
Regulament Jucatori / Admini ;Rules Players / Admins (update 02-Mar-2018)

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Author Message2759

[ LiKe.FreaKz.Ro ]

Status: Offline
(since 10-07-2023 16:37)
Joined: 29 Sep 2013
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Post Posted: 30-11-2015, 19:53:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Rules for players (also for admins):

1. The indecent / vulgar / obscene language is punished with llama / gag / ban 30-120 minutes, or even permanent
2. Do not enter the server with vulgar nicknames or nicknames that make fun of certain players / admins. punishment: ban 30-120 minutes, or even permanently
3. Do not enter with advertising nicknames on different servers or sites (excluding those in the freakz community)
4. If you have been subjected to gag or llama command, you are not allowed to reconnect to the server to get rid of their effects, punishment: 30-100 minutes ban.
5. Do not spam; Do not speak at the microphone or write any meaningless sentences.
6. Using any type of cheat is punished with permanent ban and altering the settings of your CS in extreme cases.
7. Advertise with other non-affiliated servers / sites like FREAKZ.RO is punished with permanent ban.
8. Cursing the admins and deliberate disturbing them may result in kick / ban for a period set by the admin in question.
9. Try to make sure that the way you play / play on the server does not hurt the other players.
10. Being a more special War3ft server, discovering bugs and using them (in the event that bug helps one way or the other or damages the server) is frequently punished with a permanent ban. Any bug or game ,announce the admin or post it on the forum.
11. It is allowed on the map, it is not allowed after the texture. After the texture means you see your opponent and he does not see you, basically a kind of map bug and as I wrote above, the use of a bug frequently leads to a permanent ban.

12. You have to make sure that the Counter-Strike version you use does not have any protection against the screenshot. If an admin makes a screenshot and you come up with the "it has not saved " apology, or you have some anti-ss protection, you stay with a permanent ban if you do not show that screenshot(evidence). If you use anti-ss or who knows what version of Counter-Strike that does not allow screenshot, it's your problem and I'm not interested.
13. The game is a free game, you can play as you want by considering the rules above.

For Players
To make a slot or admin request you need:
- for slot requests you need 20 hours played on the server.
- For VIP / admin requests you need 30 hours of server and forum activity.
- minimum 30 days of frequently beeing on the server.

Rules Admins:
1.Do not abuse your privileges. Use them to give players a quiet, and peaceful game.
2. Unjustified inactivity, both on the server and on the forum, causes the admin to be warned, or even removing or lowering the admin grade.
3. Coordination / subordination between admins is made hierarchically, so the inferior grades are subordinated to the higher ones.
4. No curses, calling names and no threats, no matter what the situation, being admin you are the image of the server.
5. Before making a decision and not 100% sure, consult the other admins on the server. To avoid the complaints.
6. If you have a demo and you do not have access to the ban, check with amx_who if there is an admin with access to the ban and ask him to ban him. Only if there is no admin with the ban command, turn to voteban.
7. Do not use excessive amx_say / amx_tsay. 1-2 warnings.
8. Change the map only when it is less than 15 minutes away from the map. I do not want to see any admin that attracts the attention of another admins with phrases such as "There are 15 more minutes, why didn’t you vote?" So it does not have to be EXACT changed at 15 minutes, the map can change when there are 15 minutes, 10 minutes or even 2 minutes, no one is always going to write "timeleft" when you are in the game, so i do not want to see complaints about this.
9. The change of the map is made only if it has been voted by the command "amx_vote Vote map1 map2 map3 map4", the vote is given after you have consulted with the other admins on the server!

10. Before changing the map, PLEASE ask the other admins if they have a demo on a cheater. First ask "demo?", If an admin says "yes" and he is making a demo on a cheater, wait until it ends with the demo and then change the map.
11. It is forbidden to vote "change map" in the middle of the map. 1-2 warnings or downgrade. Exception only when more players complain that the map is bad,too small, too big (here it depends if there are too many players on a small map, you change to a bigger one or vice-versa) or lagging.
12. The right to execute commands gag / kick / slay / etc. on the admins are only reserved to the warlords and owners in strict necessities. Exceptions are the cases where the admin plays with cheat, offends or abuses the function he has. Those who run commands on an admin without a valid reason, remain directly without admin (depending on the severity of the situation).
13. In no way do not borrow your password to other player / admin.
14. The amx_bye command is executed exclusively on the cheaters. Under no circumstances do you use it when asking for someone's id to submit a screenshot. Use *** or amx_addban instead.
15. Do not use the amx_bye command if you are not absolutely sure it is 100% cheater, risk ruining a player's CS for nothing. Several times you will receive 1-2 warnings or downgrade directly.
16. If a player announces a potentially cheater, it is the duty of online admin to go spectator and communicate with the one who has complained. If you do not communicate or check if the person has or does not have a hack 1-2 warnings or downgrades.
17. Admins provide information to players who request this on the server (if they ask how to put a bind, which is the main forum of Like or any other problem) or else 1-2 warnings or downgrades.
18. Do not go directly to the server settings. If you want to reset them, do it via CFG "default.cfg" by using the command: amx_cfg default.cfg
19. Visit the LiKe.FreaKz.Ro section of the forum on a regular basis, participate in discussions and express your vote on access requests.

20. Posting Cheaters is REQUIRED. Reflects the activity of each admin and takes into account the Grading Requests. However, there are some admins that are excepted from me because they have the necessary experience and the confidence that they do not ban anyone without a reason. So I will not hear phrases such as"if he does not post why should i ?".
21. All the Admins who enter the forum will go to demo opinions sector or you will receive 1-2 warnings.
22. Do not use the ban / unban command more than 2 times, it is enough only once.
23. When applying for vip / admin or UP request to admin, besides the other requirements in the model, you need to mention in the application: "I read the Syem written regulations".
24. When you enter the server, play with the name you have the admin on, otherwise you risk being sanctioned. To have an admin on any name, you need to have Steam account, at least 3 months old as an Admin and the grade General or higher.
25. If you enter with another name, you have the same rights and duties as any other player.
26. Do not give ban on the ip class! Unless strictly necessary and ban is up to 30 minutes maximum!
27. The maximum time for the amx_gag command is 30 minutes.
28. To connect to the server / slot admin account on the server, you can write to the console or config "setinfo _like password". Once you've been accepted as a VIP or admin and i receive a message or other owners such as "How do I connect to my admin account," you'll receive a direct removal.

29. And last but not least, you do not come up with complaints like "X and Y come on the server rare and just play" or "X and Y do not know how to change a map" or "I asked Y to look on a cheater and he was playing . " I prefer team spirit and I want to be a team, not a gossip server. Make complaints only when the admin abuses the comands , cursing or both. Gossipers and those who instigate scandal are risking admin removal and permanent ban on the server.
30. In order to make a request for an up in grade or if an application is rejected, you must wait one month after your last request. From Champions up, no UP requests are accepted, so there is a higher degree when owners think you deserve UP at admin. You can get UP in 5 months or even a month, it all depends on you. Consider activity (game and forum), behavior and experience. Those with many complaints will remain Champion to learn to make a clear distinction between a cheater and a clean player.

For Admins
You have to fulfill a range of hours played on the server:
over 20 hours / month - OK
15-20 hours / month - 1 warning
10-15 hours / month - 2 warnings
under 10 hours / month - downgrade / access removed

As an admin if you get 3 warnings in less than a month, you get downgrade or remove (depending on gravity) or even ban if there are big mistakes. So great attention to regulation.
Warnings expire by one month, so they are not unlimited. You've got 2 warnings today, over one month it expires, and you'll maybe get even two more warnings if you mistake again.

However, great attention to mistakes, because it can be quite easy to get 3 warnings in less than a month.

Reguli jucatori (valabile si pentru admini):

1. Limbajul indecent/vulgar/obscen este pedepsit cu llama/gag/ban 30-120 minute, sau chiar permanent
2. Nu intrati pe server cu nick-uri vulgare sau nick-uri care batjocoresc anumiti jucatori/admini. pedeapsa: ban 30-120 minute, sau chiar permanent
3. Nu intrati cu nick-uri cu reclama la diferite servere sau site-uri (excluse cele din comunitatea freakz)
4. In cazul in care ati fost supus comenzii de gag sau llama, nu aveti voie sa va reconectati la server pentru a scapa de efectele acestora, pedeapsa: 30-100 minute ban.
5. Nu faceti spam; Nu vorbiti la microfon sau sa scrieti aiurea propozitii fara sens.
6. Folosirea oricarui tip de cod este pedepsita cu ban permanent si alterarea setarilor clientului dumneavoastra de CS in cazuri extreme.
7. Reclama la alte servere / site-uri care nu sunt afiliate FREAKZ.RO este pedepsita cu ban permanent.
8. Jignirea adminilor si deranjarea lor in mod intentionat poate atrage dupa sine kick/ban pe o perioada stabilita de adminul in cauza.
9. Incercati sa faceti in asa fel incat prin felul in care va purtati/jucati pe server, sa nu lezati dispozitia celorlalti playeri.
10. Fiind un server mai special de War3ft, descoperirea unor bug-uri si utilizarea lor (in caz ca acel bug te ajuta intr-un fel sau altul sau dauneaza server-ului) in mod frecvent se pedepseste cu ban permanent. Orice bug sau problema de joc se anunta un admin sau se posteaza pe forum.
11. Este voie pe harta, nu este voie dupa textura. Dupa textura inseamna ca tu sa vezi adversarul iar el sa nu te vada, practic un fel de bug de harta si dupa cum am scris mai sus, utilizarea unui bug in mod frecvent se ajunge la ban permanent.

12. Aveti obligatia ca versiunea de Counter-Strike care o folositi sa nu aiba cine stie ce protectie impotriva screenshot-ului. Daca un admin va face screenshot si veniti cu scuza "nu mi-a salvat" sau ca aveti cine stie ce protectie anti-ss, ramaneti cu ban permanent daca nu prezentati acel screenshot. Daca folositi anti-ss sau cine stie ce versiune de Counter-Strike care nu permite screenshot, e problema voastra si nu ma intereseaza.
13. Jocul este free game, puteti juca cum vreti luand in considerare regulile de mai sus.

Pentru Jucatori
Pentru a face cerere de slot sau admin aveti nevoie de:
- pentru cererile de slot aveti nevoie de 20 ore jucate pe server.
- pentru cererile de VIP/admin aveti nevoie de 30 de ore jucate pe server si activitate pe forum.
- minimum 30 zile vechime pe server.

Reguli admini:

1. Nu abuzati de privilegiile de care dispuneti. Folositi-le pentru a asigura jucatorilor un joc linistit, fara turbulente.
2. Inactivitatea nejustificata, atat pe server cat si pe forum, determina avertizarea adminului in cauza, sau chiar stergerea sau scaderea in grad a adminului.
3. Coordonarea/subordonarea intre admini se face ierarhic, astfel gradele inferioare se subordoneaza celor superioare.
4. Fara certuri, jigniri si fara amenintari indiferent de situatie, fiind admin voi sunteti imaginea server-ului.
5. Inainte de a lua o decizie si nu sunteti sigur 100%, consultati-va cu ceilalti admini de pe server. Asa mai evitati din reclamatii.
6. Daca ai demo cu un codat si nu ai acces la ban, se verifica prin amx_who daca exista un admin cu acces la ban si il rogi sa ii dea ban. Doar daca nu exista nici un admin cu comanda de ban, apelezi la voteban.
7. Nu folositi excesiv amx_say/amx_tsay. 1-2 avertismente.
8. Schimbarea hartii se face doar cand au ramas mai putin de 15 minute din harta. Sa nu vad nici un admin ca atrage atentia altui admin cu fraze de genul "mai sunt 15 minute, de ce nu ai dat la vot?". Deci nu trebuie EXACT schimbata la 15 minute, harta se poate schimba cand au mai ramas 15 min, 10 minute sau chiar si 2 minute, nimeni nu sta sa scrie mereu "timeleft" cand esti prins in joc, deci sa nu vad discutii pe tema asta.
9. Schimbarea hartii se face doar in cazul in care aceasta a fost supusa la vot prin comanda "amx_vote Votati harta1 harta2 harta3 harta4", votul se da dupa ce v-ati consultat inainte cu admini prezenti pe server!
10. Inainte de a schimba harta,
OBLIGATORIU se intreaba ceilalti admini daca sunt cu demo pe un codat. Intai se intreaba "demo?", daca un admin spune "da" si este cu demo pe un codat, astepti pana termina cu demo-ul si pe urma se schimba harta.
11. Este interzis sa dati vot "schimbam" in mijlocul hartii. 1-2 avertismente sau downgrade. Exceptie doar cand mai mult jucatori se plang ca harta este proasta sau face lag.
12. Dreptul de a executa comenzi de tip gag/kick/slay/etc. asupra adminilor le revine doar warlorzilor si ownerilor in situatii de stricta necesitate. Exceptie sunt cazurile in care acel admin joaca cu cod, jigneste cu nesimtire sau abuzeaza de functia care o are. Cei care executa comenzi pe un admin fara un motiv intemeiat, raman direct fara admin (depinde de gravitatea situatiei).
13. Sub nici o forma nu imprumutati parola accesului dumneavoastra altui player/admin.
14. Comanda amx_bye se executa exclusiv asupra codatilor. In niciun caz nu o folositi cand cereti id-ul cuiva in vederea predarii unui screenshot. Folositi *** sau amx_addban in schimb.
15. Nu folositi comanda amx_bye daca nu sunteti absolut sigur ca este codat 100%, riscati sa stricati cs-ul unui jucator degeaba. La mai multe abateri se primeste 1-2 avertismente sau downgrade direct.
16. Daca un jucator anunta un potential codat este de datoria adminilor online sa se bage spectatori si sa comunice cu cel care a reclamat. Daca nu comunicati sau nu verificati daca persoana respectiva are sau nu cod primiti 1-2 avertismente sau downgrade.
17. Adminii sa ofere informatii jucatorilor care cer acest lucru pe server (daca va intreaba cum se pune un bind, care este forumul sau orice alta problema) sau in caz contrar 1-2 avertismente sau downgrade.
18. Nu umblati direct la setarile serverului. Daca vreti sa le resetati, faceti-o prin intermediul CFG-ului "default.cfg", prin comanda: amx_cfg default.cfg
19. Vizitati in mod regulat sectiunea LiKe.FreaKz.Ro de pe forum, participati la discutii si exprimati-va votul la cererile de accese.
20. Postarea codatilor este
OBLIGATORIE. Reflecta activitatea fiecarui admin si se tine cont la Cererile de marire in grad. Totusi sunt vreo cativa admini scutiti (de mine) sa posteze din cauza ca au experienta necesara si increderea ca nu baneaza pe nimeni aiurea. Deci sa nu va aud cu fraze "daca ala nu posteaza eu de ce sa postez".
21. Toti adminii care intra pe forum sa treaca pe la pareri demo sau in caz contrar primiti 1-2 avertismente.
22. Nu folositi comanda de ban/unban mai mult de 2 ori, este suficient o singura data.
23. Cand se face cerere de vip/admin sau cerere de UP la admin, pe langa celelalte cerinte din model, trebuie neaparat sa mentionezi in cerere: "Am citit regulamentul scris de Syem".
24. Cand intrati pe server jucati cu numele pe care aveti adminul, in caz contrar riscati sa fiti sanctionat. Pentru a avea admin pe orice nume, trebuie sa aveti cont de Steam, minim 3 luni vechime ca admin si gradul Generals sau mai mare.
25. Daca totusi intrati cu alt nume, aveti aceleasi drepturi si indatoriri ca orice alt player.
26. Nu dati ban`uri pe clasa de ip! Doar daca e ABSOLUT strict necesar si banul sa fie de maxim 30 de minute!
27. Timpul maxim pentru comanda amx_gag este de 30 de minute.
28. Pentru a te conecta cu contul de slot/admin pe server, scrii in consola sau config "setinfo _like parola". Dupa ce ai fost acceptat ca vip sau admin si primesc mesaj eu sau ceilalti owneri de genul "cum ma conectez cu contul de admin", o sa primesti remove direct.

29. Si, nu in ultimul rand sa nu veniti cu reclamatii la mine de genul "X si Y intra rar si doar se joaca" sau "X si Y nu stiu sa schimbe o harta" sau "l-am rugat pe Y sa se uite pe un codat si el se juca". Prefer spiritul de echipa si vreau sa fim o echipa, nu un server de barfitori. Faceti reclamatii doar cand se face abuz de admin sau jigniri, atat. Barfitorii si cei care instiga la scandal, risca sa primeasca remove la admin si ban permanent pe server.
30. Pentru a face cerere de marire sau daca o cerere va este respinsa, trebuie sa asteptati o luna de la ultima cerere facuta. De la gradul Champions in sus nu se mai accepta cererile de UP, de acolo se primeste grad mai mare atunci cand ownerii considera ca meriti UP la admin. Poti sa primesti UP in 5 luni sau chiar intr-o luna, totul depinde de tine. Se ia in considerare activitatea (joc si forum), comportamentul si experienta. Cei cu multe reclamatii o sa ramana la Champions pana invata sa faca o deosebire clara intre un codat si un jucator curat.

Pentru Admini
Aveti de indeplinit un barem de ore jucate pe server:
peste 20 de ore / luna - OK
15-20 ore / luna- 1 avertisment
10-15 ore / luna - 2 avertismente
sub 10 ore / luna- downgrade/acces scos

Ca admin daca aduni 3 avertismente in mai putin de o luna, primesti downgrade sau remove (in functie de grad), sau chiar si ban daca sunt greseli foarte mari. Deci mare atentie la regulament.
Avertismentele expira la o luna, deci nu sunt nelimitate. Ai luat azi 2 avertismente, peste o luna expira si o sa poti primi chiar alte 2 avertismente fara sa patesti nimic.

Totusi mare atentie la greseli, pentru ca se poate destul de usor sa aduni 3 avertismente in mai putin de o luna.

Echipa LiKe.FreaKz.Ro isi rezerva dreptul de a efectua modificari asupra regulamentului, in consecinta este recomandata revizualizarea regulata a regulamentului.

Ultimul UPDATE: 05-Mar-2016

PS: Regulament copiat de pe si modificat pe alocuri de mine.

Last edited by Syem on 06-03-2016, 16:19:22; edited 4 times in total
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[ LiKe.FreaKz.Ro ]

Status: Offline
(since 10-07-2023 16:37)
Joined: 29 Sep 2013
Posts: 1091, Topics: 55
Location: London

Reputation: 581.9
Votes: 26

Post Posted: 29-02-2016, 22:14:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Azi a fost resetat XP-ul la rase. Din 3 in 3 luni XP-ul se reseteaza.

Urmatorul reset: 1 Iunie.

Succes la eventuri.

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[ LiKe.FreaKz.Ro ]

Status: Offline
(since 10-07-2023 16:37)
Joined: 29 Sep 2013
Posts: 1091, Topics: 55
Location: London

Reputation: 581.9
Votes: 26

Post Posted: 01-06-2016, 08:40:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Azi a fost resetat XP-ul la rase. Din 3 in 3 luni XP-ul se reseteaza.

Urmatorul reset: 1 Septembrie.

Succes la eventuri.

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