
Dungeon Improvements.

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Post Posted: 13-08-2015, 13:14:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The main problem with dungeons on the server is that if it's a "hard" or long dungeon people kill themself, release, leave group and don't get deserter.
Eighter make it so that when they do this they get deserter or make it so you can't leave the group unless the dungeon is complete.
The other problem is that some people (sorry for the language) are assholes and don't do anything and just spam "kick me kick me".
You can make it so that the kicked person receives a 5-10 minute deserter (the duration of a normal dungeon) so they would rather finish the dungeon and not wait 10 minutes to que up again.
If you que as a dps and after waiting 10 minutes for a dungeon que to pop up and instanly you see the tank or healer leaving or not doing shit untill they are kick makes it a bad experience for new players. + most of the time the group will disband and you have to wait again for a que.
Another suggestion is implementing a min ilvl requirement for hc dungeons -> no one likes when someone with full green gear joins hc dungeons.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 13-08-2015, 16:42:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

With all the gear most people have, there is no hard dungeon left. Most people have good enough gear to basically rush RDFs (you can even make 8 in 1 hour; with a good dedicated group). I do agree with you that there are some longer dungeons and some shorter dungeons; and that people spend a lot of time and effort to get the shorter dungeons. In this time they could clear a longer dungeon - .

About some suggestions:

1. "Ghost leaving"; I see this as a major issue. It should be punished similar to leaving regularly.

2. Can't leave group until it is complete; sounds like a lame idea. People would simply log out to not run the instance.

3. "kick me mentality"; I would like to see the reason module for the kicks. I'm kinda sure there is no option 'this dungeon is too long'. Also language barriers do not help in the RDF system. Basically, nothing can be done about this.

4. Bad experience for new players; as far as I recall, there are plenty of people looking for people to do RDFs via global channel. Especially DPS could instantly jump on these and join in. I myself don't care about a low dps in RDF, since it's RDF -. But three low DPS can be a pain in the ***.

5. minimal ilvl; forces people to buy the crafted stuff. What should the ilvl be? 440? 460? 470? RDF rewards ilvl 463, so it should be significantly lower than that number, so somewhere near 440. People in greens can already make this, and I think this is not the issue. The issue is that people are not 'skilled' with their class and therefor do shit DPS / tanking / healing.

To add some comments:

1. It should be mentioned though that some dungeons miss events, and those events take time. Mostly the shorter instances.

2. Some dungeons have line of sight issues (shado-pan / scarlet monastery) making them a pain to do.

3. You are 'forced' to do 15 in a week (possibly with multiple chars), obviously you want the short ones.

tl;dr; ppl always take the easy route to the best possible for themselves

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Post Posted: 13-08-2015, 16:59:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Here is what spells do / (wowhead link) , and is specificaly says that it should affect the player even if he realesed or anything.

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Post Posted: 13-08-2015, 18:52:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Please,increase the ilvl required to queue on Dungeon Heroic,today we in on a Dungeon with ppl 400 ilvl ,and waste a precious time on a single Dungeon.

450 is enough to do,and it will make ppl buy contender set,and do reputation.More things to do,and more gold trade on server.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 13-08-2015, 22:28:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

So you're saying new people should do the following, in this particular order:

1. Get L90 (buy the L88 gear from vendor or RDF normal mode)
2. Do dailies (until you have the money to do #3)
3. Buy / craft contender set
4. Get reputations (which takes some weeks)
5. Do RDF / scenario

Sorry, but the economy in Freakz is so off that no-one will ever do this in this order (and never did, since it is rubbish). Everything is overpriced since older players walk with 200k+ gold. Also, I checked the AH some times for the contender set, and the offer is very limited which only pushes the prices. Also, with contender set (ilvl 450) you still can't do RDF if you ask minimal 450 (since you missing 6-7 items if you can get all 8 armor pieces).

You know that people on retail use scenarios (especially Arena of Annihilation) to get a blue weapon, right? Klaxxi takes ages, and no-one who is willing to gear will wait with RDF until they have a Klaxxi weapon bought.

What you propose would completely kill Freakz PvE if you implemented it in the beginning, and yet you want it now because you are better geared. We all did RDFs in the beginning, and then also needed 15 each week. What if you were the under-geared person? It is RDF, and it will always be RDF. Sometimes you will get donors and face roll and sometimes you get lowbies and are slower. No-one forces you to queue solo, you can always group up and make stuff happen.

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Post Posted: 13-08-2015, 22:40:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I think this is the most important problem atm:
bunk wrote:
The main problem with dungeons on the server is that if it's a "hard" or long dungeon people kill themself, release, leave group and don't get deserter.
Eighter make it so that when they do this they get deserter or make it so you can't leave the group unless the dungeon is complete.
The other problem is that some people (sorry for the language) are assholes and don't do anything and just spam "kick me kick me".
You can make it so that the kicked person receives a 5-10 minute deserter (the duration of a normal dungeon) so they would rather finish the dungeon and not wait 10 minutes to que up again.
If you que as a dps and after waiting 10 minutes for a dungeon que to pop up and instanly you see the tank or healer leaving or not doing shit untill they are kick makes it a bad experience for new players. + most of the time the group will disband and you have to wait again for a que.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 13-08-2015, 23:01:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Non of the RDF dungeons are hard.

For the 'Implement item level requirement':

If this would be the standard item level for heroic MOP then it would be item level 435. This is even LOWER then the levels mentioned in this topic.

For the 'Kick please' & 'Offline players':

I also see this happen with dps queued players. Normally I queue as Tank and don't mind the longer dungeons, however I do not think that all dungeons should be treated the same for the quest.

The one dungeon i just don't want to do is Shado Pan Monastery. The reasons are:
- Terrible LoS issues
- Bad localized orbs at the final boss pulling the group beneath the floor.

My suggestion:
Close Shado Pan Monastery until it is PROPERLY fixed
Weight the dungeons based on the time required instead of treating them all af if they require the same effort (for the RDF bag).

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Post Posted: 13-08-2015, 23:03:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

wrathy wrote:

1. Get L90 (buy the L88 gear from vendor or RDF normal mode)
2. Do dailies (until you have the money to do #3)
3. Buy / craft contender set
4. Get reputations (which takes some weeks)
5. Do RDF / scenario

So you are telling me that NORMAL dungeons were implemented by blizzard so ppl can just level in them or what? Normal dungeons award items of 450 ilvl so you don't need gold for contender.

wrathy wrote:
2. Can't leave group until it is complete; sounds like a lame idea. People would simply log out to not run the instance.

Ok log out.. why did you join the dungeon in the first place? Oh yeah quest/valor.. so by logging out you don't do what you intended. Invalit comment bro.

wrathy wrote:
4. Bad experience for new players; as far as I recall, there are plenty of people looking for people to do RDFs via global channel. Especially DPS could instantly jump on these and join in. I myself don't care about a low dps in RDF, since it's RDF -. But three low DPS can be a pain in the ***.

Some people don't que up with premades. As a tank/healer you mostly soloque for the little cache you get at the end for a flask/mount etc. No one cares about low dps. No one is expecting 300k dps in dungeons, but when you get 3 dps that have 20k aoe dps... it's a freaking problem. And yes... i saw some people doing 5k dps in dungeons.

Main problem is not low geared toons. The problem is those geared people that leave dungeons if they think it takes too long. Simple rule : you don't want to do RANDOM Heroic Dungeon? Ok go specific or don't que at all.

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Post Posted: 13-08-2015, 23:18:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

bunk wrote:

So you are telling me that NORMAL dungeons were implemented by blizzard so ppl can just level in them or what? Normal dungeons award items of 450 ilvl so you don't need gold for contender.

Where did you get the impression of ilevel 450 for normals? This is not even backed up and Wowhead also proves its wrong (highest 3 normal mode dungeons):
Shado-pan - item level 435
Gate of the setting Sun - item level 450
Siege of niuzao temple - item level 450

So I can only get item level 450 if all my items are from GotSS and SoNT. This will never happen.
Back to the action house it is then...

bunk wrote:

Main problem is not low geared toons. The problem is those geared people that leave dungeons if they think it takes too long. Simple rule : you don't want to do RANDOM Heroic Dungeon? Ok go specific or don't que at all.

Cool idea, however specific does not reward the credit for the RDF bag anymore and this is the whole point for people to queue. I need not a single item from any of the dungeons however I want the bag since it has a chance of getting me upgrades, sadly 15 RDFs is simply a very boring way of getting a little bit of hope.

bunk wrote:

And yes... i saw some people doing 5k dps in dungeons.

I find this hard to believe. I queue every week as a tank and never had any dps doing 5k, not even people in green items. I simply can't take this serious with all the RDF I did myself. If he did 5k then hes either auto attacking or it was only his pet. Just vote-kick him and get a new dps.

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Post Posted: 14-08-2015, 01:01:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

this is all i have to say about your little "back to auction house".

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-08-2015, 21:04:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Guy,if u have problem with rdf group,do with guild members or friends,its never was a problem for me.

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Post Posted: 16-08-2015, 19:49:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Juniorpik wrote:
Guy,if u have problem with rdf group,do with guild members or friends,its never was a problem for me.

This post was not made for my own reasons. It's an improvement for all the players on the server. So if you don't have anything constructive to add and just say "omg get guildies to help you" please stop posting here.

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