
[FIXED] [Paladin][Talent] Execution Sentence dispel damage

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Post Posted: 29-12-2015, 20:44:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:

Bug description: dispel part dont work as it should

how should be:

Execution Sentence will now immediately damage the target for 5 times the amount of damage that had been dealt by Execution Sentence's most recent periodic effect when dispelled.

Stay of Execution will now immediately heal the target for 5 times the amount of healing that had been dealt by Stay of Execution's most recent periodic effect when dispelled.

Proof: as u see in screen shot i use it on my target in duel he dispell it and take x damage not 5x last tick


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Post Posted: 09-01-2016, 18:49:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The damage you've shown in that screenshot is actually coming from the dispel itself... execution sentence cannot tick for 24k damage under any circumstance.

On the other hand, it seems the dispel damage and heal is calculated incorrectly, as it is not equal to 5 times the last tick, but it rather triggers the final burst.

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Post Posted: 11-02-2016, 22:54:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Huh? Need more info on this. spell tooltip says:
Dispelling the effect triggers the final burst

which would mean "last tick even if the debuff didn't reach the last tick"
Patch notes say:
milad1993xx wrote:

Execution Sentence will now immediately damage the target for 5 times the amount of damage that had been dealt by Execution Sentence's most recent periodic effect when dispelled.

this means 5x the last tick that actually ticked.

Soo.. which one is it? Some proof ?

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Post Posted: 12-02-2016, 03:44:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

all i can find is befor that patchnote ES have note dispell part...

They add this part at 5.4(with patch note) as u can see in changelog:

Changelog date 9sep
Patch note date 10sep (wowhead link)

Then i think 5x last tick is true

About "last tick even if the debuff didn't reach the last tick"
Maybe it should deal first tick at use?not after 1s?at now it deal first tick after 1s(have not proof about this just my opinion,forget it if not true)


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Post Posted: 06-04-2016, 13:45:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

According to wowhead changelog, there were 5 changes in 5.0 and 1 in 5.4 PTR.This 5.0 PTR didn't have the dispell part. It was added in 5.4 as stated bellow.

Dispelling the effect triggers the final burst. Unlimited range. Instant. This is from a PTR from 19/06/2013.

The next 3 links clearly say it does 5xMost Recent Periodic Effect.
Execution Sentence will now immediately damage the target for 5 times the amount of damage that had been dealt by Execution Sentence's most recent periodic effect when dispelled. This is from 5.4.0 release from 09/09/2013.
Execution Sentence will now immediately damage the target for 5 times the amount of damage that had been dealt by Execution Sentence's most recent periodic effect when dispelled.
If Execution Sentence is dispelled, it will instantlydeal damage or healing to the target (depending on who it is cast on) equal to5 times the value of the most recent tick. Taken from a Pala Guide.

My guess is that the tooltip is wrong. And Blizzard never fixed it -.-

23758 damage can mean it does instant damage like it says in the tooltip or that it does 5xlast tick. 23758/5=4751 damage per tick. How long was ES up on the target before dispell? If you dispell it in the first second, then the damage should be minimum, but if you dispell it at 9 seconds, you will take tons of damage.
eg. 10 seconds duration. 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 7000 9000 12000 15000 20000. These are the ticks. If you dispell at 1 second you get 5000 damage. If you dispell at 9 seconds you get 75000 damage. But if you don't dispell it, you get only 20000 damage.

I will test in a few hours how much damage each tick does and will dispell at certain times, to see if it does 20000 damage instant(based on my example above), or if it does 5xlast tick.

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Post Posted: 06-04-2016, 17:36:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I tested it myself, it doesn't deal 5x last tick's damage, it always deals the same amount of damage equal to the final burst.
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Post Posted: 28-04-2016, 14:13:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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