
Wanted list

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Author Message245
Valar Morghulis
[Banned user]


Status: Offline
(since 27-11-2015 21:42)
Joined: 14 Jul 2015
Posts: 36, Topics: 6
Location: Romania

Reputation: 83.3
Votes: 2

Post Posted: 26-08-2015, 15:53:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Furt vehicul
/Call 112/911 aiurea
Limbaj vulgar


Neconformare ordin
Patrundere teren guvernamental (inchisoare,garajul LSPD,FBI si NG,area 51 )
Rapire civil
Death Match in safe zone

Wanted 3

Neplata amenda
Atac civil
Posestie droguri/arme fara licenta

Wanted 4

Dare de mita
Omorare civil
Drive-by shot sau calcat

Wanted 5

Atac cop
Rapire politist

wanted 6

Posesia armurei
Deathmatch persoanelor aflate in Jail
Complice la fuga unui criminal
Rapire primar
Omorare politist ( Kill cop)
cand playerul cu wanted este alergat si da /q
afk cu wanted

Wanted list by Alexandru

R.I.P Jon Snow
Winter is coming!
0 0
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