
[REJECTED] [MULTIPLE]Base stats for each class

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Post Posted: 14-09-2015, 18:46:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link: Base Stats [Strength]

Bug description: Strength-ul la level 90[Tauren Warior] este gresit,in loc sa fie 295 este 221.Probabil si la low levels.

Proof: Aici sunt doua tabele. Fiecare stast la level 1. Si in tabelul al 2 lea bonusul pt fiecare clasa.

Luam exemplu Tauren Warior.
- Level 1 base strength = 25

Bonusul este 3 strength/level adica se ajunge la 295 strength (level 90).


These bonuses are not reflected in the table above, and they are actually calculated after the class and level bonuses are added.(first table)

PS: S-ar putea,nu am testat,ca fiecare stats in parte sa fie gresit.
PS2: Precizez ca in urma unor reserch-uri si stamina e gresit.

Si anume base stamina level 90 warior tauren = 201 , la noi pe server e 188.

Acest post este facut in special pentru acesta

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Post Posted: 05-12-2015, 21:03:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

bug la warrior ???? we need a fiiiixxxx faaaaaaaaast!!! OP CLASS YOLO SWAG FTW

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[The Peacemaker]

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Post Posted: 05-04-2016, 21:39:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

sorrowknight wrote:
bug la warrior ???? we need a fiiiixxxx faaaaaaaaast!!! OP CLASS YOLO SWAG FTW

This is a valid bug.
A fix that should really be happening is the expertise one.

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Post Posted: 07-04-2016, 17:55:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

After making a huge *** table with all the possible race and class combinations and subtable for each combination for attributes *sigh* and thinking of creating 100+ chars, I have discovered that the values in table 2 are not level bonuses. They are, as it's stated, class bonuses. That doesn't mean you get 3 str per level, it means that you have base str for tauren and considering it's a warrior, you get 3 more stats, 28 that is.
Another example is the priest class. It doesn't add anything for stamina, so that means a tauren priest should have 21 stamina at lvl 90...
Look at DK. Can you imagine 88 str per level? That would be nice.

Let's assume you were correct, with 3 str/lvl. That still wouldn't yield 295 str. Your lvl 1 is 25 str. And you have 89 more levels to go, so 25+3*89, not 25+3*90.

Look at the tables and then add base stats with class bonus and voila!

Find out the level bonuses and repost if that's the case.

@madau @dreadblade @erudax

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