
Freakz Annual Competition - FAC 2015

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Author Message3086


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Post Posted: 01-12-2015, 01:24:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

After numerous speculations that FAC will no longer exist, we are here to demonstrate once more that we care.
We have in store a number of contests, duels and challenges. This year we are trying to make it special so we are offering two VIP ranks for two winners followed by a big chunk of Reputation, T-Shirts and Steam Game Gifts.

  • Rules:
    • The mandatory condition for signing-up is to have at least 1 month from your register on the forum. Staff Members (Administrators, Super Moderators, Moderators, WoW GameMasters) and VIP Members + Helpers are not allowed to the competition;
    • Each contest you win will result in a major advantage: reputation + VIP points. After all 16 contests have ended, the participant with the most VIP points will win FAC;
    • For "VOTING" contests, the winner will be decided through votes from Administrators, Super Moderators and Moderators;
    • Any attempt or method of cheating, flame & off-topic will sanctioned severely;
    • The activity during the entire year will also play a role in the choosing the final winner. (Number of warns received, good writing and coherence from a grammatical point, and the help offered to other users);
    • There is a special discussion topic regarding everything about FAC here.

  • First place Freakz Annual Competition: VIP RANK FOR ONE YEAR + FREAKZ.RO T-shirt + SpellForce Complete steam Gift;
  • Second place Freakz Annual Competition: FREAKZ.RO T-shirt + Wolfenstein: The New Order steam gift;
  • Third place Freakz Annual Competition: FREAKZ.RO T-shirt + The Guild Collection steam gift;
    • Winner FREAKZ Lottery / Loteria FREAKZ: VIP RANK FOR ONE YEAR;
    • Winner CS:GO tournament: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive steam gift + 10E paysafecard;
    • Winner FIFA 2007 Tournament: Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising steam key + 10E paysafecard;
    • Winner Poker Tournament : Operation Flashpoint: Red River steam key;
    • Winner Dota 2 Tournament : Dirt Showdown steam key + 10E paysafecard;
    • Winner League of Legends Tournament : Dirt 3 Complete Edition steam key + 10E paysafecard;
    • Winner FREAKZ Mascot! / Mascota FREAKZ! : Operation flashpoint: Red river steam key;
    • Winner Ho!Ho!Ho! : OverLord steam key;
    • Winner Signature Battle : OverLord Rising Hell Expansion steam key;
    • Winner Poetry / Incanta-mi inima : Hospital Tycoon steam key;
    • Winner Mr. Freakz-a-Lot : Overlord™ steam key;
    • Winner Guess the Game / Ghiceste Jocul : DiRT Showdown steam key;
    • Winner Hearthstone Tournament : Serious Sam Classic First Encounter steam gift + WoW In-Game Mount Hearthsteed (the mount is for the first three winners) + 10E paysafecard


Dupa nenumaroase speculari, cum ca FAC-ul nu mai exista, suntem aici pentru a demonstra inca o data ca ne pasa.
Avem pentru voi o sumedenie de concursuri, intreceri si provocari. Anul acesta incercam sa-l facem mai special pentru a reusi asta oferim doua grade VIP pentru doi fericiti castigatori impreuna cu un numar impresionant de Reputatie, Tricouri si Steam Game Gifts.

  • Reguli:
    • Conditia necesara pentru inscrierea voastra in competitie este aceea de a avea minim 1 luna vechime pe forum. Membrii staff-ului Freakz (Administrators, Super Moderators, Moderators, WoW GameMasters) si VIP Members + Helpers nu vor putea participa in aceasta competitie;
    • Fiecare concurs pe care il veti castiga, va va aduce un beneficiu major: reputatie + VIP points. Dupa terminarea celor 16 concursuri, participantul cu cel mai mare cumul de VIP points va castiga FAC-ul;
    • Pentru concursurile de tip "VOTING", castigatorul se va alege in urma voturilor din partea administratorilor, super moderatorilor si moderatorilor;
    • Orice metoda de trisare, implicit certurile, fie in concurs, fie in zona de discutii, vor fi sanctionate fara precedent;
    • Alegerea castigatorului final va depinde foarte mult si de implicarea sa totala pe forum de-a lungul anului. Aici se vor puncta numarul de avertizari primite, exprimarea corecta din punct de vedere gramatical si ajutorul oferit utilizatorilor;
    • Pentru zona de discutii privind intreaga competitie aveti un topic facut aici.

  • Locul 1 Freakz Annual Competition: VIP PE FORUM TIMP DE UN AN + Tricou marca FREAKZ.RO + SpellForce Complete gift steam;
  • Locul 2 Freakz Annual Competition: Tricou marca FREAKZ.RO + Wolfenstein: The New Order steam gift;
  • Locul 3 Freakz Annual Competition: Tricou marca FREAKZ.RO + The Guild Collection gift steam;
    • Castigator Loteria FREAKZ: VIP PE FORUM TIMP DE UN AN!;
    • Castigator CS:GO tournament: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive steam gift + 10E paysafecard;
    • Castigator FIFA 2007 Tournament: Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising steam key + 10E paysafecard;
    • Castigator Poker Tournament : Operation Flashpoint: Red River steam key;
    • Castigator Dota 2 Tournament : Dirt Showdown steam key + 10E paysafecard;
    • Castigator League of Legends Tournament : Dirt 3 Complete Edition steam key + 10E paysafecard;
    • Castigator FREAKZ Mascot! / Mascota FREAKZ! : Operation flashpoint: Red river steam key;
    • Castigator Ho!Ho!Ho! : OverLord steam key;
    • Castigator Signature Battle : OverLord Rising Hell Expansion steam key;
    • Castigator Poetry / Incanta-mi inima : Hospital tycoon steam key;
    • Castigator Mr. Freakz-a-Lot : Overlord™ steam key;
    • Castigator Guess the Game / Ghiceste Jocul : DiRT Showdown steam key;
    • Castigator Hearthstone Tournament : Serious Sam Classic First Encounter steam gift + WoW In-Game Mount Hearthsteed (mount-ul e pentru primele 3 locuri) + 10E paysafecard

Last edited by ^AvioanE^ on 23-12-2015, 20:11:18; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 08-12-2015, 07:14:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The winner will also get a VIP rank (some extra features) on That is a very special group, the group has been around for over 2 years and there's only one member.


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