
[Reputation Guide] The Lorewalkers

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Post Posted: 31-07-2015, 16:30:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The Lorewalkers Reputation Guide (5.4.8)

Guide Summary:
1. Faction Description
2. Reputation Rewards
3. Basic Strategy and tools
4. Maps, maps, and more maps!
5. Sources

1. Faction Description:
The Lorewalkers are one of the new factions introduced in Mists of Pandaria, a faction which aims to explore the world of Azeroth, to search and find things and relics for the purpose of filling out their libraries. Similar to caretakers, these brave pandaren roam the continent learning the hidden mysteries and the history of Pandaria.

2. Reputation Rewards:
Please note that gaining reputation with The Lorewalkers is very different than gaining reputation with any other faction, as the Lorewalkers do not provide you with BiS gear, valor or justice points, but you will search the land of Pandaria for books, scrolls, objects of lore, and reenact stories of significant lore importance. If it is lore that you are interested than this journey is for you, but if you merely wish to grind more justice/valor points, or to get rep armor in hopes of gearing up to start raiding, then you may as well skip this faction, as the rewards are quite different than the Klaxxi or the Golden Lotus.

In essence, upon reaching exalted you will be able to get a tabard, a few items to help you out in Archeology, and a very cool flying mount. As the keepers of Pandaren culture, The Lorewalkers go hand-in-hand with the spirit of Archaeology. The unusual reputation grind fits the nature of these cultural librarians, and reputation rewards enhance this profession.

Significant reputation rewards:
1. Disc of the Red Flying Cloud
2. Lorewalkers Tabard
3. Lorewalker's Lodestone
4. Lorewalker's Map

3. Basic Strategy and tools:
To summarize everything so far, in order to reach exalted you must visit monuments, complete achievements and listen to folktales. Having a set path before starting to scour the continent of Pandaria for the objects of interest is preferable, and also using an addon specially designed for such a task makes the whole process less stressful.

After you have discovered the objects needed to complete the achievements, you will receive an in-game mail with an item starting a quest, which will be turned in at the Lorewalkers headquarters, which is found in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, just above the entrance of Mogushan Palace.


There you will be able to find Lorewalker Cho and the Lorewalkers Quartermaster.

When I have done this reputation grind, I searched if I could use an addon to make this process easier, as some objects are quite hard to find, and therefore time consuming, making the process frustrating instead of letting it be a fun and learning experience. The addon I have used is called Lorewalkers Helper v1.2.4 which can be downloaded from here: DOWNLOAD!

You can also use Tom Tom -> DOWNLOAD and use the coordinates I will provide in the following section of the guide, thus making it much easier to find the objects.

- Some coordinates might be off by some yards, but I am confident that you will be able to find that which you are looking for!
- If you are at the coorect location and the object you need does not appear at all (as it has happened to me) then you are either in a different phase (which can happen when doing rep grind with certain factions) or you need to empty the contents of your Cache folder, or maybe your client is missing some files.

4. Maps, maps, and more maps!
(click on the Spoiler button to view the map)

a) Dread Wastes


Dread Wastes coords:

Between a Saurok and a Hard Place - The Deserters - 67,60
Heart of the Mantid Swarm - Amber - 52,10
Heart of the Mantid Swarm - Cycle of the Mantid - 48,32
Heart of the Mantid Swarm - Mantid Society - 59,55
Heart of the Mantid Swarm - The Empress - 35,32

b) Kun-lai Summit

Kun-Lai Summit coords:

Fish Tails - Role Call - 74,83
Hozen in the Mist - The Hozen Ravage - 45,61
Legend of the Brewfathers - Ren Yun the Blind - 44,53
Valley of Emperers - Kun-Lai Summit - 53,46
Note - Within a subzone, at 58,71; above is the entrance
The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 2 - 43,51
The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 6 - 67,48
The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 7 - 41,42
The Song of Yaungo - Yaungoil - 71,62
The Song of Yaungo - Yaungol Tactics - 50,79
What Is Worth Fighting For - Victory in Kun-Lai - 63,40

c) The Jade Forrest

Jade Forrest coords:

Between a Saurok and a Hard Place - The Saurok 67,29
Fish Tails - Watersmithing - 65,87
Hozen in the Mist - Hozen Speech - 26,28
Legend of the Brewfathers - Xin Wu Yin the Broken Hearted - 37,30
The Dark Heart of the Mogu - Spirit Binders - 42,17
The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 1 - 47,45
The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 3 - 55,56
What Is Worth Fighting For - The First Monks - 35,30

d) Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Vale of Eternal Blossoms coords:

The Dark Heart of the Mogu - The Thunder King - 40,77
The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 8 - 68,44
What Is Worth Fighting For - Always Remember - 52,68
What Is Worth Fighting For - Together, We Are Strong - 26,21

e) Valley of the Four Winds

Valley of the Four Winds coords:

Ballad of Liu Lang - A Most Famou Bill of Sale - 55,47
Ballad of Liu Lang - The Birthplace of Liu Lang - 20,55
Ballad of Liu Lang - Wondering Widow - 34,63
Fish Tails - Waterspeakers - 61,34
Hozen in the Mist - Embracing the Passion - 83,21
What Is Worth Fighting For - Pandaren Fighting Tactics - 18,31

f) The Veiled Stair
Note - This is in the cave between The Veiled Stair and Kun-Lai Summit
The Veiled Stair coords:
Between a Saurok and a Hard Place - The Defiant - 54,15

g) Townlong Steppes

Townlong Steppes coords:

The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 5 - 37,62
The Song of Yaungo - Dominance - 65,49
The Song of Yaungo - Trapped in a Strange Land - 84,72

h) Krasarang Wilds

Krasarang Wilds coords:

Ballad of Liu Lang - Waiting for the Turtle - 72,30
Between a Saurok and a Hard Place - Last Stand - 32,29
Fish Tails - Origins - 30,38
Hozen in the Mist - Hozen Maturity - 52,87
Legend of the Brewfathers - Quan Tou Kuo the Two Fisted - 81,11
The Dark Heart of the Mogu - The Lost Dynasty - 50,31
The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 4 - 40,56

5. Sources:

Wowhead -
Youtube -

Wowpedia -
Engadget -

The maps I have provided have been made by me, for the purpose of this guide with the points set as they are on wow freakz. Feel free to use the information I have provided in this guide as long as you provide the source where you have taken it from!

All other images are property of their respective owners/creators and are not drawn by me!

Thank you for your time in reading this and and I hope it will be useful for those who do not know where to start doing this tedious reputation grind.
If so, please feel free to give away some reputation if you wish -


Hmm, that was easier than I thought...

Last edited by Ventress90 on 20-12-2015, 03:05:40; edited 3 times in total
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Post Posted: 31-07-2015, 17:03:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Fain Ghid =]

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Post Posted: 31-07-2015, 17:04:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

thanks -

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Post Posted: 01-08-2015, 23:48:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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Post Posted: 15-08-2015, 18:28:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

one of the easiest faction to reach exalted. Just read all the pergaments around the Pandaria and you get exalted from quests !
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