
[REJECTED] [Warlock][Destro] Chaos Bolt PvP

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Post Posted: 26-12-2015, 12:48:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description:

In primul rand sa nu uitati ca Shockeru a spus clar ca mecanicile sunt de 5.4.8!!! Asta rezulta in aplicarea tuturor modificarilor care s-au dat dealungul patchurilor asupra spelului. Tratati cu seriozitate.

Presupunand ca acum ai o formula si un update la chaos bolt de pe patchul 5.4.8 sau daca le dai in functie de patch, spun asta pentru ca in 5.4 cum spune si patch note'u de aici "Chaos Bolt's damage has been increased by 15%." nespecificand pve/pvp si presupunand ca se aplica la ambele. (10 sept 2013)

Facand calcule dupa formula: 2763 + 258.75% SP * (1 + Mastery %) * (1 + Crit %) * 2.06.

Chaos Bolt damage cu gear pe mine + buff vs player(72% resil) + nerful de 25%.

2763 + 258.75% SP * (1 + Mastery %) * (1 + Crit %) * 2.06

- Stats cu gear: 28061 spell power , 13.02% crit , 57.92% mastery, PvP Power 23.15%.

- 258.75% din SP = 72607.8375

- (1 + Mastery %) = 1.5792

- (1 + Crit %) = 1.1302

- 2763 + 258.75% SP * (1 + Mastery %) * (1 + Crit %) * 2.06 = 277116.8921

- Acum am adunat la rezultat PvP Power = 341269.4526 vs resil + 25% nerf damage.

- Rezultat vs resil = 95555.4467

- Si dupa ce am scazut si 25% nerfu = 71666.58, Rezultat care se apropie foarte mult de dmgul de pe freakz momentan, surprinzator xD.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Chaos Bolt damage fara gear pe mine + buff vs player(72% resil) + nerf 25%.

2763 + 258.75% SP * (1 + Mastery %) * (1 + Crit %) * 2.06

- Stats fara gear: 212 spell power, 1.78% crit , 24% mastery, 0% pvp power.

- 258.75% din SP = 548.55

- (1 + Mastery %) = 1.24

- (1 + Crit %) = 1.0178

- 2763 + 258.75% SP * (1 + Mastery %) * (1 + Crit %) * 2.06 = 8609.5939

- Rezultat vs resil = 2410.6862

- Rezultat vs 25% nerf = 1808.0146 , lafel rezultat care coincide mai mult sau mai putin cu dmg'ul dat pe freakz.

Link PvP Power vs Resilience :

Link Nerf 25%:

Link 15% damage increase: sau , la ambele linkuri trebuie dat scroll down, scuze.

In concluzie nu e mult 15%, dar e inexistent.

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Post Posted: 26-12-2015, 13:06:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The increase is in the spell power coefficient ... Pre patch 5.4 Chaos bolt formula took 225% of spell power . Now it takes 258.75 because 15% of 225 is 33.75 so 225+33.75 = 258.75 ...And the "error" you see is because of the base damage that is betweeen 2487 and 3039

Again for whoever reads this if it's not a HOTFiX the "buffs" are in the formula not added separatly ..

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Post Posted: 03-01-2016, 02:56:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You can check here (wowhead link) (click the wowhead one) at the changelog tab, compare the 5.3.0 version to the 5.4.0 version, you will see the 15% increase was for the spellpower coefficient as shodan stated before me.

Report seems invalid.

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You can play the entire game from ur Garrison/SW/OG nice mmo would play again Kappa. Retail WoW 2016™
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