
[Rogue][Spells] Stealth vs. flying spells

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Post Posted: 13-03-2016, 11:57:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: It acts like a vanish when you are about to get hit by a mid-air spell and you use stealth , it's like vanishing coils in tbc rogue vs warlock lol.

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Post Posted: 13-03-2016, 16:40:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

smashy7 wrote:
Let's say i get farmed by RM, and they farm me like every arena my healer dies every time like a rabbit from elwyn(one-shot i mean) And i try somehow to kill the rogue but the arena is over but i still want to do leap + storm bolt(stun) him. but look what happened i get farm again. Np i will try to search another shits maybe i will have a chance next time pls fix rogue.
Conclusion - Mircioaga(Rtb) somehow he knows when i'm gonna storm bolt(stun) and he avoid it with his agility that's amazing #mircioagabestrog

Proof from blizz
The real bug here is when enemy type "you are mad bro" and you cannot receive the message how you are so blind? trolololololo

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Post Posted: 13-03-2016, 19:35:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Vvtf wrote:
smashy7 wrote:
Let's say i get farmed by RM, and they farm me like every arena my healer dies every time like a rabbit from elwyn(one-shot i mean) And i try somehow to kill the rogue but the arena is over but i still want to do leap + storm bolt(stun) him. but look what happened i get farm again. Np i will try to search another shits maybe i will have a chance next time pls fix rogue.
Conclusion - Mircioaga(Rtb) somehow he knows when i'm gonna storm bolt(stun) and he avoid it with his agility that's amazing #mircioagabestrog

Proof from blizz
The real bug here is when enemy type "you are mad bro" and you cannot receive the message how you are so blind? trolololololo

Your post is meaningless because of those simple facts :
- he took dmg even if he went stealth from mage meaning that if he got storm bolted he would took the damage and automatically the stun too and all i had to do is walk to his location and hit him lol, thanks for profing this vvtf , you are a great helper.
- we will see who farms who after the fixes

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Post Posted: 13-03-2016, 19:59:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Your post is meaningless because of those simple facts :
- he took dmg even if he went stealth from mage meaning that if he got storm bolted he would took the damage and automatically the stun too, thanks for profing this vvtf , you are a great helper.
- we will see who farms who after the fixes

He took the damage but he still stay in stealth, so from storm bolt it's like took the damage and no stun effect

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Post Posted: 13-03-2016, 20:09:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

He would take the stun because it's no immunity . If that lance had chance to stun 100% he would get dmg + stun.

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Post Posted: 13-03-2016, 20:12:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

smashy7 wrote:
He would take the stun because it's no immunity . If that lance had chance to stun 100% he would get dmg + stun.

So it will be like take the damage get the stun and stay in stealth with the stun.. that's it cuz only the damage break stealth

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Post Posted: 14-03-2016, 12:55:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Vvtf wrote:
smashy7 wrote:
He would take the stun because it's no immunity . If that lance had chance to stun 100% he would get dmg + stun.

So it will be like take the damage get the stun and stay in stealth with the stun.. that's it cuz only the damage break stealth

Yes that's the mechanic like shockwave. You stun him but he stays in stealth(because of subterfuge) and you have to go to him/target then hit him. I asked skilz and he said the same , he didn't want to join here because he dosen't play anymore and i will not too , just want to help you guys play in a balanced environment.

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Post Posted: 14-03-2016, 14:25:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

smashy7 wrote:
Vvtf wrote:
smashy7 wrote:
He would take the stun because it's no immunity . If that lance had chance to stun 100% he would get dmg + stun.

So it will be like take the damage get the stun and stay in stealth with the stun.. that's it cuz only the damage break stealth

Yes that's the mechanic like shockwave. You stun him but he stays in stealth(because of subterfuge) and you have to go to him/target then hit him. I asked skilz and he said the same , he didn't want to join here because he dosen't play anymore and i will not too , just want to help you guys play in a balanced environment.

It's not the mechanic like shockwave cuz shockwave dont need landing time is instantly, storm bolt/ lance is landing time and you can avoid landing time spells/abilities, "just want to help you guys play in a balanced environment" shut fck up with this when you have 2faces on game and on skype fck off and btw i don't give a fck you leave the game or anybody else just stop making topic @someting you dont have a real proof.. *** pupincurist, i bring you a proof from blizz wtf you show me a proof from freakz that's senseless

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Post Posted: 14-03-2016, 21:33:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You prove to be forever retarded. It's just because you always played on private servers. I even activated 10 days trial to proof your stupidness.

Same storm bolt & vanish mechanic retail proof :

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Post Posted: 15-03-2016, 14:45:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Adding this as additional proof:

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Post Posted: 15-03-2016, 15:51:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

First of all, a recent fix caused Stealth to fully evade all flying spells, this was not intended. Fixed but not live yet.

But on the other hand, it's still not clear what exactly should happen and when:
- Should Stealth fully evade flying spells? Judging from the videos posted, it shouldn't (and it doesn't on our server)
- Should Vanish fully evade flying spells? Judging from the videos posted, it shouldn't (but on our server it does)
- Should Stealth partially evade flying spells meaning you should take damage but Stealth shouldn't be removed? Judging from Vvtf's video, this should happen (it doesn't on our server, you get damage and Stealth is removed) but judging from the other videos it shouldn't (or is it because the player also got stunned?)
- Should Vanish partially evade flying spells meaning you should take damage but Vanish shouldn't be removed? Judging from the videos posted, this should happen (it doesn't on our server, you don't get damaged and Vanish is not removed)

....... so which one is it?

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Post Posted: 15-03-2016, 16:19:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I said i wouldent post but here it is. On vvtf's video ( the one whit icelance) is proof of blizzard delay that wich cannot be replicated on our server . Stealthed at the same time as lance is just delay. Moving on. Stealth vs flyng spells. No you should not remain stealthed if the spell hits you. You gain stealth and subterfuge is activated ( 3sec stealth then it fade's. This goes for direct damage / dots. For stun / slow / incapacitate and so on. You will get the efect ( blind / stormbolt/frost nova/fear and everithing else) and then the same. 3 sec stealth from subterfuge and then it drops. Your cc/ incapacitate will remain for their normal duration. Vanish vs storm bolt / shockwave / blind / what ever you want. You will get the effect however subterfuge will not activate due to the improved vanish effect. And the remaining cc will remain on you for the full duration , you will still be stealthed unless another action will be taken after the vanish efect .

0: 47 shockwave in vanish

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Post Posted: 19-03-2016, 20:56:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yes, there is a blizzard delay that cannot be replicated here.

skilz wrote:
Stealth vs flyng spells.No you should not remain stealthed if the spell hits you. You gain stealth and subterfuge is activated ( 3sec stealth then it fade's

Wrong, even if Stormbolt, let's take for an example, does damage, that damage does not brake stealth/vanish, with or without subterfurge. He takes the CC, takes the damage but do not brakes stealth. In the first video that Smashy made, the rogue was without subterfurge, in the second with subterfurge.. so? What changed? I saw on retail that the warrior can't see the damage done by Stormbolt, but the rogue can. Maybe this is the glitch. I am posting here to help, and i only know what you guys said in the upper rows. I didn't made any test here.
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Post Posted: 19-03-2016, 21:40:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

marshlol wrote:
Yes, there is a blizzard delay that cannot be replicated here.

skilz wrote:
Stealth vs flyng spells.No you should not remain stealthed if the spell hits you. You gain stealth and subterfuge is activated ( 3sec stealth then it fade's

Wrong, even if Stormbolt, let's take for an example, does damage, that damage does not brake stealth/vanish, with or without subterfurge. He takes the CC, takes the damage but do not brakes stealth. In the first video that Smashy made, the rogue was without subterfurge, in the second with subterfurge.. so? What changed? I saw on retail that the warrior can't see the damage done by Stormbolt, but the rogue can. Maybe this is the glitch. I am posting here to help, and i only know what you guys said in the upper rows. I didn't made any test here.

Stealth has no damage retention mecanism . Vanish has the 2 second immunity. Stealth vs flyng spells. You get unstealthed after an harmfull flyng spell. Please do not post again if you dont know the mechanics.

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