Wrist - Enchant Bracer - Greater Agility (mastery if you are poor)
Gloves - Enchant Gloves - Greater haste
Belt - Living Steel Belt Buckle
Legs - Shadowleather Leg Armor
Boots - Enchant Boots - Blurred Speed
MH - Enchant Weapon - Dancing Steel
OH - Enchant Weapon - Dancing Steel (Weapon chain/2200 weapon chain are optional, I personally prefer to use them)


Take all the Windwalker 5 set PvP Prideful/Grievous pieces. Then take the offset pieces according to stat priority. Take the ones with crit or the ones with haste if there is none with crit, and preferably the ones with both crit and haste if they exist.


Most of the talents are baseline, but there are a few up for debate/personal preference. Most monks run with a similar talent setup. A few different one's can be used depending on the situation you are in.

Level 15:
Tiger's lust. It's just too important, It can get you out of roots, increases your movement speed by 70% and assist your partners in escaping / help your priest push in for a fear.

Level 30:
Chi wave. It's the only talent that provides a DPS increase in your pve rotation. Thus any other talent is pretty much useless.

Level 45:
Chi brew. Using this you get Chi points important for usingRising Sun Kick, Blackout Kick and Tiger Palm and generates 2 Tigereye Brew staking them up to increse dmg using Tigeryeye Brew

Level 60:
Leg sweep or Ring of Peace. Both can be used in certain situations. Ring of Peace you should use for RBGs and vs RMP in 3v3. Ring of Peace silence and disarm the enemy, but if they attack you they get another 4 sec silence and disarm, this spell it's pretty usefull, an important tool of a monk. In any other situation useLeg sweep stunning the enemy for 6 seconds. In that time you can dps him and/or heal yourself.

Level 75:
Healing elixirs or Diffuse magic: Use Diffuse magic against casters and Healing elixirs against physical damage dealers.

Level 90:
Xuen or Rushing jade wind: Use Rushing jade wind for RBG's. Use Xuen or Rushing jade wind in arenas. A lot of people nowadays are using Rushing jade wind. You use it with your 10 stack Tigereye Brew lined up with your proc trinkets and debuffs for massive burst. Also use it when you hit 100 energy and/or are being kited, to avoid wasting the energy.


Mandatory: - You will use these two glyphs always regardless of the situation

Glyph of Touch of Karma - Allows you to touch people at range. It is very important to be able to use your biggest defenisve on range.

Glyph of Touch of Death (wowhead link) - Allows you to use touch of death without chi. Basically this means you win the game when the opponent is at <10%. The increased cooldown is irrelevant because you usually win the arena when you get the kill

Glyph of Blackout Kick (wowhead link)(minor) - I'm putting this as mandatory because it basically gives you 1-2% extra overall damage passively. It makes your blackout kick do a small DOT at the expense of it not being able to heal you when used from in front. The heal it does is low and it's hardly going to make a difference. You don't NEED to use this if you REALLY want the small heal, but I'd definitely recommend it

Optional: - For your third major glyph you will switch it depending on the situation.

Glyph of Paralysis (wowhead link) - As Xuen's AOE isn't a DOT anymore it is not necessary to use this all the time. Only use it when you are playing with a partner uses DOTs a lot such as a warlock or a Shadowpriest also removes your dot from Glyph of Blackout Kick (wowhead link) .

Glyph of Sparring - Use this in any situation against casters to improve your survivability against them. It gives you a 15% chance to deflect spells during sparring. Sparring can only trigger from melee attacks, so using this glyph against mage/priest in 2s would be useless. However, using it against warrior/mage/priest in 3s would be helpful because the warriors melee attacks will proc sparring.

Glyph of Nimble Brew - If you are in a situation where none of the other two glyphs will benefit you (not playing with a DOT class and against only casters) Then use this glyph for a small heal on nimble brew. It's not amazing but it's better than using the other glyphs if you stand to gain nothing from them

Glyph of Fists of Fury (wowhead link)- This is worth mentioning, because against monk/healer mirrors in 2s it can help you a lot. Monks have two trinkets and they will often be on stun DR. Using this guarantees you melee immunity for 4 seconds, even if the monk trinkets he can't touch you. It is also nice against rogues with evasion up. I wouldn't recommend it over the top two glyphs, but I'd consider it in certain situations such as I described.


I personally use all these macros and find them extremely helpful. I hope they can help you too.

Paralyze arena 123 with cancelaura for BoP and Rushing Jade Wind. Click it to paralyze arena1. Shift click for arena2. Ctrl click for arena3.

#showtooltip paralysis
/cancelaura Rushing Jade Wind
/cancelaura Hand of Protection
/cast [nomod, target=arena1] paralysis
/cast [mod:shift, target=arena2] paralysis
/cast [mod:ctrl, target=arena3] paralysis

Tiger's lust party members with cancelaura for that pesky priest shield sprint that prevents you from using it. It uses tiger's lust on the healer with CTRL modifier and on the other DPS with shift modifier

/cancelaura Body and Soul
/cast [nomod] Tiger's lust
/cast [mod:shift, target=DPSNAME] Tiger's lust
/cast [mod:ctrl, target=HEALERNAME] Tiger's lust

Swifty macro. Pretty self explanatory.

/cast Tigereye Brew
/use tyrannical Gladiator's Badge of Conquest

Hand Strike and focus kick with ctrl modifier

/cast [nomod] spear hand strike
/cast [mod:ctrl, target=focus] spear hand strike


Simple. Dual wield. It provides a small DPS increase over a 2h with weapons of the same item level. Plus, it looks way cooler


To have the most optimal setup, you should wait for your proc trinket and dancing steel to proc. A lot of the time it isn't wise / worth it to wait for these procs as the situation may call for burst on demand. This is my bursting procedure that I have tested and perfected for months, and it works quite well for me.
But first let's understand the Monk first.

Blackout Kick - You need 2 Chi to use this spell. Used from behind you deal 20% more damage over 4 sec but if you use it in front you are instantly healed with 20% of the damage done.

Detox - With this you can remove all harmfull Poison and Desease effects. You can use this glyph in order to heal yourself with 5% of your health after removing the harmfull effects.

Disable - Using this you slow the target by 50%. If the target remains in 10 yards the slow it's refreshed. If you apply twice you can root the target for 8 seconds.

Energizing Brew - Using this you get 60 energy over 6 seconds. It's usefull when you want to burst, helps you to gain more energy for your Jab, Rushing Jade Wind. These spells eats a lot of energy.

Expel Harm - You have to use this spell on cooldown all the time when you're injured. You heal yourself and cause 50% of the amount healed to instantly be dealt to a nearby enemy as nature damage. Imagine that sometimes you heal 80-130k and you cause 40k-65k damage and you get healed as well, a very important spell i can say.


Fists of Furry

Burst Procedure outlined step by step:

-Make sure that leg sweep, fists of fury, chi wave, and RSK are off CD. And have 10 stacks of TeB
-Make sure your RSK debuff is up.
-Make sure your tiger palm buff is up and remaining for over 10 seconds.
-Make sure you have 5 chi and over 40 energy. (80 energy if you are using RJW)
-Cast your 10 stack TeB and on use trinket (not on GCD)
-Cast RJW (If you chose it. And ONLY if you are sure your target will not move in the next GCD)
-Cast leg sweep (Do this before RJW if your target is likely to blink/vanish/escape)
-Cast xuen (If you chose him. not on GCD)
-Use RSK
-Use Chi wave
-Use blackout kick (use tiger palm if you are playing with chi brew)
-Use jab
-Use fists of fury


Monks are blessed with a plethora of tools for peeling and crowd controlling enemies. Learning to rotate these and use them in optimal ways is essential for pvp team plays as a WWmonk. I'll go over the peeling/CC abilities and how to use them.

This ability, learned at a low level, is one of the core mechanics of monk peeling. It is the default monk "hamstring" ability, but with a twist. As long as you stay within ten yards of your opponent when the disable is about to run off, it will refresh itself. This saves you a global cooldown for use on other abilities, and you should be trying to keep in melee range of your target anyways. Another interesting fact is that upon reapplication of disable, your target will be rooted. It is important not to waste this root by spamming disable. You need to save the root DR for practical moments. Such as: You root the warrior and tiger's lust your healer so he can run behind a pillar and heal up. Disable has no cooldown and a very little cost, so you can essentially run into a group and slow/root everything in sight. This can be helpful in keeping melees off your healers, or slowing enemies from reaching a flag carrier, base, etc.

Fists of fury / legsweep:
These are your stuns. When bursting it is optimal to use your legsweep first, because having a longer duration it is best not to DR it. Fist of fury will DR for a short stun, and then DR for an extra very short stun at the end of it. This tactic will effectively put your opponent completely on immune DR for stuns, but they will have been stuck in a 7-8 second stunlock with little opportunity to escape. This is also an effective tactic for peeling when you need to keep enemies controlled for a prolonged time period. It is worth noting that using fist of fury first is most beneficial if you anticipate your target trinketing, because this will put them straight back into the stun. Always be on the lookout for when you can hit more than one target with your stun, thus getting the most effect from them. Be aware that cleaving 2+ targets with fist of fury causes it to do dramatically less damage. If this happens, then cancel your fist of fury just after it stuns the desired targets and continue your normal DPS rotation.

paralysis is the main CC for monks. It is a 6 second incapacitate from behind, and 3 seconds from in front. Therefor it is always beneficial to use it from behind your target if possible. The general rule is: If it will take you more than 3 seconds to get behind your target and get back afterwards then it is not worth trying to get a paralyze from behind. In this situation you should just wait, or use the 3 second paralysis if you need it. Paralysis is extremely important not only for CCing, but for peeling. Hit the target with a full paralyze from behind and this gives ample time for your healer to run behind a pillar and heal up. If you see an enemy priest running at your healer for a fear in arena, you can paralyze him to stop the fear and leave him as a sitting duck for your partners to CC. If a druid pounces your healer and tries to cyclone him, you can paralyze him to stop the clone and allow your partners to escape/CC him. You can spam your arenatarget paralyze macro to get the mage the instant he leaves invisibility, preventing him from opening or sheeping. You can use paralysis on a rogue with evasion, and get behind him in order to stun. Paralysis in general is a very versatile ability and you can learn how to use it best from practicing its use in different situations.

Grapple weapon:
Monks have the best disarm in the game. It is a long range 40yd disarm that you can use to peel offensive cooldowns such as recklessness without needing to rush towards him. It is also worth noting that if the target has a better weapon than you, you get a temporary DPS boost.

Zen meditation:
This ability is very interesting. It redirects up to 5 harmful spells for party members within 30 yards. It is useful to use when a caster is bursting a teammate. It can also redirect CCs such as polymorph, fear, and even hunter's freezing trap! This is often the best use for the ability because it gives you the ability to absorb CC from your healers.

Tiger's lust:
This is usable on other players as well as yourself, and can be very helpful in certain situations. If you healer is in a root/beam from a boomkin, you can use tigers lust on him to break the root and allow him to escape. You can use tigers lust on your priest to allow him to sprint up to the enemy healers and get a fear. And finally, you can use tigers lust to help your teammate kite. This can be especially helpful in helping squishier teammates, such as hunters or mages, escape from melee combat.[/center]

Last edited by Hang on 22-05-2015, 15:17:45; edited 17 times in total
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[Plebs God.]

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Post Posted: 21-05-2015, 18:47:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1: Incearca sa pui link-uri la spells poate chiar si iconite.
2: Incearca cu mai mult spacing, zici ca e wall of text copiat.
3: Modifica scrisul (Bold+Alta culoare) pentru a arata mai bine.
4: Fa un cuprins cu "Go To"


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-05-2015, 12:20:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

il modific in weekend sa-l fac mai prezentabil, nu am avut timp sa-l aranjez. dar in weekend o sa am
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Post Posted: 22-05-2015, 12:54:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Il astept sa ma decid daca imi fac un monk sau nu
Chiar daca e clasa noua tot dk-ul meu este mai sexy

[quote="bossutai"]Ca enha iti zic sa nu alegi shaman.[/quote]
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Post Posted: 06-08-2015, 08:33:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Woozy wrote:
Incearca cu mai mult spacing, zici ca e wall of text copiat.

Sa pui si sursa cand mai "faci" un guide de genul asta : Lightning's Windwalker Monk PvP guide 5.4

In the beginning

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 07-12-2015, 12:06:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Lightning posted this guide special for the last PVP season. It would've been nice if you posted it in the last season, or make something by yourself.
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