
Concurs Top15

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Author Message231
[Banned user]


Status: Offline
(since 04-01-2016 22:46)
Joined: 15 Dec 2015
Posts: 117, Topics: 35
Location: Barlad

Reputation: 78.5
Votes: 5

Post Posted: 31-12-2015, 10:33:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dupa cum am anuntat, incepand cu data de 31 decembrie 2015 concursul va incepe!
Premiile acordate in ordinea clasamentelor !
Locul 1: >>> 20.000 Credite >>> VIP 1 Luna
Locul 2: >>> 50.000 Credite
Locul 3: >>> 40.000 Credite
Locurile 4, 5, 6 tot asa pana la 15 >>> vor primii 25.000 Credite

In acest concurs VIPI nu au voie sa participe !
Concursul se termina in data de 31 ianuarie 2016!
Multa bafta jucatorilor !
"Share sa vada si alti jucatori de cs concursul nostru, multumim !
Concurs oragnizat de "Zpa.Apocalipsa".

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Locked by Zpa.Apocalipsa, 31 December 2015 08:34

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