
o dilema

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(since 24-01-2013 20:45)
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Post Posted: 25-11-2009, 11:39:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

am luat zp_bank pe care mi lati dat voi dar o intrebare am ??
nu trebuie si zp_bank_sql??????iar la zp_bank am cvar asta:

*say commands*
deposit, send, store <amount/all> //deposites stated amount in bank account

withdraw, take, retrieve <amount/all> //retrieves stated amount from bank account

mybank, account, bank <blank/name of person> //if second parameter is left blank, states how many ap you have in your account
//if second parameter is specified it attempts to give a status on the said person's account

upgrade account //will give a warning about what a advanced account does, after which person must say "advanced account" again to advance

givepacks <person> <amount> //admin command(flag RCON) to give ammo packs to selected person

*server commands*
zp_give_packs <steamid not name> <amount> //gives ammo packs even if person not in game
zp_bank_amount <name/steamid> //same as bank say command, but works from server console
zp_reset_bank <time> //will prune database by time based in days. time 0 = clean all

*cvars copy/paste into your zombieplague.cfg file*
zp_bank 1 //plugin on or off?
zp_bank_auto 0 //0 = no auto save, 1 = auto save, 2 = auto save + auto withdraw all on connect
zp_bank_blockstart 0 //if set we strip ammo packs zp gives when client first connects if they have an open bank account
zp_bank_upgradable 1 //advanced accounts availalbe?
zp_bank_cost 1000 //cost to advance an account
zp_bank_interest 0.03 //interest earned every x(zp_bank_clock) minutes
zp_bank_clock 60 //think is done in 1 minute intervals so 60 = 1 hr
zp_bank_transfee 3 //fee applied each time ammo packs are stored

mai trebuie sa schimb ceva la el sau il las asa? pls help my -

iar la zp_bank_auto 0 nar trebui sa fie 2 yo cam asa cred.....totusi un mic ajutor ca ma omarat zp_banku asta nu iam dat de cap deloc

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