
[FIXED] [Monk][Windwalker][Spell] Storm, Earth, and Fire

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-05-2015, 18:05:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: The visual remains active even if you cancel the buff or respec.


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Post Posted: 22-06-2015, 15:46:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Confirm. + ca nu se sincronizeaza deloc spiritele, si nu poti anula aspectul de "Storm".

Cam asa ar trebui sa mearga :

Micro, the Workaround master
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Post Posted: 31-08-2015, 12:18:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

microk2 wrote:
nu se sincronizeaza deloc spiritele

Ce inseamna asta?

microk2 wrote:
Cam asa ar trebui sa mearga
Nu asa se posteaza un bug report in care trantesti un video si eu trebuie sa imi dau seama ce trebuie reparat.
Explicati clar ce nu merge bine si cum ar trebui sa mearga

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-08-2015, 15:30:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
microk2 wrote:
nu se sincronizeaza deloc spiritele

Ce inseamna asta?

microk2 wrote:
Cam asa ar trebui sa mearga
Nu asa se posteaza un bug report in care trantesti un video si eu trebuie sa imi dau seama ce trebuie reparat.
Explicati clar ce nu merge bine si cum ar trebui sa mearga

Ar trebui sa iti scada damage done (pentru fiecare clona) si clonele tale sa dea exact acelasi dmg(care e redus de skill cand faci split-ul) pe care il dai tu pe targetul pe care il ataci(aka sa nu faca double dip la armura si alte damage reduction-uri). Daca dai in acelasi target pe care da spiritul ar trb sa se intoarca la tine (nu imi amintesc bine daca doar acela sau toate).
Poti sa te uiti in changelog aici : (wowhead link) sa vezi ca nu au schimbat skillul asa mult ci doar au clarificat, pt ca scria ca dau 70% din damageul monkului ceea ce e partial incorect pentru ca ei defapt mimicau dmgul pe care il dai , dar il reduceau cu 30%(45% pt 2 spirite).
Postu asta o sa clarifice multe chestii despre skill:
Just to add some clarity to this skill as it seems there is alot of confusion and, what strikes me as worse, speculation about this skill causing alot of people to read and believe false information about it.

So here are the facts:

1) This skill will allow you to split yourself into 2 or 3 copies (Yourself included) resulting in, if 2 of you, dealing 30% less damage each or, in the case of 3 of you, 45% less damage each.

2) If you use a clone on a target that you are attacking, it will NOT copy your attacks and will instead only auto attack, resulting in a massive loss of DPS for single target situations and even non single target situations where you may be attacking the same target as you summoned the clone on. This does not impact AoE attacks so AoE in this situation can be used as desired.

3) You cannot have 2 clones on the same target.

4) As you want to make sure you are NOT attacking the same target as your clone, due to #2 above, it would be worth only using this skill in the following situations:

a) You have a good mouse over marco for the skill. An example would be: /cast [target=mouseover] Storm, Earth and Fire. It would also be worth putting in a shift or alt mod here to use /cancelaura Storm, Earth and Fire as you never know when you may want the copies to go away so you get your full damage output. They can also sometimes lag behind (or in the case it was summoned on a target you were attacking) you'll want to get rid of it straight away

With this marco one does not need to deselect their current target to cast it and as such make it very hard to use on a target you are attacking, this would be worth putting on a mouse button to be most effective like middle mouse or any thumb buttons.

b) Don't be afraid to use it for heavy AoE packs, the skill here proves invaluable imo, simply use the mouse over macro above on 2 different targets to your own target, apply RSK or any other AoE increasing attack and AoE to your hearts content.

I hope this lil guide clears up some of the misconceptions of the skill and allows other monks out there to use it to the maximum potential! -

***EDIT*** Damage split has been modified as of patch 5.4 and post has been updated to correctly reflect that.
***Further Edit*** For clarity

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Post Posted: 31-08-2015, 16:49:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

meowmix wrote:
Ar trebui sa iti scada damage done (pentru fiecare clona)
Lucrul asta se intampla deja, nu am mai citit restul de wall of text postat de tine pentru ca nu ai inteles ce am cerut: AM CERUT SA IMI FACETI LISTA CU CE NU MERGE CUM TREBUIE, nu cu ce merge deja bine sau cu wall of texturi din care trebuie sa ghicesc eu ce trebuie sa repar

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-08-2015, 17:06:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
meowmix wrote:
Ar trebui sa iti scada damage done (pentru fiecare clona)
Lucrul asta se intampla deja, nu am mai citit restul de wall of text postat de tine pentru ca nu ai inteles ce am cerut: AM CERUT SA IMI FACETI LISTA CU CE NU MERGE CUM TREBUIE, nu cu ce merge deja bine sau cu wall of texturi din care trebuie sa ghicesc eu ce trebuie sa repar

1. Iti ramane vizualu dupa ce se termina spellu.
2. Clonele nu dau acelasi damage ca tine atunci cand il dai tu.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-08-2015, 20:19:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1.cand folosesti chi wave clonele nu-l dau
2. clonele nu dau spelurile pe care le dai tu tot timpul se mai buguiesc si stau aiurea..
3. ramane bug visualu
4. clonele dispar sau daca pui o clona pe un enemy si pe celalalt clona vrea sa dea pe targetul tau si asa dispare sau se buguieste si sta acolo...

cam astea sunt bugurile

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Post Posted: 01-09-2015, 17:28:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Spirits should copy Chi Wave; So, with 2 Spirits out and your own Chi wave there will be 3 Chi Waves bouncing.
2. Spirits aren't copying Tigereye Brew. They should have the same increase amount as you if you call them while you have the effect on you.
3. After you call your Spirits back or after they disappear the visual effect still remains on you until relog.
4. Spirits should be able to crit with their spells. -

Pause at 2:03 and watch the Sun Rising Kick damage.
5. Their stats should scale with owner. Retail: ''hit/expertise/haste/crit/attackpower/weapondmg (updated dynamically)''
6. One spirit ( The Green one) should always use a staff. The other one will copy your current weapons.
--------Retail: Red and blue spirits dual wield (blue fists, red swords); Green spirit uses 2h (staff) (attacks slower, hits slightly harder and doesn't get dual wield penalty on white hits).
--------New Info: The spirit you become keeps using your own weapons, so if you dual wield and you become green, you and both clone spirits will dual wield.
7. It shouldn't copy the following spells: expel harm, spear hand strike, healing sphere, diffuse magic, touch of karma, touch of death, detox, flying serpent kick, provoke, disable, energizing brew, grapple weapon, nimble brew, xuen, rushing jade wind, items, engineering tinkers, and trinket procs (tho they do update dynamically with your stats). - Mihir's post.
8. In Battleground if you send a Spirit after someone that is a bit far away from you, the spirit will disappear. As far as i know the same bug happens in arena too; In world it works fine.
9. Those mirrors are affected somehow by the assist stance and they shouldn't be, they should be controlled by the monk ( i mean if the monk uses them on one target they should remain on that target until the monk calls them by using the spell again on another target. ) To reproduce it, go inside an arena for example or in a duel, send your mirror on a target and use jab for example on another target, notice that the mirror will stop attacking that target and it will disappear. It shouldn't matter if the monk attacks another target or if the monk changes his target, mirrors should stay where they were selected to be.
10. After some recent fix the spirits became targettable and attackable, they shouldn't be. They should be exactly like Paladin's Guardian.
11. Auto Attack damage is much lower than the Monk one. I think the weapons aren't mirrored or so.

More info and others: - Mihir's post.
Color + more info:

- 0:48 and 1:43.

@Ascendancy, no, you can't summon both Spirits on the same target.

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Post Posted: 06-10-2015, 19:42:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

meƞtàl^ wrote:
1. Spirits should copy Chi Wave; So, with 2 Spirits out and your own Chi wave there will be 3 Chi Waves bouncing.
2. Spirits aren't copying Tigereye Brew. They should have the same increase amount as you if you call them while you have the effect on you.
3. After you call your Spirits back or after they disappear the visual effect still remains on you until relog.
4. Spirits should be able to crit with their spells. -
5. Their stats should scale with owner. Retail: ''hit/expertise/haste/crit/attackpower/weapondmg (updated dynamically)''
6. One spirit ( The Green one) should always use a staff. The other one will copy your current weapons.
--------Retail: Red and blue spirits dual wield (blue fists, red swords); Green spirit uses 2h (staff) (attacks slower, hits slightly harder and doesn't get dual wield penalty on white hits).
--------New Info: The spirit you become keeps using your own weapons, so if you dual wield and you become green, you and both clone spirits will dual wield.
7. It shouldn't copy the following spells: expel harm, spear hand strike, healing sphere, diffuse magic, touch of karma, touch of death, detox, flying serpent kick, provoke, disable, energizing brew, grapple weapon, nimble brew, xuen, rushing jade wind, items, engineering tinkers, and trinket procs (tho they do update dynamically with your stats). - Mihir's post.
8. In Battleground if you send a Spirit after someone that is a bit far away from you, the spirit will disappear. As far as i know the same bug happens in arena too; In world it works fine.
9. Those mirrors are affected somehow by the assist stance and they shouldn't be, they should be controlled by the monk ( i mean if the monk uses them on one target they should remain on that target until the monk calls them by using the spell again on another target. ) To reproduce it, go inside an arena for example or in a duel, send your mirror on a target and use jab for example on another target, notice that the mirror will stop attacking that target and it will disappear. It shouldn't matter if the monk attacks another target or if the monk changes his target, mirrors should stay where they were selected to be.
10. After some recent fix the spirits became targettable and attackable, they shouldn't be. They should be exactly like Paladin's Guardian.
11. Auto Attack damage is much lower than the Monk one. I think the weapons aren't mirrored or so.

More info and others: - Mihir's post.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11 fixed
6, 8 need more info and detailed explanations

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