
Limba Engleza

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Author Message1306
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Post Posted: 31-01-2016, 12:31:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Salut. Fratele meu are nevoie de o compunere la engleza. Eu i-am mai facut odata compunere dar cica nu i-a placut profesoarei. In fine. Deci cerinta este aceasta:
Write a story ending like this: "When i finally got home safe,I promised myself I'd always tell my parents about my whereabouts"
Ofer 60 reputatie.

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[Welcome to my World]

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(since 18-04-2016 21:42)
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Post Posted: 31-01-2016, 20:15:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Poþi sã imi spui de unde anume i-a fost datã tema aceasta ºi în ce clasã este fratele tãu? Ca sã ºtiu ce fel de exemplu sã dau.

EDIT: Uite una, sã-mi spui dacã e ceva în neregulã: ,, Last day, when the weather was very nice outside and I noticed myself the sun shining so bright on the sky, I couldn't resist the tentation to invite my friends to a football match. However, I was so excited I actually forgot to tell my parents that I'm going outside. After I left, I began running on the sidewalk to the each one of my friend's houses, and all of them agreed to come with me. But, there was one bad thing in this story apart from my silliness, which is that we were all living in a dark neighbourhood, and we weren't aware of it. When we got to the court, we noticed strange people playing a match already, and a few of them sitting on the benches. We decided to sit down for a minute, and wait for them to finish. By the time we were talking to ourselves, a person rised off his seat, along with two others after him and approached us. They started pushing and threatening us, speaking about their "private territory", and that we shouldn't be here. After that, we immediately left that place. My friends were frightened and wanted to leave, so we split up to meet another day. When i finally got home safe, I promised myself I'd always tell my parents about my whereabouts ''.

Fã ceea ce îþi place, pentru cã oricum vei fi criticat.
Cãsuþã vocalã: zilla

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[Banned user]


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(since 17-12-2018 22:08)
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Post Posted: 31-01-2016, 21:17:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Multumesc. O sa primesti reputatia promisa.
Please T/C

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