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Author Message839

[L3ON te va urmari!!]

Status: Offline
(since 20-09-2016 16:43)
Joined: 02 Mar 2014
Posts: 335, Topics: 67
Location: Constanta Eforie-Nord

Reputation: -15.2
Votes: 10

Post Posted: 18-12-2015, 00:27:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Nick-ul meu : -
2. Nick-ul celui reclamat : Focus
3. IP-ul reclamatului : -
4. Motiv : LMBJ
5. Dovada :

Bagati whiskey, vodka, tequila, sampanie
Nu somon fume, ci de ala preje
Unde's toate fetele? Bine tunate
Animal prin botix si sprancene tatuate
Va vindeti pe un parfum si n-aveti demnitate
Reusiti prin piata, prin bot si pe la spate
Visati la vacante scumpe in strainatate
Eu iti rup filmu!!
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